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Everything posted by Hoseman

  1. Hi all. I had a casual play against nurgle. I know nurgle is slow and has not shooting, maybe for that I won Major Víctory on turn 3. My list: Allegiance: Cities of Sigmar- City: Hallowheart LeadersAnointed on Frostheart Phoenix (315)Black Ark Fleetmaster (70)- Artefact: Arcane Tome (Universal Artefact)Nomad Prince (110)- GeneralSorceress (95)Battleline10 x Eternal Guard (125)10 x Eternal Guard (125)10 x Eternal Guard (125)30 x Sisters of the Watch (540)- Reinforced x 22x 5 Wild Riders (480)Units2x 10 Shadow Warriors (480)Total: 1985 / 2000 I like elfs and I wanted to try a cool elf army. Sisters are brutal, simple as that, they dont move and were 61 attaks, with the +1hit of Nomad Prince and +1wound because of Magic... Really really huge... He had glottkin and charged to eternal guard and I could unleash hell (31 attaks) to almost kill It. Then I made a list of stormcast with dominion box and some ranged judicators. I feel cities has a lot lot of troops compared to other armys... I dont know I felt a bit overpowerd with that list, I know os because of nurgle army but those 30 sisters just had to sit there and the shadow Warriors on cover, I just losed 10 eternal guard and 3 Riders. Maybe with other armys is a very static list. I can switch 10 sisters and 10 eternal for a dresdlord on dragon to play a bit more frontline
  2. So lots of thanks @SentinelGuy and @zilberfrid I'm trying to make a list for a battle in a few days. I don't wanna use phoenix guard or abuse it cause its expensive and the battle is at 1500p (and my friend hates them ^^). So I will use your advices and make a list to try things. Wild riders, sisters of the watch, drakespawn knights... a fast army with some ranged to let's see what happens. I wanted to use monsters but maybe they don't fit. Allegiance: Cities of Sigmar- Grand Strategy:- Triumphs:LeadersBlack Ark Fleetmaster (70)- Artefact: Arcane Tome (Universal Artefact)Nomad Prince (110)- GeneralSorceress (95)Battleline10 x Wild Riders (240)- Reinforced x 110 x Sisters of the Watch (180)10 x Sisters of the Watch (180)5 x Sisters of the Thorn (130)Units10 x Black Ark Corsairs (85)- Vicious Blade & Repeater Handbow10 x Drakespawn Knights (250)- Reinforced x 12 x Scourgerunner Chariots (160)- Reinforced x 1Total: 1500 / 2000Reinforced Units: 3 / 4Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 107
  3. Hi all. I wanted to make a nice elf cities army. I know that dispossessed, free people, gyrobombers and luminark are "top tier" so as hallowheart but as I said I want to focus on elfs. I don't have apps and don't know how to calculate % so I wanted to ask what are the best units on each function. I know phoenix guard are so good but leaving them out this are my thoughts: - Leaders. Nomad prince I think its OK, sorcerer normal, scourge bad, dragonlord medium to bad, dragon sorcerer don't know. Anointed cool. Phoenix cool support - lines. Eternal guard good. Bleakswords, dreadspears bad. - elite. Black guard cool, executioners medium, wildwood rangers medium. - fast. Nothing good, drakespawn knights maybe good, sisters of the thorn cool supports. - ranged. Shadow warriors cool, sisters of the watch medium cool. Am I missing something? Am I correct?? What do you think of elfs for competitive or at least semi-competitive?
  4. So I thought I would get dominion and something else and I think I will almost take everything... I'm a huge elf fan and I see too much elf typical units (swordmasters, chariots, shadow warriors, spearmen, ballista...) of course I could play lumineth but I don't like the horns and foxes and I also play idoneth and sylvaneth so as cities with my high elfs, but I'm planning a colour scheme that somehow remembers or tries to make stormcast a bit elvish. This new models are more thin and some heads are awesome... any thoughts or ideas? Can't wait to see the entire new army and the book
  5. Is this ok??? I thought with 3.0 the save can only be modiffied by +1 and there you are using +3. The way I read the rules I think it was only +1 and -1 to hit and wound rols and +1 to save no matter how much buffs and debuffs you got. I mean if you are in cover and you have the aura of the TLA dont make you +2 to save, you will always have only +1 no matter the rend of the enemy. Am I right or wrong?
