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Everything posted by Carnith

  1. I went for all the riders and seekers separate. Sprayed the chariot itself silver and washed it purple in spots. Some areas I did some magenta as that was my daemonette claw color.
  2. I will say that I am happy for these adjustments. The Slaanesh board here was pretty dead. But this has given a big burst of energy to the thread.
  3. it is my hope this means Slaangor new warscroll if they keeping them at 130
  4. I love all the changes. I still think some things go down, but it’s a great starting point. fiends need a rule to allow them to just strike in two ranks anyways. Daemonettes are a 110 point unit still paying for whatever.
  5. Messing around with a magic heavy list where I didnt take a lot of vets and play the defensive game. Allegiance: Slaanesh- Host: Invaders Host- Grand Strategy: Prized Sorcery- Triumphs:The Contorted Epitome (255)- General- Command Trait: Skin-taker- Artefact: The Rod of Misrule- Universal Spell Lore: Flaming WeaponGlutos Orscollion, Lord of Gluttony (475)- Lore of Pain and Pleasure: Dark Delusions11 x Blissbarb Archers (170)5 x Hellstriders with Claw-spears (135)5 x Hellstriders with Claw-spears (135)5 x Myrmidesh Painbringers (145)5 x Myrmidesh Painbringers (145)Krondspine Incarnate of Ghur (400)- AlliesWheels of Excruciation (100)Ravenak's Gnashing Jaws (55)Total: 2015 / 2000Reinforced Units: 0 / 4Allies: 400 / 400Wounds: 76Drops: 1 One drop with everything going inside Battle Regiment. Move up in a sort of castle formation.
  6. One day I hope we get a designer who enjoys our faction and allows us to be a middle of the road army. I hate to go “look at that army!” But seeing that boc who got a tremendous buff also got point drops. I guess we are in another cycle of waiting for the faq and maybe they errata warscrolls there? It’s a bit of a tiresome cycle of waiting to be disappointed.
  7. So how we feeling about these changes? I'm in the camp of that it's nice, but does nothing really for us. A lot of our units are fragile enough as it is that units against us with +1 dmg will just tear through our units. Maybe a return to hellstriders who can't get spiked off the board is our way again. A possible list I'm thinking of that might have some interesting gas is. Allegiance: Slaanesh- Host: Godseekers Host- Grand Strategy: Hold the Line- Triumphs:Lord of Pain (155)- General- Artefact: Cameo of the Dark PrinceSynessa, The Voice of Slaanesh (260)Shardspeaker of Slaanesh (150)- Artefact: Arcane Tome (Universal Artefact)- Lore of Pain and Pleasure: Battle RaptureThe Masque (135)11 x Blissbarb Archers (170)11 x Blissbarb Archers (170)10 x Myrmidesh Painbringers (290)- Reinforced x 15 x Slickblade Seekers (230)5 x Slickblade Seekers (230)1 x Exalted Chariot (200)Total: 1990 / 2000Reinforced Units: 1 / 4Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 115Drops: 10 The Slicks and Exalted got in bounty hunter. The bliss and myrm go in the counts as 3. The list still has 50 points left over. I'm wondering if Synessa is worth it anymore without +1 cast from cogs. This could easily change to Lurid Haze with Synessa becoming Sigvald. Would be nice to get Gnashing jaws. I think it could be fun to run over a slow moving unit for massive mortal wounds. Assuming basic unit is movement 5, you likely roll a 10, so 5 mws. Maybe our wheels come back, but that's also hard to fit into the list.
  8. Thank you for the feedback! I have ran this scenario twice, and both times the armies were castle types that feared being charged, but didn't set up for the objectives. One player played a supa-sneaky Kruleboyz and failed the first roll but didn't try to get the other objectives. The LRL player didn't try to get the objective after one turn of shooting. I'll have to fix this up and keep consistent language. I think a limit of a 9 wound or less hero with a max movement of 8" with run. Board size didn't matter too much as those smaller games in path to glory are weird anyways.
  9. A quest I wanted to implement was one that gave heroes the chance to learn Anvil of Apotheoisis abilities, up to 10 DP worth of upgrades. Quest was gained by the Hero performing actions, but it also increased the cost of your hero.
