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Everything posted by shinros

  1. Don't forget, technically our battletome came out last year, it got delayed due to covid, I highly suspect we're getting warscrolls rewrites for Kragnos. Let us all pray for the Slaangors, they might become good! On the gender of the twins? In my mind it doesn't matter, despite Slaanesh being gendered as a he, it's been a thing where Slaanesh appears as the thing the person wants most, so if you really only care about hamburgers, Slaanesh would be a hamburger, literally, if you are into dudes, Slaanesh would appear to you as a dude, if you are into women? Well, slaanesh would be a woman. In the story where the silver knight encountered slaanesh he appeared as an innocent young boy. In the case of Synessa, the avatar would do whatever it takes to corrupt you, so whatever you call the creature won't matter to it in the slightest and I doubt their other half would care either since Dexcessa seems to only care about slaughter, murder and domineering over others. So in my mind it's pointless to try put Slaanesh daemons into a box, for example the Herald in broken realms is they, while Syll is she when referred to in her story.
  2. As an old WHFB vampire counts player this post wounds me in ways beyond description. 🤣
  3. @Sception Agreed, it seems like to me they just wanted to write cool moments for the Lumineth over actually putting together a compelling narrative. GW tends to do this a lot in other game settings and Morathi made me hopeful that they broke out of that type of writing. A trap they fell into is that in their head all of this sounded cool, but what they forgot is that if they wanted to write a compelling hero story they must struggle against the villian. Someone made a good comparison with LOTR we all know the good guys are going to win, but what made the story great was the trials the characters faced on their trip to mordor. Overall Broken Realms teclis, just sounds like a boring supplement to read. At least in my opinion.
  4. Funny enough I'm reading LOTR for the first time and I think that is why the summary is bothering me so much.
  5. No because you reduced people's concerns to the point that they're only mad because Nagash lost. It's not about him losing it's how he lost and my concern is that people find it compelling that GW are repating a story told at the start of AOS. Compared to Morathi people were singing its praises, here? I'm seeing the writing tier of space marine supplements. Still, I have to read it for myself.
  6. No because GW are literally repeating a story they did over five years ago, how is that good writing? Broken realms morathi was far more compelling.
  7. To add on my last post, this is what it feels like. Lumineth seemed to lose next to nothing in the war. This book literally reduced death to an NPC faction, I could be wrong, but that's how it appears.
  8. Not exactly happy with the outcome because what seperates order from death now narrative wise? Nothing. Seems there is going to be no downside to becoming a blood-sucking abomination. I don't think neither Nagash or Arkhan are truly dead, but my issue narrative wise is that they tell us how dangerous and terrible nagash is but he just gets whacked to make certain characters look better. Oh well, whatever.
  9. Just to let everyone know that emails are going out now, got a polite rejection. Oh well.
  10. New vampire character is also part of the Vyrkos bloodline, I mean it's not confirmed already that's going to be the original AOS faction of the soulblight vampires.
  11. It was very difficult to watch for me due to a certain guest, but by the end of it I agreed with Tom where largly the book is fine if the points come down and fiendbloods get an errata (this is my opinion), then from there they can do interesting things with our broken realms book. Overall I agreed with the opinion in their weekly video that the new slaanesh book is paying for the sins of the past and the changes or lack of changes is due to complaints from the internet. But in the end, I do agree with vince with such a book you can only go upwards and overall this book will result in far more positive play experiences if you don't abuse the 2.9 nonsense.
  12. If it's Gardus.... I will have to get the model.
  13. Ah, that's good, checking on the dice it seems that it's also sold out across several pre-order pages on the site. I personally didn't get one of each model, since it was highly likely they are going to remain in stock for awhile, which seems to be the case.
  14. Yeah I made an edit on the DoK, my bad, but you're right they went fast, I checked the pre-order article again and they seem to have only made 560 copies of the tome, I think they should of at least made 1k. Funny enough, I was debating whether to buy the dice or not, glad I took the bullet on that front. 😄
  15. Seems like you're right, on the UK GW site the dice are gone, so is the limited edition tome for Hedonites. For the tome they only made like 500 I recall.
  16. Jaskier, you basically have just said what was on my mind. Good job! Great post!
  17. So slaanesh turned out like I hoped, a big fat middle army. That's what it looks like to me, I personally prefer a weaker army with multiple build options than an army that has one strong, overpowering option. The big fat middle armies are the ones that are played and collected the most than the stronger books.
  18. It seems like to me we haven't seen what all their weapon options do, we just got the generic profile. Plus we don't even know what the mirror on the leader does, I suspect it has a rule attached to it.
  19. He's mortal, he doesn't have the daemon keyword. The horns are a blessing, he's meant to look like Slaanesh since the dark prince has similar horns to him, Sigvald is his adopted son after all.
  20. In my opinion GW should of at least shared the depravity changes and sigvald's rules this week to get people on board.
  21. Yes, it is less hero focused and Sigvald in my eyes appears pretty good.
  22. Seems the battletome is starting to leak out, depravity was changed. I like it.
  23. Seems Sigmar tries to retake the city and fails. Unless the warhammer community is messing up the lore again and rehashing broken realms incorrectly. Even though the God-King sent a great army to retake the city, Anvilgard remains in Morathi’s hands, renamed Har Kuron, the City of Scales.
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