  6. I'm so confused and sad about the wanderers thing... it just dont makes sense so as the allies doesn't make sense to me only idoneth and well maybe stormcast too but no wanderers is like TOO strange. Maybe the wanderers will be sylvaneth? Maybe are we going to have kurnothi? I dont get it. Plus the thing of only one unit can teleport per turn is a big nerf to me as I liked to teleport kurnoth + arch revenant. And the 20 dryads will be almost impossible to teleport as I feel the 20 cant be into 6" of one tree (I guess) So sad about wanderers
  7. Sounds so good. I thought it would be without the restriction of 1 in 4 but we can take some interesting units. Eternal guard are a nice unit with good defense for taking objectives. Sadly doesn't count as battleline Sisters if the watch are cool and can make the ranged unit to not use kurnoth. Only 18" but nice Sisters of the thorn are fast, nice support and beautiful models Wildwood rangers are nice but I feel with revenants are not necessary. But the monster buff is nice. Wild hunters are cool too but I feel better with kurnoth I guess 3 units of revenants will be our basic battleline and dryads will come by summoning 300p for forest dragon as allied and I feel like a child.
  8. I have been thinking nonsense for the wanderers thing and maybe they are not allies because they come with sylvaneth on the 3.0 battletome. There are some rumours about new human kits and dwarfs United so that leaves aelfs a bit alone. When Malerion comes for sure all darkling, scourge and order serpentis could go with him and make an army like DoK with only 2 new kits and the God. That leaves wanderers and Phoenix temple out so wanderers come with sylvaneth and Phoenix maybe Lumineth 3rd wave? Yes I know, it doesn't have so much sense. Too much changes to make for GW to just old kits...
  9. Maybe they will show the basic boxes for this edition too.
  10. What you guys think will be the future for cities? With the rumours of new Imperium minis. Maybe a dwarf union. And nothing for the elves... will we be getting a new book? What will the plans of GW for cities? Theres a lot of kits in our army. Maybe Imperium will go apart with stormcast as FreePeople? Maybe dwarfs will have something similar and could soup with other dwarfs? Gotrek and the God of the forge? Will dark elves and scourge, shadowblades unite with Malerion? Will wanderers get into sylvaneth?? DoK is that idea, only 2 new kits and the God queen I see very difficult this things but we have every mini from fantasy (apart from the new cursed city stuff and the new hunters), so I dont feel like we will get another book as the one we have. Like LoN some units gone to nighthaunt, ossiarch and soulblight... it feels ok for the lore to dwarfs follow her God, and for dark aelfs going to follow Malerion and the wanderers hide on the forests, so as free people follow sigmar of course . Time will tell. Maybe with a White Dwarf rules change or something?
  11. I was thinking to focus on sylvaneth this edition. Is not an easy army to play, a lot of buffs and I was wondering... how many wyldwood do u usually put on table? And how many of them u own??? I feel this mechanic is cool but having to buy so much wyldwood is a bit redundant and meh for me
  12. I would love, and I think maybe that cursed city hero set on sylvaneth instead of cities is a clue, but it was a clue too the mistweaver from silver tower and nothing seen about it yet. I find nice the idea of making new different units, like the centaurs or faun like the underworlds warband. That feeling of the old Orion (wich I own) and nostalgia hiting hard... but then I realize Gw is not going to make more troops for us, they preffer releasing more armys like shadow elfs, new orks, maybe chaos dwarfs.... we have scenery, endless, a relatively new battletome, and we got 2 new heroes + alarielle rework this last year so I think we are done for a wile
  13. Seriously!!!!!???? This is so bad for me... I love mixing sometimes some eternal guard or shadow warriors for that oldschool Silvan elfs vibe... so bad...
