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Everything posted by Sharkbelly

  1. That MUST be a witch hunter, right? Stakes and a hammer? With the other Witch Hunters out already (the Ven Densts), will we see a whole expansion for Cities of Sigmar featuring Witch Hunters and Flagellants?
  2. Why not make it an even 1000 at that point? I can't picture a play tester saying "nope, 1000 is too much. 999 is just right."
  3. This week I painted three fell bats and a banshee.
  4. Anasta Malkorion Sorceress with Baby Dragon Sorceress/Necromancer
  5. That's basic math. 30,000 < 40,000 Wait, never mind...
  6. This week I finished the Blood Knights.
  7. Makes sense! Thanks for explaining. How do you think regular Gargants would do in that role?
  8. Hi all, Lately I've seen a number of people have painted Megagargants to ally with their Gravelords. Outside of how cool they look, what is the attraction? Is there something they do that is better than some of our other heavy hitters?
  9. Just about any of the infantry models would work. Empire, Elf/Dark Elf, etc.
  10. Silver Tower and Shadows over Hammerhal had a number of expansions that were not push-fit, though. I think it would be awesome if they did a reprint.
  11. I am happy to have finally finished painting this large fellow, and am pleased with how it turned out. The two heads and weapons are pinned so that I can swap them out.
  12. Sounds like the Battletome is the main thing for them. I absolutely LOVE the ogor and his crew.
  13. Looks like the exclusive models are up for order. I got mine in!
  14. I have completed my goal for Skeletober. 30 skeletons, including 10 from Cursed City and 20 Deathrattle, as well as a Wight King and Captain Halgrim.
  15. Nice! I wonder if this means Ogors and a few Gnoblars, or all Maneaters. Can't wait to see them!
  16. This takes me back! Battlemasters was my gateway to Warhammer. I still think I have a few of these guys in plastic floating around somewhere... For the Ogors, are we thinking Underworlds or Warcry? Or an update for Age of Sigmar?
  17. And here are Watch Captain Halgrim and 10 of his Cursed City Skeletons.
  18. Not that I want the thread to turn into 40K bashing, but this is my thoughts on 40K exactly... 😂
  19. I finished my zombies and Corpse Cart for September.
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