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Posts posted by Jator

  1.  So, I don't follow 40k news, but some info has beed flodding into my gaming whatsapp groups. Info that will probably be relevant for AoS future.
      Seems like there is going to be a point increase for all units. This seems like a smart move if they want to keep atracting people to the hobby in the dire economic future that awaits us. Not sure how 40k scales with AoS in this regard, but anyway I think we can expect the fantasy game to follow the same route as soon as they can implement it.

     There is also table size reductions and apparently some focus in shorter games, which is where modern games are headed anyway, and where they were stepping into with Meeting Engagements.

      Again, I think all of this gives a hint on AoS future.


  2.   I do like the idea. For me, a multiverse of sorts is pretty much implied in a setting like this, handled by different people and projects. We know Blood Bowl happens in the Old Wolrd...but is not the same Old World where you played your WFB games. TW:W and the End Times can hardly happen in the same timeline. And the Storm of Chaos never happened in Warhammer 8 edition.

      That being said, I'm not sure GW would find appealing that approach. Ditching the results of a global campaign because "now we move to a universe where none of this happened" (again: Storm of Chaos) will ****** off players. And fans may want them to divert resources to  different timelines that the ones they're interested on exploring/  find profitable (like asking for an EndTimes-free Old World).

      So  I don't think it will ever be official, as fans can pretty much do that fan-canon (not canon at all) by themselves without GW having to compromise.


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  3. A shame there aren't suitable leaders for Eshin or Moulder list. I'm thinking maybe the Stormervin boss could represent an Eshin with a naginata or a Packmaster with some kind of monster-prodder.

    The Moulder warband is growing on me the more I think about it, I can totally picture the rats roaming the All-Points looking for suitable test subjects. Rat Ogres are powerful, with packmaster also giving them extra attacks, and both the masters and the giant rats have the same damage output than the warriors but are cheaper.

    As someone who only tried the game once, what would you say it's the best approach for this? Should I make room for squishy rats and be more "swarmy" or just spending the points on Rat Ogres and packmasters?


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  4. 3 minutes ago, michu said:

    @Jator There were also wars with Vampire Counts and later Great War Against Chaos happened. And at that time Dark Elves invaded Ulthuan. Faal of Praag. Battle at the Gate of Kislev. Can't wait!

    The Great War against Chaos would be an interesting era (and explain why the North is so well featured in the new map) but wasn't that in the aftermath of the Age of Three Emperors? Still, as you pointed out, there can be conflicts that I forgot, or just others newly created, (there's room for that. And weren't the skaven also amidst a civil war?).

    I also forgot to mention what I consider the positives on my last post: The map is beautiful, and they seem to have a direction for the game now.

  5. The icons of the map suggest this will be settled around the Age of the Three Emperors. If the game focuses on pseudo-historical humans it will be a hard pass for me.
    I know the Gorbad Ironclaw's invasion happened around that era, but I don't remember anything else interesting happening. Of course, if this follows the Middle-Earth BSG  approach, we may be only talking about the first book, with others potentially based on more juicy eras.


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  6. My personal preference would be for Gotrek to appear mid fight, throw some cheesy line like "daddy's here" and stomp both.

    What I actually think would happen is that Katakros will secure the Realmgate to Shyish and that will be it.

     Other safe bets (already mentioned in this thread):

    - Skaven thwarting Nagash's plans somehow, probably being key at stopping the Bonereapers advance.

    - Death will achieve some kind of secret objective/just as planned, like Mannfred snatching something from the Allpoints in the confusion or whatever.

    • Haha 2
  7. 2 minutes ago, Thiagoma said:

    I think the new elves are gona be High Elves and their flaw will be on the lore not on the models.

    I also belive Tyrion will be a part of it but GW is keeping it secret.

    Oh, I meant the lore too. I was talking about Teclis design, which based on his track record is doomed to be flawed, as Whitefang said.

    A  miniature/diorama of the twins in the same vein as Katakros would be amazing.

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  8. 25 minutes ago, Whitefang said:

    To be fair, old  high elves are just “perfect” elves in Teclis’ eyes

    Although even remade that may be beyond his ability, pity

    Since you're in the know, I can't help but wonder if that's a hint. Should we expect some design flaw on this new aelves? Not pointy enough?

  9. 1 hour ago, alghero81 said:

    Well Katakros against Archaeon is a weird one cause Katakros is called the Undefeated (in his last form) and him being defeated a month after getting his new name would look bad.


    He can't be defeated by Archaon if he runs as soon as the Everchosen appears.

  10. 3 hours ago, Turin Turambar said:

    when did he say this. not doubting you just curious about when its likely to happen. was it recently or a few months back?

     He wrote these posts on October 30th:

    On 10/30/2019 at 4:55 PM, Whitefang said:

    Light Alves will be relatively similiar to old high elves (Compare to Sea and Murder Elves) I think, and maybe with a bit Slanneshi trait since they have been polluted in the nature


    On 10/30/2019 at 6:14 PM, Whitefang said:

    We shall talk about this 8 months later



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  11. I concur the first "Age of Sigmar" is one of the best choices to set the Old World game, as it lets them feature most of the races that inhabited the continent: Sigmar allied with dwarfs and kicked asses of greenskins, undead (Naghas would be featured as well, and he's a big deal in AoS) and even skaven. I don't remember if it was mentioned back then if he fought beastmen and chaos marauders, but is pretty much given and no one will rise an eyebrow for that.
    I'm still more inclined towards the different campaign/era books, but your guess is as good as mine.

  12. 13 minutes ago, Sleboda said:

    If they announce that it's going to be a 6mm "Epic" system, then I'll agree with the above.

