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Posts posted by Saiken

  1. I'm trying to think about what could work while waiting for the book to drop.
    But, do you think that Dragon Ogors are best used at MSU, just like Bullgors ?

    I'd like a Thunderscorn heavy list as I love the models, and now they seem to be viable again !

  2. 6 hours ago, Malakithe said:

    Im hoping Dragon Ogors get reworked. Ive always loved them but they never fit in with anything 

    I definitely feel the Same !

    But from what I understand, and as @decker_cky mentioned, they are probably going to be very fast and hard-hitting, which I don't feel you see quite often !
    I really wonder what changes it will actually make to have the Dragon Ogor Shaggoth becoming a Mage too !


    Anyways, I really want to bring Dragon Ogors to the tabletop. They are really cool models !

  3. I'm so hyped ! 

    I decided a couple of months ago to just forget about the " no battletome : ****** army" and go deep into brayherd because I just loved the models. 

    You can't imagine how happy I am about that choice. 


    Also : you can see on the bottom right of the page it's the October 2018 White Dwarf. 

    Does that mean the release is due  in September and that they go a focus in October ? 


    • Like 1
  4. I'm super confused by that endless spell.

    It would make a lot of sense background and mythology-wise that this speak is a Chaos Dwarf spell in a sense. 

    Though ... As someone pointed out, it's face is very close to the one of a Bullgor.

    Don't get  disappointed yet, I think GW knows exactly what they're doing. 


    When you think about it, this thread is a gold mine for them. They would be dumb not to lurk around here, see what we expect ... And what we're excited about ... ;)


  5. 14 hours ago, LLV said:

    I Initially heard darkOath/Beastmen 'this year' but conflicting info from different sources. At this point I'm not sure how they'll fit in the calendar as Genestealer Cults will also be squeezed in the above quick cap probably around Nov too.  Roguetrader is a single release (ala killteam), Grots will be drawn out as will 40k Orks and the Darkoath release I  heard was a full one- so maybe 3-4 weeks worth.

    So I would guess maybe in the new year, but I've heard thats the Slaanesh slot too....?

    GW have been juggling and moving around releases based on a few things - leaks, capacity issues, changing/revised narrative. 

    But Grots (note im saying 'Grots' because at this point based on what I've been told on the range im not even sure theyre 'moonclan' anymore) are happening very soon and I wouldnt be suprised to see them this weekend at Warhammer Fest Europe or at the latest Nova panel next weekend


    I swear I excitement is on Rollercoaster mode with your rumours, I love it and hate it at the same time :D
    I was really deeply wishing Goat-Tember would happen ... Beastmen are so in need of news units and of a Battletome ... No other rumours on this.

    Though, the fact you mention grots and not moonclan + those insectoïd rumours .... I'm just super excited of what's to come !

    So, thanks a lot for sharing this with us !

    • Like 4
  6. @ianob from today on, I'm going to call you Master. Because you know ...


    Master of puppets I'm pulling your strings
    Twisting your mind and smashing your dreams

    More seriously, I'm curious why it doesn't actually work, and what are the other viable routes that could be considered :)
    Thanks for you honesty though ! ?

    • Like 1
  7. There's also that Leather Cape that could be either Barbaric or Beastmen looking.

    Actually, I never thought of Darkoath being Legions of Nagash style of book. But now that you mention it,  @LLV said he had a doubt between Darkoath/Beastmen for the incoming release. Maybe it's actually both :)

    • Like 1
  8. Believe me or not ... But following this info ... I just bought 20 gors. That's how excited I am right now !

    Also, I still believe that the Candle is linked to Sisters of Battle. It looks a lot like the one you see on the 3D model that has been showed IMO.

    • Like 1
  9. In case you missed it, there are currently strong rumours on the Rumour  Thread pointing towards a release at the end of the year of a Darkoath/Beastmen army ...
    If it's allowed to dream ... well I'm definitely dreaming right now ! ?

    • Like 2
  10. Wowowowow, someone said Beastmen ? This is definitely something I didn't remotely see coming !
    I quite don't see how it would fit the Darkoath banner, especially since thus far Darkoath fits under Slaves to Darkness .... Now you really got my curiosity !

    • Like 1
  11. Very interesting list, and definitely along the lines of what I was thinking with my previous question.

    I'm just wondering about including Tzaangors in such a list. They do fit the general style of the army ( they're gors after all) and they seem pretty deadly ?
    Any reason why you chose not to include them at all ?

  12. It really bugs me that Brayherd and Warherd are not the same faction.
    It sucks having to field Cygor as a ally when you play Brayherd, because 400 points come really fast, and we never have enough Jabbers :D

    Therefore, has anyone come up with a GA:Chaos list that could potentially be viable ?
    What do we lose really by not taking the Brayherd allegiance ?

    • Like 3
  13. Hi guys,
    I've been thinking of a Tzaangor heavy 1k list ( that I might extend to 2K if I like it).

    Do you guys have any feedback or tips for me by any chance ?

    Allegiance: Tzeentch
    Leaders :
    Tzaangor Shaman (180)
    Gaunt Summoner (180)
    Units :
    30 x Tzaangors (480)
    10 x Kairic Acolytes (80)
    10 x Kairic Acolytes (80)

    Total: 1000 / 1000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 200
    Wounds: 91

    I was debating Between Gaunt Summoner ( because its amazing) and Ogroid Thaumaturge (because I love the model). Any feedback on this specifically ?
    Also I was advised to split the Acolytes in 2 units of 10 for board control, which I thought was pretty clever.

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