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Everything posted by shinros

  1. Well this is where I respectfully disagree, actions speak louder. Their actions show me their covering themselves as a business. To me personally it's empty. If you want to lecture someone you better follow up. If they cancelled their incoming price increase around that time that would of spoken a lot more louder than whatever statement they want to slap on twitter or facebook for the wolves to circlejerk over. Skirmish wasn't well supported and it's an unbalanced mess, Specialist games like warcry and killteam in my opinion are gateway products. GW wants people to buy into their mainline than stay with a squad of two. Just my opinion, again it's their right to do this as a business. Also I think GW are keenly aware of how expensive the hobby is considering armies in 40k have gone up by about 20-30% in terms of point value for 9th edition. So games are going to be slightly smaller. Edit:At the end of the day GW are at the mercy of shareholders. I doubt they would take it well if one day they say for the sake of diversity and inclusion we are going to lower the prices in their report.
  2. Well that's why I rather like GW because they do must of their production in-house. But when companies make statements like on the first page and still gladly do any sort of business with such a country in my eyes it's hypocritical. That's how I feel. And on the lowering of prices? Of course it's not simple, they're doing better but the fact they have increased the prices again across almost 400 lines shows they are still a business. It's their right to do business. But if their aim is to actually get more people into the hobby they have to look at their price points if they really mean what they say. Now this is anecdotal, but I've seen tons of minorities(even white people) enter the store, seem really interested to get started but walk out soon as they see the prices. Now I'm in a position where I can afford it thankfully, but there are huge swathe of people who can't. That's why the statement is just empty to me, I don't care. The person behind the message I'm sure means well, but it's just a marketing gimmick being used in a troublesome time. That's how I see it.
  3. Right, I told myself I won't post again but certain posts on this very page is making me shake my head. Here is the reason why I think certain individuals in this thread are afraid or concerned about GW's statement. Soon as GW posted that statement do you know what happened on the AOS facebook fanpage? A post popped up stating if GW cares about the message they should fire all the white people in the company and replace them with minorities, or not hire white people at all and only hire minorities until they are at a sufficient standard. That post got as many likes as the actual statement, the replies were a hellhole. The post rightfully got locked, but the likes were concerning to me. GW is trying to mean well with the statement but at the same time they are going to attract another spectrum that is just as toxic as the supposed people they are trying to push away. I'm trying to be a writer, one day I might write from Black Library, that's the dream. But I don't want them to accept me just because I am a black man and they need more black people in the company. If they do such a thing it's an insult to the time I put in writing and those who may actually be better than me at the craft. I think such people are also toxic for the hobby and the fandom, that includes those who whinge at the sight of a minority playing the hobby. Both of them are problems. In my eyes BOTH are toxic. Let's not forget GW does business with China, a place where actual minorities are killed and oppressed for being who they are. That's why I personally don't care for their statement. The individual workers in the company might care about certain issues, but the corporate entity itself doesn't care. It will never care. If they did they would lower the prices and and in turn lower the barrier of entry. I tried to say this on the 40klore reddit guess what happened? I was told that I hate myself, I'm not actually a black man but a white man trying to pretend. I also got down voted. Again I stress out of all the companies I have seen, GW are actually handling diversity the best. They are placing it in areas where it makes sense and they are not compromising the lore or factions, at least in my eyes.
  4. Maybe the price point is so high on ebay at the current moment because the models aren't even in production anymore? Ever consider that? Funny enough the common complaint among fantasy players when it came to TK was the fact they aren't even fun to play. When I read their army book I got the distinct feeling the writer actually hated the army himself. If an army is not fun to play people aren't going to drop money on already expensive models. Vampire Counts were basically TK +2. Anyway this topic is about mannfred, this is going to be my last post on the subject.
  5. Bruh, it's well known TK was one of the poorest selling armies for fantasy. Vampire counts outstripped them by miles. People prefer gothic vampires and skeletons over Egyptian skeletons that were sucky to play. No one cared about Settra until end times. Because whenever he is mentioned you hear only the meme. Believe what you want mate. Same thing with Bretonnia, Empire was far more popular than them. I even think an update wouldn't help them since TK models gathered dust on the shelves despite being updated first over vampire counts. In general fantasy sold poorly so they moved to AOS.
  6. Goddammit, this is my last post on the topic. I'll believe GW when I see it. In the new 40k trailer I saw a female guardsmen yet they haven't touched Imperial guard for years, but they seem to prefer to constantly update Space Marines because they sell. In my mind corporations only care for the money. It's why they also made that statement, for the money. I'm sure we are going to see more minorities in the hobby even with the price increase! >_>
  7. Oh here we go, as a black guy I will leave it at this. If GW wants to see more minorities in the hobby they need to adjust the prices. That's it. Also I'm not going to identify with any character in 40k considering no one is a hero in that setting since the Imperium is a satirical take on the worst parts of humanity. I like the stories in the setting and characters, but I won't identify with them. Also I play death in AOS. Why? Because I like their models and their narrative. Also out of all the companies I think GW are handling diversity the best, the pencil pushers in the office seem to know what they are doing save the price increase. But what do I know? When I said this apparently I hate myself. Also this topic is going to get locked. Fast. I do the hobby to get away from things like this. I hate politics, hate activists (either side) in this modern age.
