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Twisted Firaun

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Everything posted by Twisted Firaun

  1. I know the last Beast of Chaos battle tome was controversial.... but thank God it allowed us to run enlightened on foot (even though they're mid without the discs). It is an unwritten law of the universe that 99% of all villains need to have awesome armor, Tzeentch naturally took this rule to its logical extreme. I honestly can't wait for The Old World and Grand Cathay, think of the potential...... If I had the skill I'd make a mixture of the two (Cathay and Tzeentch) armies that looks like the what would happen if Mamluks had invaded China. Total-war-warhammer-3-grand-cathay-tabletop-rules-screenshot-terracotta-sentinel-concept-art-drawing.webp Celestial-guard-concept-art-1.webp
  2. @MitGas I feel your pain, I'm so desperate for Doom Knights I'm thinking of kitbashing some and running them as Tzaangor Enlightened. Maybe the new character could be a particularly powerful Fatemaster? Like an evil Middle/Far-Eastern version of Merlin. Maybe we'll get Forsaken with the new StD expansion, after all we haven't gotten the whole tome yet....
  3. I still think we're also going to get a Warcry Warband dedicated to Tzeentch in the same manner as the Rotmire Creed is for Nurgle, but that's just me. I would love to see a named character model as well, so that our faction stands out a bit more.
  4. It could be a similar case to Adeptus Mechanicus and Imperial Knights: the former’s codex has units from the latter, but both are considered separate factions and get separate rules updates.
  5. I’d argue against Death being a completely monotheistic faction, as it’s been made clear that certain Godbeasts and “dead” gods are worshipped by various sub factions and the mortarches being treated somewhat like demigods. But otherwise this pretty accurate. I feel like a God of Blizzards/Storms would be a perfect hero to be tied to the Mawtribes aesthetically. Storms tend to consume the land around them, and the Beastclaw Raiders could use an expansion to make them a proper sub faction.
  6. Congratulations @KingBrodd! of course this means that we'll expect a painted version of your new self to be posted on here once the kit comes out. Of all the factions to be updated, I hope OBR are the second to last. I don't have any good reason for this, but I just wish that we'd focus more on the "proper" undead/mortals of the grand alliance of death. I'd love to see some new ghouls for FEC, and updated Graveyard kit, and (of course) the return of certain units from LONG LOST NEHEKHARA!!! like the Ushabti and Necrosphinx. If the Cities of Sigmar can keep pretty much all the 8th edition kits, why can't the Tomb Kings live on? I know GW still has the moulds....
  7. Tzeentch would approve…… BUT SETTRA DOES NOT!!!
  8. Personally, I'm really looking forward to The Monkey King of Grand Cathay in both Total War and TOW. It might seem to be a strange thing to prioritize given my chosen armies (Tzeentch and Tomb Kings), but here are my reasons: 1. The Journey to the West is an awesome piece of Mythology/Religion. 2. In Islamic Folklore/Daemonology (particularly the Kitab Al-Bulhan) there is a Djinn King named "Maymun Al-Malik" or "Auspicious Clouds" who is essentially the Monkey King without the Buddhist/taoist symbolism (and potentially evil). 3. The model could be an impressive base model for some awesome chaos conversions. In the lore from Total War the people of Cathay believe him to be a stand in for each of the chaos gods (Spider Monkey for Tzeentch, Gorilla for Khorne, Orangutan for Nurgle, Baboon for Slaanesh). In short, bring on the Far-Eastern armies and aesthetics for Chaos, I can't wait to see what the community can come up with in the coming years.
  9. Being linked to WW2 is definitely a lot worse than being linked to 9/11, especially if you're linked to The ****** or Japan. But you're right @MitGas, people often don't mean to make horrible conclusions with their decisions, and certain settings/time periods have near-perfect villains. Ultimately, what matters is if people are inspired by history and religion to create something "new" under the sun. Tzeentch really needs more "regular" mortals in their range, and not just another round of tzaangors. I really like the Doom Knights from Total War, and hope we get a unit similar to them on the tabletop. Barring the Evil Magic Carpets, one thing I would like to see is some small unit of warrior-alchemists (leaning more toward the new "Far East" aspect given to Tzeentch by TOW and Cathay) similarly designed like the curseling, using potions and sealed daemons (djinn) to bolster their power. I'd also argue that we're going to get some kind of war cry warband showcased at Nova, as mono-god cults seem to be this seasons big thing. For 40k I want the entirety of the World Eaters range teased. Let's see some berserkers, Red-Butcher terminators, the berserker-surgeon from the WhiteDwarf with a better name, and at least two more character-units. I want the Leagues of Votann reveals to be finished, as I'm getting tired of seeing them every Monday. Otherwise, I hope for some kind of Mechanicus unit being previewed.
