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Everything posted by JetBlackSVW

  1. Nice army you have here. Could you make a close photo of Valkia, please?
  2. What base rim color do you use for your Khorne army? I am still unsure what to use myself. I am thinking about Khorne Red, but there is already a lot of red on the models, so a neutral color might be better.
  3. The new Stormcast Battletome got reviewed on Youtube, the Retributors got nerfed heavily, they don't do MW on 6 or more to hit anymore, but only on 6 to hit unmodified. With all that negativity we should consider ourselves lucky that the Bloodletters doesn't got the same treatment.?
  4. What is the best way to deal with Staunch Defender? I guess a big unit of Bloodletters is still our biggest source of mortal wounds, right? I already have a Slaughterpriest and Skullreapers but I feel I need more MW.
  5. You can plant the banner after you used your wizard as Portal of Skulls is only active until your next hero phase.
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