  8. The start of the End times with Mannfred and Arkhan was pretty great in my opinion, but when it comes to Settra no one cared about him until the meme/quote as you said. If people loved Settra so much TK wouldn't be one of the worst selling armies next to Bretonnia even after they were updated. Don't get more wrong there were some small parts that were good but by large End times was rushed, hell the writers even forgot about characters. Also personally I have a huge distaste over memes, largely 40k has done that.
  9. See here's the thing, the whole of the first paragraph largely is a misconception because of End times in my opinion that series was largely rushed and poorly written. The whole protection of peasants thing was a front to push off attention as he prepared for his war. This is shown clearly in the vampire wars novel. Soon as he revealed he was a vampire he was putting peasants in cages, he also began slaughtering/eating the nobles who swore fealty to him at a party. Then he turned them into zombies. When the vampire wars started his get also started devouring peasants within Sylvania, it was basically chaos for them. In the end times he was only helping people out so once they all die he could rule the ashes, but all the other characters are wise enough to see he is a monster playing tricks. Especially Sigmar. In the warhammer RPG it's made quite clear that Mannfred was the one who made the "modern" day Sylvania, instead of putting peasants in cages he turned them into cultists, they see vampires as gods essentially. They basically gave their blood freely through a tax, also as you said he drew more on the Nehekeran lore and aimed bigger than his vampiric father. Also he doesn't turn any random warrior he likes into a vampire, why? Because vampires like to betray one another. It happened to Vlad several times in the novel until Mannfred took a smarter route as you said. He tries to learn from mistakes, it's why he is bald. Literally. Vlad is not an honourable figure in my opinion, that's a facade he uses to lure people in, then he reveals how monstrous he is, also let's not get into his an insane wife. It's why I was never invested in his story during the end times. Vlad is not a cool dad, that misconception came along because of end times, and it's telling when someone who has only read end times pops up stating how honourable he is. In the end times it's outright revealed that many of the vampires don't even like Vlad or Mannfred because they are tired of the plans for world domination. Again this is just my observation/opinion after reading the books.
  10. Personally don't get the interest in Vlad he is a poor dracula rip off and he has a one dimensional wife who is insane. When I read the vampire wars and further fiction (liber necris, RPG.) I've found mannfred to be the far more interesting vampire. Actually all of the three mortarch's are my favourite death characters.
  11. Best and most interesting Von Carstein, there I said it.
  12. I know, but hellstriders at the moment are basically bolted onto a clearly daemon battletome. Slaanesh doesn't have a mortal army like the other gods. The hellstriders likely come from the same tribe. Hence the similar apperance. GW also tried to use the warcry warbands to placate the people who were asking where is Slaanesh's mortal army. (I remeber the salt on facebook) Then it came out that they aren't even battleline like marauders. Slaves to darkness do not match the Hosts of slaanesh in terms of aesthetic. Their gameplay and points value as you clearly said screams buy more daemons/keepers. Issue is if you go the host facebook group guess what you mainly see? Daemons.
  13. It could be a nod or a hint, but slaanesh has no mortals at the moment. Kinda strange for a warband to have almost the exact same aesthetics as hellstriders. This is the rumour thread after all.
  14. Found it. Here it is. They talked about the rest of the warbands in general terms but they dropped this on the end of splintered fang.
  15. I am not at home at the moment but I will dig it up. I made a post in this very thread. Here is the page. The image is gone due to the age of the post.
  16. It was in the white dwarf when they were discussing the warcry warbands. They said slaanesh will be in their future.
  17. The mistake GW made was releasing a daemon tome instead of a mortal/daemon tome. The point values and abilities basically scream buy more keepers please! It's glaring when slaanesh mortal wizards get only three spells to choose from (they all suck compared to daemons.) and some of command abilties and artifacts don't even work if you have a mortal hero since they can't use locus. To go back to rumours at least GW hinted they are going to do something with the splintered fang.
  18. Actually in the white dwarf they said the Splintered fang might have Slaanesh in their future when they were discussing the warbands. I do agree with you on the Slaanesh battletome though, it's why their topic on the forum has barely moved because all of the lists are largely the same with no variance.
  19. So apparently we are getting two AOS rts games? One from gasket and one from Frontier.
  20. Bloody hell, I thought I was the grouch. I think the new Aelves look pretty great, always felt they were going to put an AOS spin on them when it came to the elites and HQ's. To me that was obvious hence I was telling people around the net to curb their expectations since it's not going to be a 1 to 1 copy. Anyway, I'm ready to MOOOO for Teclis!
  21. Nice a coloured version of ashqy, can't wait to see the rest of the maps updated in time. Chamon looks pretty nuts in the tzeentch battletome.
  22. Yup that's my view on it as well, WHFB is a great RPG/video game setting but as an expanding wargame? It just doesn't work, when they want to add new things it's normally arbitrary and weird. Aka varghiests, they went with they were always there! Line of storytelling
  23. An AOS rts game is being worked on by the devs of dawn of war 1 and 2.
  24. Those on the total war forum are upset at the time period since they have to buy new models. I'm suprised they didn't expect this GW weren't planning to just do 9th edition. At the moment people are waking up to the fact that it's not set in Karl Franz's time.
  25. I recommend not using that book for lore, It's inconsistent, stick to the tome in my opinion. David didn't even read two pages from the tome from the look of things.
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