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Thalassic Monstrosity

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Everything posted by Thalassic Monstrosity

  1. I wonder if we'll keep Ironbark Wargrove in one form or another?
  2. I don't know why but your username makes me laugh alongside your outlook on Wyldwoods.
  3. This is probably the best way I've heard ot described yet. It would be a huge and bizarre change to go from "most mobile army in the game" to "death, but with life". I mean, I still love Sylvaneth and I'll be fine with whatever they do but it'd be very weird.
  4. I've been experimenting with something like this (this is really sloppy). Though I may change her dress to green and flowers to purple.
  5. I'd like to say the same but I still haven't settled on a color scheme!
  6. I'm glad someone else thought that. Although I was thinking of the Skorne Razor Worm at first.
  7. It just looks to me like Envoys of the Everqueen has been changed to "Wholly within" but otherwise acts the same as it did.
  8. That seems pretty decent considering the buffs he provides and his own weapon statline. Do you have any guesses what the Endless Spells might be? I think there was a rumor going around what they might be but I don't recall it.
  9. How odd. What would they replace wyldwoods with as a terrain piece?
  10. Well, there were no hints of a Battletome for either Courts or Skaven either (beyond rumors). And their tomes released AFTER Carrion Empire, though not very long after. Edit: Actually, I think they were released the following week and they'd already been revealed by the time of the Carrion Empire preorder.
  11. Oh, I wonder if the Tree-Revenant card will reveal if they can still teleport, or if they have Ylthari's Guardians' version of Martial Memories... Computer: Enhance! ...do computers not do that?
  12. Can you remind me? I don't recall that one.
  13. If this is a Sylvaneth/Gloomspite box like we all thought, that might be the new model from it. Doubt we'd get anything more than that.
  14. How is the rest of the book beyond Skryre? I get the appeal of MMWP, WLV, and Jezzails (oh my!) but does Skaven suffer from a lack of practical choices?
  15. Yep. There is also a subsequent story, "The Sands of Grief", wherein he travels to the edges of Shyish to find his wife's soul. I enjoyed that one a lot.
  16. Besides, the author of the Maesa stories has said that having a Wanderer protagonist wasn't indicarive of anything. They aren't bad stories, though.
  17. I hope Tree-Revenants become a viable option. Hell, I hope the army supports more than just "spam dryads or play Dreadwood if you want to get wild" as playstyles.
  18. I'm hoping Fyreslayers rather get a list with some degree of flexibility so it isn't just the same list over and over and over again.
  19. Huh. Looncurse may be something like Carrion Empire for Gitz and Sylvaneth.
  20. Legends never die. Also, a second vote for Grombrindal.
  21. I think both (keeping duardin with their own army and adding them to Free Peoples) would be lovely. I mean face it - the Free People aren't the Empire. Human, Duardin, and Aelf all live together in these cities and they contribute to Sigmar's armies. Hell, you could have a book with the current Free People, add the Ironweld Arsenal (with additional Duardin units), and say, Swifthawk Agents (since they're often called the scouts of Sigmar's armies). Big tome, covering a city of the realms the way they actually ARE in the realms, not just "Empire legacy army".
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