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Evil Bob

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Everything posted by Evil Bob

  1. If the 4+ return during the same phase (turn?) rumor is true then 40 is where you will want to be. Outside Nighthaunt small 20 model units are whipped out by high dice spam or damage output elites in single combat phases. Model loss is the reason I stopped using skeletons and have been down on those point expensive ghouls.
  2. Fair assessment. Although I just cannot stress enough how the problem wasn’t they were the best. It was they made the other sub factions so terrible. My Favorite Null Myriad got a garbage 5+ to spell resistance. These bones were steeped in real stone and yet the main gimmick has no solid benefit. Even other sources where Devs deemed it important set the number as low as 3+. So this group not only lacks a combat, survivability, or movement type bonus but “something weak other” that has no reliability. It was also odd that Arkhams group loses their +1 cast from LoN. Rather than trashing the book over one nerf they should have done that nerf and fix the other sub factions. At these prices the lack of effort kind of ticks me off.
  3. My bad on FEC. It was really strong on release for people who went hard meta. Can’t blame GW for the point increases on key heroes to even things out. As a big Blisterskin and Deadwatch fan I never abused the book so it actually felt a bit weak. Something to do with the extra point costs on Ghouls, Flayers, and Horrors for their warscroll value. OBR hype was overblown. At LVO after release those Petrafex Elite were supposed to sweep it and they didn’t. Goonhammer has a great analysis here. PE was just part of the meta-game played outside actual AoS matches. Some people told a lie enough that it become truth. Their sin was being the only option to pick with the other sub factions stinking something terrible. If we’re pitching hopes mine is that we get something allot like LoN but updated on battleline unlocks, useable warscroll battalions, and updated spells. I don’t even care if they leave all our massed troop warscrolls the same so long as sub factions and/or warscroll battalions give us meaningful gameplay options. If the Devs can pull that off everything else will be gravy.
  4. Normally I’m not a big fan of speculation mainly because it often turns into rampant rumor mongering and that ends up shooting weird stress everywhere. Like an über broken chocolate fountain filled with dog pee. As a BCR fan and feeling relatively good about them in Ogre Mawtribes this could work. I’d be concerned at what GW might cut to make room and what might be left out on the full Soulblight side. But I’d take that hit if the condensed rules in both camps met with the current meta standards. Just to be clear I don’t think FEC is being jammed into SGL. There’s just no reason to since the FEC isn’t dead in the water like BCR and Ogres were. The only way I could see it is if the Devs put an “F” grade effort into Soulblight Vampires and were desperately trying to fill it in with copy and paste. Can anyone imagine them trying to release a worse book than Nighthaunt? Inconceivable. We are due for a win.
  5. I would not pay it any mind Honk. Someone read some fluff, made the mental connection and suddenly got excited. Considering GW didn’t even release the LoN until they FAQ’ed GA Death right out of the game. FEC is still useable albeit sometimes a challenge depending on the meta. I’d expect a new Nighthaunt book first. Maybe the pandemic made everyone crazy. Hyperbole has been pretty intense ever since the OBR release even when the PE doomsday scenario at LVO never materialized. Part of me would really like it if certain 40K players stayed in that game. It’s okay to visit but much of the game (and part of the community) has been toxic after 5th edition.
  6. It’s rather surprising GW has not released kits outside the mega sprue after two years. They can be found on eBay or local FB groups. The after market price on the Nighthaunt half (even discounting Grimghasts and Glaivewraiths) is a steal at GW prices. It’s practically a must for anyone starting Nighthaunt.
  7. Doubling down on 3 wound infantry can work with the entire model regen approach from the Lady and BC. Although the Spirit hosts will be soft to mortal wound spam or attack dice spam if someone goes all-in on such units while you minimized. That can be mitigated somewhat by dropping Grimgailer and taking a battline to 6x models. Another option would be ditch both named characters and add 6x Spirt Hosts (6x/6x/3x or 9x/3x/3x) then run a Spirit Torment with Ruler of the Spirit Hosts (bonus pun benefit). Black Coaches can work but are generally a PITA. A lot of planning has to go into it and a crafty opponent might sink your 220 point battleship. I go with the range attack for support character sniping. This model and a beefy unit of Spirit Hosts can comfortably block out an objective if you get there first. Do not expect this “cool super charger” to clear a normally defended objective. All those fancy assault rules are more for show than impact, not bad to have but not to be relied on.
  8. Bat Swarms are on 50mm rounds. I suppose they can be 3D printed or bought off eBay. 25mm rat swarms even rebased are going to look ridiculous.
  9. Just a word of caution the bat swarm goes on 25s and the rat swarm 32s. Neither shows up in the AoS cross-over warscroll book. To be honest I’m feeling a little kick to the gut here.
  10. The AoS 6’s rule was garbage compared to WFB. So yes they did lose their fancy weapons. We can disagree to what degree that effect had but frankly it’s moot.
  11. Wellll, Wights going into AoS from WFB did lose their very fluffy and scary weapons (which in WFB made up for their weaker combat stats compared to other elites). I think that nerfing had a considerable effect on their lack of traction in AoS. Considering what Blademasters just got maybe it’s time the elite bone-daddys got their original weapons back? I am open to rebasing twenty plus old school metal+plastic mounted wights. Just give me a compelling reason GW.
