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Twisted Firaun

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Everything posted by Twisted Firaun

  1. Beat me to it, also @KingBrodd Help me you majesty! the corrupted beauty of Asaph is compelling me once again!!!
  2. My hopes are as follows: Settra Grombrindal Chaos Dwarfs Kragnos
  3. I'm alright with the break, gives me time to finish my painting contract.
  4. Great Horned Rat is definitely the black sheep, Archaon literally spat in the dude's face when offered a boon.
  5. autocorrect hates aos spelling, I meant ogres.
  6. We did get new ogors sire, they just happen to be very old and slightly rotting....
  7. I bet a new Kroak that he gets to learn enemy wizards spells as well as his own.
  8. I know the feeling, but it was Transformers for me.
  9. You can make them both if you play corrupted Genestealer Cults....
  10. Belakor storms Varanspire, recruits the chaos dwarfs working for Archaon for himself, then opens a portal for SETTRA to come and stomp on Archaon for destroying his realm.
  11. What is this “Solar System” you speak of? Jokes aside I think this is gonna be a 40K/Necromunda week with the dropping of House of Faith(cawdor witch hunter conversions are a go!) and the water guild.
  12. You know how I feel about the Dawi sir(if you remember my old picture before rededicating myself to Settra and LONG LOST NEHEKHARA!!!), and personally I'm tired of all these elves walking around acting like they own the realms... Except the Idoneth, they're alright all things considered.
  13. Add in the stories of Grombrindal traveling around the mortal realms talking to every Duardin faction(and that he takes a different form and name when he does so), and something certainly seems to be going on with the Dawi.
  14. Howdy folks, I have some sepulchral stalkers(Tomb Lings), that I want to convert to fit my army, any idea on how to turn them into Fiends of Slaanesh?
  15. My last model was a plague marine squad, wish me luck boys.
  16. You’re not alone sire, but if Ogres are getting love let it be in the form of expansions to the Beastclaw and Firebelly side of things.
  17. I’d say 75% likely your swoleness, and if not then we’ll get an Avatar/Mortarch/high ranking warrior just like everybody else.
  18. This summer is gonna be wild, and then in the winter we get a teasing of Kislev and Cathay brought to you by our new friends CA and the Total War Series. As for the heresy box set, I’ve heard rumors of plastic mark II power armour.
  19. Probably the same when I tell them I can grant them eternal life after death if they pledge to serve in my legions.
  20. Yes, they also bring torches sir, and I don’t think anyone needs to know what mummified flesh smells like.
  21. Ladies, Gentlemen, Spooks and Ghouls, I do believe we are all in serious trouble.
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