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Everything posted by novakai

  1. don't think the size scaling and wing finger length is big enough to be a Jabberscythe, it looks like it for a smaller model
  2. They have given cub7 more leeway when they did female Duardin archtype, the flesh eater court heroes, the necromancer though. I just assume that for the destruction expansion they decided to copy more closely with tabletop
  3. Soulbound artwork for Gitz (part one) And no it doesn’t mean a tome is coming soon so don’t ask
  4. Basically what the last IDK tome did with eels lol. All I am hoping for is a big power boost to the 2 Eidolons variants warscrolls
  5. these are probably the two RE for the two heroes i feel, since they were release back-to-back like the FS and IDK hero for fury of the Deep box. i don't think the bug legs is for a new Jabberscythe honestly.
  6. Also, I think Sylvaneath themselves are pretty popular army despite its gameplay flaws with wildwood, especially since within the community it an army that both has good appeal within the female crowd and a common choice for people GF/significant others to get into.
  7. Whitefang like my post so I must have said something right
  8. i think consensus is that they use these boxes to shift old stocks arounds in hopes of selling them off and the foot hero is just a low effort investment to incentivize new people to buy these boxes if they have not started these armies yet. generally speaking, these boxes have never really been for existing people in the hobby i find. also apparently new unit are way harder to produce then a stock monopose hero.
  9. pessimistic outlook said it just going to be books and one model for each like the usual. That just more common I find well I guess there a chances they will at least give skaven updated acylotes like Nighthaunt had Crossboos in the battle box. actual I would even put Sylvaneath having more chances just because they got that warding revanant in BR while Skaven didn’t get anything
  10. More tangibly I would assume it be Guard and Tyranid codex and maybe the most likely World eater rumor and Chaos daemon book still missing in the picture.
  11. The one they did for 40K was better (had both primary army and army owned) and had way more traction (2321 people). It really does show the community size difference nothing here is really surprising like Marines are top dog, and chaos being second is only because they combined all three in one category. I think the only think you can infer is that starter set army get a big boost when they are release (Necrons and Warclans)
  12. It doesn’t end until they release the one for Crusade rules
  13. Kind of resurrecting a dead thread but here was a recent survey done by Goonhammer for AoS on people primary army in AoS take it for what you will
  14. I think in the end GW would have to change the system to a smaller point value rather then community comping it to work. Let be Frank the community can’t come together to get anything done and rather follow what GW wants the game to be. the community also then to want to play balance games when playing semi competitive casual environment ( where most people are) and then to lean on the match play because it the fairest way to play over narrative and open play. Meeting engagement was a good start but it had balance problem and got worse when armies started to have on board teleportation which basically destroy the balance of the format. Instead of building on it, GW sort of gave up on it because it seem like no one played it over match play.
  15. Oh was there a snippet of who going to be the next WD tome celestial ?
  16. I mean Nighthaunt already got CrossBoos which is already more the. The usual but outside them the other 4 tomes may not get anything more
  17. you mean the Fall? i mean with GW there a good of a chance it anything can happen and nothing can happen at the same time. it can be a brand AOS new army or it can be just more 40k stuff and zero AoS stuff you asking a question no one going to know lol
  18. They probably be announce at Adepticon since they are not slated until summer and it does line up with the theee month preview window that they do There usually an AoS weekender sometime in May I believe but no word on that right now
  19. They usually last as long as how many they made in stock and how fast they sell out. The last few of these have pretty much dissappeared from the shelf right after they came out. Pretty sure they are limited time only like the BR boxes
  20. IDK, it looks like they treat side game stuff as side game stuff and not suppose to be part of AOS main. And it looks like the side game took more hits because of the pandemic like how there less warbands this year for underworlds and Warcry rarely getting releases to begin with. they don’t even align warbands with battletome release and put their scroll in the books anymore
  21. I think Warhammer weekly said it best where this year is when all the COVID lockdown and teleworking is going to have an knockdown effect on the miniature releases. Now I wouldn’t say that this year is going to just books and boxes and no big releases because GW reallocated everyone to get 40K back on track like they said but it possible that this year is going to AoS light. I at least am more optimistic that AoS will get something at the last half of the year and maybe Nighthaunt get more stuff base on rumor engines. But in the same vein I can easily see these next 6 books be pretty one and done as per usual.
  22. I am guessing everyone is assuming it just another FOMO box for the summer tomes?
  23. I don’t think it throwing darts on the wall but rather base on what they manage to finish up first like which one off hero model the miniature people complete and put in a box first and then the rule writer get those books out first. granted it made sense that Nurgle, IDK, and Nighthaunt got tomes earlier since those where three of the oldest tomes and 2 of them where more of 1.5 tomes. There may have been push a little bit harder. sometimes i feel they hold certain tome back because they plan for them to have more stuff being release in the future (like CSM for 40K) or they procrastinate too much and they only got it done at the end (Seraphon)
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