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Skreech Verminking

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Everything posted by Skreech Verminking

  1. Well they are currently available for aos. so buyable
  2. I’m not certain if I have posted these painted black orks already, but 10 of mine would be painted at this point. As well as a small herd of squigs and fanatic's
  3. 😂the skaven release. it was all just an april fools plot released to early😂. jokes aside, I just had a look through the old world high elve sector of the book for the less evil armies. in the pictures you kinda see swordmaster of hoeth and the seaguards from the blood island kit. considering how many runors lately have hinted towards rat ogres and warlock engineers getting a plastic revamp, how likely you guys think will it be that the blood island box makes a return with skaven and highelves being split. giving us the release of an old starter box for skaven. This would also make sense with some people claiming that a new clawlord on foot would be released
  4. I mean officially I don’t know anything. I have met a few persons that did state they have been informed by gw at an Q and a meeting at the last event that beasts won’t be removed from aos. but I wasn’t there. and I can’t state if that is true or not Maybe the first pic?
  5. There are too many people making up or throwing rumors around in the internet. even some of the same-ish stuff from second and first edition rumors of skaven have come up. Edit: Personally I don’t believe in more half of these rumors currently floating around. and secondly. pretty much all of these rumors will be correct with some of their prediction.
  6. I wouldn’t worry about boc. the speculation began with old world. And considering that neither gloomspite, nor slaves to darkness really will be old world only, I doubt the same thing will be so with beasts of chaos
  7. I’m guessing we might see a verminlord representing one of the aspect the current verminlord range doesn’t. an avatar of the horned rat will never happen. maybe barely a chanpion, but we (skreech) exist for a reason as his right claw.
  8. I mean the most interesting city of them all that started existing with the fall of Anvilguard, would be the city only consisting of old dark elves. Sad to see it didn’t make the transition I mean we all know sigmar is just a mortal who’s haunted ghost possessed karl’s body. so my guess is sigmar died a ling time ago and in fact those stormcast where made with a flaw ordered by two skaven pretending to be the deceased sigmar I doubt we’ll see stormcast being tainted. after all they don’t really have a soul at some point and are more automatons then human. And a person unable to think is hard to corrupt. also slaves exist. And i doubt they’ll be an only old world army😂 We all know, sigmar died a long time ago. clearly the lie is that he isn’t who he says he is. clearly its two skaven in a trench coat pretending to be sigmar😂 Nah it’s two skaven in a trench coat I doubt the weapon teams will be removed. they are too iconic to even get such a suggestion. even stormfiends are more easily thrown away then weapon teams Uff, from the few hundreds I have seen so far, this one seems likelier, yet I’m ver certain this is more of a wishlist like the others. officially I don’t believe any of them where made by any persons who officially knows what is coming.
  9. Grugnis true followers are those who stand to valaya. the traitor dwarfs also known as ko, left that place
  10. I mean some normal less armored byt still quit heavily armored dwarf warriors would be cool. although I could see the return of some artilerry as well as maybe some mechanized stone statues. golems of this kind of sort have been mentioned as rumors of the old world, i see no reason why they shouldn’t have found the ancient rune magic that did that
  11. I guess the rumored ace is for aos then Short, short! this is going into the book
  12. Who? is he a designer of some sort? I’ve seen those conversion amazong looking models. although aren’t they part of the 40k skaven conversion, that can be found on the internet? We’ve seen lately so manu leaks of which I’m 90% certain that most are just false. I mean rat avatar, or a new clawlord/ grey seer/ deathmaster on foot seems so incredoble false, when these are the newest skaven models we officially have. some even just barely being 2 years old (deathmaster cough.) Well… there are a few (officially there where I think 1-2 rumor sources) that stated there will be a new kind of artillery piece for the skaven, before it got announced. after the leak you had like a thousand comments or rumor sources stating that that was their prediction as well be careful mate, not everybody stating their rumors to be true, truly is telling the truth. most seem to be more interested in becoming the big talk for the next 5 minutes before they get forgotten and left behind
  13. Iff, I dunno. I sadly don’t own any of those models😅
  14. Yep. funnily enough, I yet have to meet or see a gw store that wouldn’t allow one to use aos models (they produced) in tow😂.
  15. oh for those who where wondering if chaos warriors of aos are a possible way to play old world. yes it does work considering the pictures of a friend of mine ps: kruelboyz also have seen some rebasing
  16. Pr you know what. it’s the axe of Skaa bloodtail. (Small story part that can be found in the book queek headtaker) the character that never got his own model. 😂
  17. It’s possible. considering the photo gw used to share a picture of the old world treelord. i mean man is that model old. funnily enough as it is with the chaos daemon. the treelord comes with 2 differemt sizes of bases it can be put on. my guess is for those who want to use the newer released treelord that still is used
  18. Well, it is true that there are a good amount of fantasy players returning with an army that they already own. but on the day of the release. I have seen as many people joining into old world. and next to those newer ones there are even some of the fnatasy players using the newer models. chaos warriors is probably the biggest example. i have seen so many chaos warrior player who started rebasing their entire aos warriors of chaos army onto square. just look anywhere on the internet and you’d be astonished how many chaos warrior aos models are currently used in old world and as for the ardboyz. They fit quit well. the bigger base sizes are incredible helpful to use those aos models in tow. and while some models are slightly bigger them tow equivalent, it still works astonishing well after all black orks are in lore bigger orks in total
  19. Yeah I doubt it either. same reason I don’t think bonesplittaz or the beasts of chaos are going anywhere. most people currently tend to believe that if an army is in the old world supported it will no longer be in aos. and that’s kinda doubtful. Especially when a supported faction for tow is the chaos warrior. a faction that has gotten a full updated range in the last 2-3 years and is just getting its next update for their marauders.
  20. I mean cities had an interesting idea, yet it kinda feels like the current book kinda became a miss. the dawis barely fit i to the cities range amd as for the dark elves. I’m not certain how they aren’t part of Morathis range. they seem to have been fully misplaced. nothing against elves but the wood elves or even high elves fit so much better into the mixed cities book. dark elves just kinda fee like the elven kin that doesn’t except anybody else into their cities if he isn’t and Elves of their own kin
  21. Maybe, or maybe it is for aos. i mean the mosy interesting dwarfs I’ve so far seen are the dawis of old. sure we have fyreslayers (pantsless slayers) or the wrong doers (ko) but non of them are in particularly as interesting as the dispossessed
  22. I mean truth is, most people will likey not care. considering how many tow players have taken new models for tow, I don’t think this will be an exception either. and funnily enough I’m not differente (see picture above: 9 ardboyz as black orks and a brute as a black ork bigboss))
  23. I dunno. I would actually be jumping as well put of excitement. and if it is some sort of a foot hero (like a new dawi lord(?)) I’ll be using that model in aos as well.
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