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Everything posted by novakai

  1. The symbol that people say is Skaven also looks like the new Nomad from Necromunda too
  2. There was also Angron and world eaters but I don’t think that him, I want to say it more unreveal CSM stuff given the timing looks like more squat news as well
  3. Huh there a mistake somewhere. The video said Warhammer underworlds but the calendar says Warcry
  4. From the banners it looks like it’s Sylvaneath for AoS Edit: the only other symbol that looks like for AoS is the Chaos slaves to darkness logo
  5. Gauging by the 40K heroes, it takes a while for them to be release separately. It was only a few weeks ago that TS and GK got their heroes from Hexfire and that was release mid last year. Custodes and Genestealer have not gotten their heroes yet from shadow throne which was 4ish months ago.
  6. I always just seen the warband are just alternative sculpt that you can use as proxy and never meant to refresh or act as replacement for older models. it not like you can viable buy enough Hrothgorn mantrappers to fill out enough Sabre tusk for your army, same can be said with those Skaven gutterunners too. Even if certain ones like Zarbag is an updated sculpt for a outdated madcap shaman model, he is definitely not the official replacement of that said model at least in GW minds
  7. Imperial Knights, even though they are most likely release at the same time as the Chaos Knights. but there also the Chaos Knight battlebox that probably going to be release first before the actual codex drop so that a release by itself.
  8. I don’t think you can play them in underworld anyway since they don’t sell the warband stats card anymore, all you get is the miniature and that’s it. You have to basically find the card by other means because they discontinued them when the warband are sold separately unless you bought them when they first release.
  9. They probably will have all 18 chapter at launch according to the leaks but also codex for each legion is plan afterwards the thing to keep in mind with Horus heresy is that every legion can use every generic legion unit in the game, if you release a new model in the game, all 18 space Marine legion gains access to it. It is much easier to refresh Heresy because essentially you can update all 18 armies in one big release. Of course there is legion specific units that are staying in FW and special armies like Adeptis Custodes and Mechanicum that exist but overall it not the same as how GW releases their other games
  10. The email I got said range rotation, anyone else can confirm?
  11. Basically they choose everything that went webstore exclusive and their cards have been discontinued. the Direchasm warbands minus the starter one are still avaliable in retail
  12. Possibly some inventory issues going on for GW
  13. Also the two starter warbands from Direchasm are on LCTB
  14. Speaking of Warhammer underworld warband. I got an email and now it on the LCTB section of the web store that the they are going through range rotation and are going out of stock soon looks like all the shadespire, nightvault and Beastgrave warbands do better get them now
  15. Granted being over 200pt probably makes them a hard ask for their armies since you probably want those point in something more essential and not a janky vanity unit.
  16. look like their short term answer to resin and metal models is Range rotation going by the recent one they did for Druhkari and taking out their resin models out of the store for the time being.
  17. Now that I think about it, it could be a hammer that belongs to one of a new doom diver artillery Grot crew similar to the old mini
  18. True but BB usually have their own rumor engines and don’t generally get showcase on the main weekly engines (at least not in recent memory)
  19. The mallet belong to a Squig rider playing Polo (or croquet or whatever fancy smancy posh sport that Brits like to play)
  20. Malerion ( and Tyrion) is like Angron and Fulgrim where it not a matter of if but when they release them. Since they release like 3/5 of the aelven pantheon alreadythey will eventually get to the last two
  21. It would not be happening in the edition since Daughters of Khaine are getting a new battletome like in a month from now
  22. I think the end of the article hints that Hyish is maybe the next realm after Ulgu
  23. Confirm they are Morathi Aelves and work for her. So they are not specifically from Malerion as of now.
  24. I think CSM breeding chamber is still a thing which is the worser version of broodmother. other Grimdark things still exist like the recent War of the Beast novel and the stuff Ork do to the captive humans on their planets
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