  12. One of the things that impressed me about AoS 1.0 was GWs ability to nerf down vampires while buffing the chaff. With how AoS 2.x has been power-creeping so many other units I’m not sure they can upgrade skeletons and zombies to the new normal without them looking ridiculous when compared to Cities of Sigmar base troops. So the idea of Making-Vampires-Great-Again is very appealing. Although I am getting tired of feeling like my only options for battline are Direwolves and Chainwrasps.
  13. Local game stores are getting copies as well. I picked up the Indominus set by getting to the FLGS Saturday morning as they opened. Now there was a real panic people seemed to have. I’ll get a copy whenever that will be. No rush since my in person options for gaming are a bit thin right now. That and GW has me trained for them to be a month or two behind when trying to order something locally. PS: Congrats Honk on hitting 2k posts. You’re entitled to menatlly crash now.
  14. Mannfred is pleased by this. Not that he’ll ever tell you that.
  15. Sometimes I wonder how many people really appreciated that ability. As AoS 2.0 progressed it certainly became more calculated. My favorite was battle scenarios with mid table objects and placing a VLoZD center field. Then swinging left or right for the 40 skeleton drop. As more alpha armies were released or crazy redeploys deciding on wether to try this ploy became interesting. When it work it was nice having the unit pushed out enough that charging enemy units couldn’t even contest for the objective. Never tried the backfield Legion of the Night flank. Then again the local club is filled with people that aren’t prone to letting me get away with that kind of trickery.
  16. Even if every battle is lost everyone you fight is going to hate you. It all depends how honest they want to be.
  17. “Beatings will continue until morale improves.” Guess my bloodline. I really wish there were more Death “leaks” or Warhammer Community posts because GW is being stingy with the details. Particularly if they have any plans to make the re-sculpted winged options viable. It’s been enjoyable ready all the different thoughts people have. Although I’m bracing myself for disappointment. If anything they can save me having to rebase around twenty metal Fell Bats. That’s a positive.
  18. A bunch of the local old-hammer players are pretty happy too. Thankfully when they get back this is a group that understands the first rule that showed up in the publications for years. Even our primary Slaneesh player never pulled the Keeper spam and she even owns the FW model.
  19. Deathriders aren’t selling. It’s not like they want to put in their precious Morteks at a discount. Just be grateful it isn’t Morghasts, a Harvester, and a Reaper. I actually like Deathriders. Although their ability is pretty weak compared to the shield wall option. I will probably pick up the set.
  20. If you get on the objectives first their will be a nice early VP lead that could be maintained. Just be tricky with the Deathriders. They have good coverage that can be manipulated into keeping/blocking objective access.
  21. I won’t be jealous. GW will still needs to release two more books for other temples and the One Book to Rule them All where Tyrion and Teclis do such an awesome chest bump while standing on Nagashes corpse (after they bro-smashed him) that they merge into one god model that people can get on the game table for $200+. No joke, playing High Elves is going to be a 5+ book investment. At least with Death they were a little more subtle with weaving Nighthaunt into it. Whatever Soulblights does get GW will end up nerfing it regardless of merit. It is a habit that is creepy, weird, and consistent. On the other hand nothing will be done on the elf end unless it clearly breaks the game at the top tournament levels. Case in point Eel Force. Against most army options it is the single most unfun opponent to fight. Even run-gun-nofight KO is better because they lose on VP. GW after ignoring it completely for so long decide to raise the point cost of an Eel unit to the SAME as FEC Infernal Flayers. I still sit and wonder if that is supposed to make them fair or underline how much the Devs seem to hate FEC?
  22. Not to mention GW has put out gravesite tokens before. The AoS Warscroll cards could easily include another set. If they are axed in the next book my four piles of skulls and a pike 25mm bases can be used as objective markers. Maybe I’m getting a little greedy wanting both gravesites and a useful faction terrain. Seriously I’d even be okay with a mini inverted pyramid being held up by ghosties.
  23. *slowly raises his hand* I’d buy. ;D I didn’t mind the original AoS “Wild West” approach. It just didn’t speak to me. My secret wish-list hope is a horror movie approach. Whack the unit size small like twenty models, no discount (they’re shambling in disorder so calling them a unit is already a stretch). Cheap. Terrible movement, terrible combat 5+/5+. Then inject a better natural shrug save like 5+ and inflict a -1 hit penalty on any models (not units) within an inch to represent the unrelenting terror of it.
  24. After playing Serephon a bunch before AoS 2.0 I would have sworn they wouldn’t get the easy unit teleport in the next book. Oh wacky GW, pass the roach please. If they have proven one constant is that they are crazy. I won’t be expecting anything better than the Nighthaunt book so that the end result will seem better compared to others expectations.
  25. I can’t get over the point investments needed. The increase in game meta shooting and ranged mortals doesn’t help. If the skeletons having better armor is any indication I hope the game Devs did a full review on the battleline options and how they are supposed to fit in the current game.
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