  14. I think the same but is not fair... I mean, humans have 2 keywords? Dwarfs the same and aelfs 6!!?
  15. Is it possible to see some remove of the keywords? I hate the impossibility of making a similar old sylvan aelfs army as every unit only synergies with darkling, shadowblades, serpentis, etc..
  16. Hi all. I have a some questions that I feel here is the good place to find answers... I played Sylvaneth when AoS started, as my 90s child army was Silvan Elfs I thought sylvaneth were the new guys. At 2.0 I started to play other armys (idoneth, cities, kharadron and some stormcast). The thing is that I have not touched my Sylvaneth in a lot of time and for this edition I wanna focus in one or two factions. Yesterday I was searching the app and I saw the underworlds centaur warband and the cursed city elf as part of a sylvaneth army. For sure this has been said but will we have some new units? elf units? that cursed city is for sure a wanderer, but why is with sylvaneth? I miss old silvan elfs and cities doesnt give me that feeling (dragon is not "wanderer" and so other units). And other thing I dislike about sylvaneth was the forest, and I feel surely a lot of armys will go now with the monster to break it. So, are Sylvaneth in a good point now? what is like to come with 3.0?? how is playing sylvaneth now?? I own Alarielle, treelord ancient, 20 dryads, 10 tree-rev and 3 kurnoth
  17. So. Will this rumored new DRAKE unit be the new Dracoth one? Will this new stormcast be compatible or capable to make army with the old ones? As the new armour is special and helps stormcast to go on a save path when they die, will the old ones go apart on this new narrative? And for the new battletome, how much we will have to wait to have it? Will it come out with dominion box or the same month? Will all the units come out the same? As I wanna focus first on stormcast this waiting is making me crazy
  18. As much as I would like to see new drakes I think there are more units in other armys to be redone. As said, cool rules would be so nice. Chariot and judicator are cool too. A new mounted beast cool too but if this is reinforcements a light wave will be fine, maybe the chariot has different weapon options. The sad thing is wanted to make a new colour scheme. I have both warrior and sacrosanct chambers with different colours and this new been reinforcements I should paint the same way... maybe I have to buy reinforcements for my reinforcements to make a cool new chamber 😅
  19. As much as I would like to see new drakes I think there are more units in other armys to be redone. As said, cool rules would be so nice. Chariot and judicator are cool too. A new mounted beast cool too but if this is reinforcements a light wave will be fine, maybe the chariot has different weapon options. The sad thing is wanted to make a new colour scheme. I have both warrior and sacrosanct chambers with different colours and this new been reinforcements I should paint the same way... maybe I have to buy reinforcements for my reinforcements to make a cool new chamber 😅
  20. Ok so I'm a bit confused... I have a nice army of all chambers but is not the army I use. The real thing is that I have almost not played SCE but I wanna focus on 3.0 more on one or two armys instead of a lot as I like to collect. So, this new SCE are from the first chamber released? I saw the revamp post but what will this mean for SCE? Will have a nice book with synergies between sachrosant and "warriors" (sorry I dont know the name of the chamber of liberators)? What can we get? SCE have so many units, will they make another stardrake or similar? Drake chargers? More beasts?? I am so hyped about this new chamber o this new revamp or whatever it is
  21. So as I asked before preview... this will be complete units?? The krule part seems complete. 10 in every unit and the 3 crossbow dudes. And the stormcast dont know what to think... 10 is for sure 5 + 5 line but the both units of 3 guys.... will it be 5 for a complete unit? Will it be 3??
  22. So What will happen with this new armys?? I will probably collect both but will it be competitive? Will stormcast at last shine as her armour? The krule boyz seems like a lot of potential, will they be ok?? So many questions...
  23. The question is: will the units come complete or not? I hate the "7 sequitors" "6 grimghast reapers" "3 evocators" thing...
  24. It would be SO NICE to see cav on this box... I'm hyped about the new orcs but I wanna see those new dragons so much!!! will be very nice as I have stardrake and some dracolines and drakes. Come on GW!!! We wanna see dragons!!!! (even if it is with humans and no with elves.. )
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