    I know you already know this, but there's little chance of GW moving away from the 32mm heroic scale. They have to play their strengths, and great sculping is hard to appreciate at that scale.

    That being said, I'd love something like Warmaster, even if it keeps a more popular scale as @sandlemad suggested. Heck, whatever keeps us away from individual miniatures removal would be great for me.

  13. 1 hour ago, Overread said:

    3) GW knows that its a long way off and every day since the end of Old World meant more of that fanbase either drifts away from GW or even model making. So this news is designed to engage them before more are lost. Remember in 2 or 3 yeares time the idea of GW bringing the whole game back (let alone any removed factions) is likely to be near impossible without this bit of news

    4) It's a warning to GW's competitors in the rank and file market; they've now got a few years to either shift tactics or really solidify themselves. GW is basically throwing down a gauntlet at them. It also might help discourage some 3rd parties even starting up the idea if they think that GW is going to muscle back in (of course at the same time others are going to rub their hands with glee at being able to 3rd party supply GW fanswith a fresh wave of model types

    My own guess goes in that direction. I still think BB was revived just to prevent other companies from making money from it.


    50 minutes ago, Nostok said:

    Is it possible that it is also they intend to have a whole swath of novels to cover this period of Old World history.

    No need for new novels when tehy have tons setled in the Old World. The lore needs almost 0 investment.

  14. As a long time WHF fan I'm...not excited by this. But maybe I will.
    The thing is, I moved on. Or better put, I nevel felt the Old World was gone. 30+ years of novels, the rpg, the videogames...the Old World was pretty much alive and kicking, there for those who want adventures in it, and I know many people still settles their KoW or 9th age battle sin that setting.

      Although I'm not a fan of AoS rulesett the game is hands down more accesible than WHF was, and I'm always interested to see the new factions and concepts GW brings to the game. I'f they just bring back WHF as it was, I'd be happy for other old fans like me, but uninterested myself. As I said, the lore is already there for me to enjoy, and other rulesets (and IMO, better) are there too.

     That being said, this thread has some interesting ideas:

    - Setting being an specific, iconic time from the Old World. Or more than one. Sort of MEBSG: One year we have "armies of black skull pass" with rules and miniatures, then next year we'll have "war of the beard", and so on...of course with all these armies being compatible to batle against each other.

    - Leaving room for AoS to focus on AoSified factions. Bear in mind that soem factions fit both settings really wel, as FEc and Gloomspite/Night goblins, but many others could be shoved into the Old World and leave space for all the new high-famtasy stuff.

    So I am actually getting a bit excited about this, but the (comprehensible) lack of information turns me off. Which also rise the questions of why this now and why this way?


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  15. 17 minutes ago, EccentricCircle said:

    Did other Emperors not wield it before Karl Franz? I thought it was passed down as an heirloom, but I may have been misunderstanding, since I'm not very up on my Empire Lore. Or do you just mean that they were the only "hammer bearers" to be alive at the end times?

    Quoting the Warhammer wiki:

    When Sigmar vacated the Imperial Throne in the year of 50 IC, it is unclear whether he left his Warhammer upon the throne along with his crown, or whether he took it with him. Historical texts differ on this point: some say that the Emperor left the Warhammer on the throne, others that he took it with him, and still, others that the Dwarfs returned it to a future Emperor some years later, saying that Sigmar had left it with them on his journey to the East.

    So it is technically possible for the Celestant-Prime to be Magnus the Pious or Mandred Skavenslayer, but popularity being a factor in these "creative decisions" make it unlikely.

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  16. I think it was around twelve when a classmate lent me a White Dwarf and I get hooked. I was already a fantasy fan into LotR and Dragonlance, and I started collecting a few minis and monopose plastic boxes in a disjointed manner. I even asked for the 4th edition box for Christmas (Grom vs Eltharion) and manage to get a single game at the LFS where I played D&D.
    But the lack of money, skill (for painting) and a gaming group frustrated me and I gave up on the hobby.

    Years later, with all the End Times fuzz, I realized that I had money and knew friends into the hobby, so I jumped in (Some might say it wasn't the best moment, but hey, people were underselling their armies).

    Honestly, I get bitter when I think about all the years I missed, so stories like the ones shared by @Minis by Night and @Televiper11 helps me reconciling with myself.

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  17. 10 hours ago, TheWilddog said:

    I disagree. Not just power gamers are attracted to power creep.  How much buzz has there been with the release of each of the newer, overpowered books? The casual players are drawn to "good" rules too. I know several local FEC players who have never got anywhere close to a tournament that went out and bought AGKoTG like they were going out of style.


    I have to disagree with you on this point. Following your example, the appeal here was not the power creep: An army with 3 or 4 AGKoTG sounded appealing because a monster mash looks cool, seems fun to play with, and allows you to collect FEC (well-loved for their fluff) without having to paint a hundred ghouls. The fact that is overpowered can actually prevent people from collecting such army for fear of being considered "that guy" among his casual gaming group.

  18. The issue with "unbalance" in AoS is largely about how is delivered.

     In Blood Bowl unbalance is sold as a feature, and people are happy with it. Some teams are just harder to win with, and in exchange, they offer either a rewarding experience (teams that become powerful at the latter parts of a league if you stick with them and level up wisely) or just a fun experience.

     As @JPjr has explained, the way armies are released for AoS (as in old Warhammer, or 40k) leads inevitably to power creep, as designers want to try new, cool things, and people inevitably wonder if this unintended or not (although the annual adjustments with the general handbook should minimize this, so they really manage this better than in the old world era).

    Anyway, most people I know are happy with not being crushed consistently for playing the army they like against similarly skilled players, I haven't met anyone who expected "perfect balance" in games like this.

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