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Everything posted by Sharkbelly

  1. My Dogs of War on square bases agree with you. 🙂
  2. A few more models this week. I finished painting the Crimson Court, and two of the models have options. One can become a werewolf, and another a battle standard bearer.
  3. Glad to hear it. It would look very cool in a Gravelords army. I was a little underwhelmed by the Arcwalkers. They seem to be a bit of a rehash of the new zombies.
  4. All 20 Thrall Guard are now done. Getting close to the end of this project!
  5. However, Quest has used models like the Exalted Flamer in the past that has a large, oval base. It had a Chaos Adversaries card for Hammerhal and Silver Tower.
  6. The first 10 of 20 Thrall Guard (Grave Guard) are now complete. I wanted something different than the current Grave Guard.
  7. This week I finished five black knights to go with the two above as well as some objective markers for Cursed City.
  8. I didn't think of that. Bring on the Witch Hunters!
  9. This is very cool. The Golems from the Necromantic Blood Bowl team would fit well with this too.
  10. If you build the Zombie Dragon/Terrorgheist right, it can be both. And this might sound odd, but the Necromantic Horror Blood Bowl team has a lot of great models too.
  11. Cursed Cities is an awesome box for D&D! Skeletons, zombies, large zombies, vampire and spawn, bat swarms, rat swarms, and a couple haemunculi... I plan to run a campaign with what I got from the box..
  12. Introducing the Rider and the Reaper:
  13. I got a similar message when I ordered Anasta Malkorion, and she arrived within weeks. I think it's a "just in case" thing.
  14. Those are some great ideas. Only a few months to wait, now...
  15. Next up is the manticore. One day I'll put a necromancer riding it like Dieter Helsnicht, but for now this Hex Wraith can ride it.
  16. Last week I finished the Vargskyr and the Vyrkos Blood-born. The only thing left to finish for Cursed City are some of the objectives.
  17. Making steady progress on the Gravelords. Here are Radukar the Wolf and his Kosargi Nightguards.
  18. Hmm... looks interesting. Thanks for sharing! How do you all think they will do expansions? Sets with models and rules, or rules in White Dwarf for models like Belladamma and Annika?
  19. Era of the Beast could have some cool connections to Ulfenkarn and Radukar.
  20. The news that Cursed City will see some more love from GW has really helped motivate me. Here is Torgillius, and next up are Radukar and his Nightguards.
  21. I'm all for anything with submarines or ships.
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