  10. I've loved making new battleplans as often the Path To Glory ones can be super lopsided or become very samey. I wanted one that evolved at the mission went on. I want something for Heroes to be doing and not just run forward and kill as much as you can. While there are bonus renown for that, it's directed in a way to go after heroes and units attempting to defend the objective as it. Please take a look and let me know what you think! I've played it once, and made some "within 6"" to within 3" as some heroes were able to walk up to the edge or pregame move up to 6" and secure the objective immediately. So eliminated turn 1 wins this way. Race for the Relic Your scouts have told you of a rare and powerful artifact that will be useful for the cause. You race to secure the relic before your foes can use it for themselves. The Armies Each player picks an army and then they roll off. The winner is the First Invader. The other player is the Second Invader The Battlefield The players roll off. The winner sets up the battlefield’s terrain features and then the other player chooses which long edge of the battlefield is the northern edge. After the terrain features have been set up, starting with the player that won the roll-off, each player picks 1 terrain feature and rolls on the Mysterious Terrain table to determine which scenery rule applies to that terrain feature during the battle. Deployment The First Invader sets up their army first, wholly within their territory. The Second Invader sets up their army second, wholly within their territory. Objectives Place 3 objectives as shown on the map. Battle Length The battle lasts for 5 battle rounds. First Turn The players roll off for first turn. The First Invader wins ties. Find The Artifact Heroes within 3” of one of the original 3 objective markers make take this action. Roll a dice. On a 5+, you have found the artifact, and remove the other 2 artifacts. If this dice roll was failed, remove the objective marker. The next time this heroic action is performed by either army, add 2 to the dice roll for each objective removed. Dropping the Artifact: If a hero is slain holding the artifact, place an objective marker where the hero has been slain. The artifact may be picked up by another hero by being within 3” of the new objective marker at the end of controlling player’s movement phase as long as they would control the objective by normal objective controlling rules. When the artifact is picked up, remove the objective marker from the game board. If there are no heroes who pick up the artifact, the player with the most models has control of the objective. Leaving the Battlefield: A hero that controls the artifact and is within 3” of their long board edge at the start of their hero phase may leave the board edge. Glorious Victory When the battle Ends: If a player has a Hero holding the objective or has left the board with the artifact, that player scores a Major Victory. If the hero left the board, the player may reroll Favored Warriors. If neither player has a Hero holding the objective at the end of the gain, the player who controls it scores a Minor Victory Bonus Renown A unit that destroys an enemy unit within 3” of an objective scores 1 bonus renown. A Hero who holds the artifact at the end of the game earns 1 bonus renown. A Hero who leaves the battlefield with the artifact earns d3 bonus renown. A unit that slays a Hero holding the artifact earns 2 bonus renown.
  11. I would loved first first on charge, or some bonus to damage on the charge. With armies gaining a 3+, units like Symbaresh cannot compete. I've blown every buff I can on them just to do minimal damage. It's weird to be an elite army in terms of models and yet not even have elite stats.
  12. Maybe we don’t see a points drop because models could get a 5++ now and we gotta pay for that too
  13. I need to see what we can spend buffs on. In some games, I don't farm barely enough DP. I'm talking like 8 by turn 3. Either my units get womped on and don't survive, my opponent is smart and I can't farm points, or units just die. No mention of a Slaangor rewrite either... Maybe they think this change will suddenly make them good?
  14. Loving all of the slaves to darkness leaks. While I want to be a purist in the army list construction aspect... those Ogroid's have always tempted me.
  15. I think it should be the case for daemons. Seeker mounts should also do MWs based on lore from the blissbarb seekers. Give daemonettes back their mw ability. Let friends get MW's on their attacks and have some punch.
  16. If that this is what it took for them to finally notice, and not the myriad of posts/surveys/feedback, then I'm slightly worried that we aren't getting anything worth while with the white dwarf. Regardless of that, me and a friend have been discussing what we would even get. Maybe fight first on charge? I feel bonus on charge would be very Slaaneshi.
  17. so while AoA is back, it's mostly a reprint. I was hoping for some more diverse choices. Might mess around and expand it out more. I saw some guy on fb make a chaos one that looked great.
  18. Took a win against sylvaneth today. Allegiance: Slaanesh- Host: Lurid Haze Invaders Host (Host of Chaos)- Grand Strategy: Hold the Line- Triumphs: Bladebringer, Herald on Exalted Chariot (265)- Artefact: Oil of Exultation Lord of Pain (155)- General- Command Trait: Feverish Anticipation Sigvald, Prince of Slaanesh (265)22 x Blissbarb Archers (340)- Reinforced x 15 x Myrmidesh Painbringers (145)10 x Symbaresh Twinsouls (330)- Reinforced x 15 x Slickblade Seekers (230)5 x Slickblade Seekers (230)Total: 1960 / 2000Reinforced Units: 2 / 4Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 113Drops: 8 all in a one drop. mission was tectonic interference. Killed Alarielle with chariot and sigvald. I lost a lot due to over commitment and bad charges. Thought the game was lost but sigvald was able to keep fighting every turn. I summoned 10 daemonettes as nothing was surviving combats for savage spear head. I was down to my archers, 4 myrmadesh, sigvald and 5 slicks. My opponent only had dryads and a branchwraith with all of his kurnoth dead and other heroes.
  19. While I'm sure this is the way to go 5-0 in the competitive sense, from the casual perspective, I don't want to have to go "half my book is ******, time to go look elsewhere, and all of these are non-starters too for battalions." I want the book to be good enough on its own and that units are just traps. Belakor is fun to bring and is a good piece to have, but ideally the design should be that everything goes well without needing belakor or pulling from 2-3 other books. While this white dwarf isn't going to get rid of summoning, I hope it reduces our reliance on it.
  20. There was an tweet today that they misjudged and there was a 5-0 list that took first, and Emma was second.
  21. Found the one slaanesh player at Adepticon GT. Even brought slaangors, the absolute Chad.
  22. They mentioned that if an army gets a rules update or any sorts, it's off the list. So Khorne and BoC both got WD updates, and therefore aren't eligible for the list of prime hunters.
  23. It was fun. I had sigvald and 10 symbaresh with +1 hit/wound and reroll hits) go into 20 pinks. They did 75 damage. It's crazy they could put out that much damage. Crazy still is how the pinks still didn't manage to die.
  24. I'd make Slaangor just follow the Dread Pagent scroll. 4a 4/3/-2/2. Move their mw ability to the charge phase. Charge, 3+ do 1 mw. Give them some Death Frenzy ability.
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