  10. Personally, all I really want/need from war cry now is some kind of Tzeentch-themed cult, and a death war band. Odds are we're going to get some kind of updated Grave guard, but I wouldn't mind an "assassin-mortician" war band like the one mentioned in the Ossiarch Bonereapers battle tome. If that warband worshipped a scorpion or snake Godbeast and had a vaguely Egyptian theme to them, then I'd be all over them. TLDR: I need some evil bird bois and mortal tomb kings.
  11. Too true @MitGas, too true. Meanwhile, in non Warhammer related fiction, if any faction is set in the desert and is religious they’re nearly always fundamentalists in the wrong…..
  12. I understand wanting to play a certain army not on the tabletop, god knows I want the Tomb Kings to return and for GW to put out an Arabian Faction. Just look at some of the art they created back in the Old World: I'm just saying it's better to temper this feeling of hope, and instead learn how to kit bash like a pro so that you can make the army of your dreams from the current kits.
  13. Did someone mention TOMB KINGS?!?! Wait, we’re just talking about Silent People? Never mind. Why are people acting so surprised that GW is expanding a background race/culture without ever expanding upon it or giving them tabletop models? They did that to every human nation that wasn’t French, German, or Vikings back in Warhammer Fantasy.
  14. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/08/23/champions-of-chaos-spread-ruin-in-new-total-war-warhammer-iii-dlc/ With the latest DLC drop, what are some units/characters from the game everyone hope/wish to see in TOW? My choices: 1. Dual wielding Tomb Guard 2. Vampire Coast (all of it) 3. Doom Knights.
  15. If the IP was "dead" then we wouldn't have gotten Vermintide, Total War: Warhammer, or Chaosbane. There're clearly enough fans of both 30k and 40k to warrant a division between the two settings, why should TOW and AOS not share the same divide?
  16. I won’t lie @Nezzhil,that is a depressingly small amount of stuff to be revealed in a week. Here’s hoping this isn’t completely true and we get a few surprises along the way.
  17. Thank you @Public Universal Duardin, may you roll nat 6s and your models be masterfully painted. I myself am jumping on the Be'lakor Bandwagon, since GW is really only letting him advance the plot in Chaos' favor in any of the settings. His new model looks amazing and has a ton of kit bash/conversion material/potential, especially the dead marine or chaos warrior. Finally, his Total War voice actor is Richard Armitage. Honestly the only way they could make him better is if he decided to bring back the Tomb Kings to troll Nagash.
  18. I always thought Batman would be the thrall of Tzeentch (since that's Superman ice cream).
  19. My money is on the following being revealed next Wednesday/Thursday: 40K World Eaters: Full berzerker kit, new hero(es) such as the Berserker-surgeon mentioned in the White Dwarf, followed by fast attack and terminators. Leagues of Votann: Full range and box (enough said). Guard: New cadians, teaser of codex. Misc/hopes: Dark Mechanicus teaser, Tau Empire HH New resin character. Plastic Assault Marines. Mk II Marines Vehicle upgrade kits AOS Chaos: Tzeentch Battletome (plus new units?), Khorne Underworlds team + new range teaser, Chorfs teaser. Death: FEC update(?) and battle tome, Cursed Cities expansions, Warcry teaser. Destruction: Ogors (battle tome) My Lord! SoB Battletome, Gloomspite Gitz teaser. Order: Lumineth Battletome, Dawnbringers Crusade General: Season of War: Thondia part II, Gork/Mork Boogaloo.
  20. We know that GW’s rereleasing the Gellerpox Infected and Elucidian Starstriders boxes alongside the 2022 annual, and Warcry just had an awesome box drop. Let’s put those games on the back burner and focus on what’s coming for the two main games so that we can finally end the ridiculous amount of drip-fed squat news.
  21. An Ironjawz Shaman is leading a bloody WAAGGHH throughout the continent of Rhondol, stirring up the Kruleboyz and bonesplitters into a frenzy. A new Stormhost known as the Kraken Blades are trying to stop it, but they’re outnumbered. It’s going to be a slaughter not seen since the End Times!!!
  22. A myriad of greetings your Swoleness! Have you by chance have you picked up the latest white dwarf? Things are picking up in Ghur and it looks like a great time for plans to be made, grudges settled, and armies stomped. Hello There! General @MitGas, Don’t worry, we’ll snag @Neverchosen’s soul eventually. This last quarter is looking excellent for chaos (undivided or otherwise).
  23. Indeed I am he. While my love for LONG LOST NEHEKHARA!!! And distant Araby still burn brightly, I have pledged the remnants of my soul and dynasty to Tzeentch in order to destroy the usurper once and for all. Jokes aside I’m really hyped by the Arcane Cataclysm and Champions of Chaos DLC, and have changed my name to reflect this while still being in character (Firaun is Arabic for Pharaoh/Mummy).
  24. Just because I changed my name doesn’t mean you should start tempting us with the return of LONG LOST NEHEKHARA!!!
  25. Sorry @Beliman, the only book that sells faster than dwarf sky pirates is Gotrek vs Thanquol round 3, with Chaos Dwarfs in the background.
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