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Everything posted by Neck-Romantic

  1. I might try a few out now that they had their points reduced slightly (iir)
  2. @spears True. Most of my wins were decided early with either succesful deepstrike charges or a large unit getting WoT. Also I think always-strikes-first on the charge could be a little too powerful now that I ponder.. bladegheists would be insane. Maybe first strike OR double attack but not both
  3. @dmorley21 To each their own. With the ones I cobbled together you could address ONE of the glaring weaknesses in the NH book that impact one's playstyle the most; The movement + pile in deals with screens, the army wide frightful on 5's deals with durable/defensive reroll shenanigan enemies, the strikes-furst-on-charge counters activation wars, and the cumulative bravery debuff/immunity pierce is obvious. The durability one is just broad. But you can only pick one.
  4. @thamalys Ah, no you would pick one of those. Most army books in AoS and 40k now have options for what "clan" or "house" (or chapter or dynasty) your army belongs to and you get an army wide buff
  5. Chill of the Grave; army wide frightful touch now triggers on unmodified rolls of 5 or 6 (hosts, hexes, Olynder/Kurdoss attendents, Reik, Mourngul, TombWraith) Unfinished Business; army wide re-roll failed ethereal saves OR Deathless save increased to 5+ whichever is fair Dreadful Determination; units that make a succesfull charge move now attack first in the combat phase regardless of any other factor or rule Swift Apparitions; army wide 3" increased movement, and additional 3" pile-in Mounting Terror; -1 bravery aura now cumulative, if an enemy unit receives -3/-4 (whatever is balanced) from this effect they may no longer ignore battleshock tests regardless of rules or bonuses Would be so easy to elevate us back into the meta! Why wasnt something like this in GHB19
  6. Sorry; Ive been posting in Bonereaper for a while. I saw someone write some concise wishlisting for NH that I thought worked perfectly. Make them effective and scary spooks not because of sheer on-paper force; but for their rule-bending hijinks. WoT = always fights first on succesfull charge for every unit, ignores activation wars. Loses double attack. Army wide immunity to battleshock. Additional ways to pierce battleshock immunity. Slight boost to toughness (additional wounds or access to reroll failed saves) Slight change to certain units to break the 'sameness' of half the army Make NH scary and seem out-of-this-world with army wide invulns, mortals, and battleshock/activation immunity! Also; the "stormhost" issue is the same as when the necron "decurion" came out and no one else had "chapter" bonuses is quite real. Imagine a flat +1 armor or -1 rend or +3" movement across the board. Adding 'reaped like corn' could be a "stormhost" type bonus too. It truly feels like we need these
  7. The new endless spells look FANTASTIC Im going to grab them wether or not I buy into Ossiarch; the phantom would make a great alternate Mourngul and the multi-headed spell makes for a much better looking Horrorghast imho!
  8. Yes and no. It can quickly be disappointing to pick an army that isnt much fun to play as the powercreep sails by
  9. Still on the fence myself. Still stinging from Nighthaunt falling by the wayside in the power creep, but keeping an eye on these guys
  10. I was seeing a lack of defined roles in Nighthaunt as well; why use reapers over bladegheists over harridans, with the deciding factor usually being point costs and model theme preference
  11. I kinda wanted to run him with a horde of Spirit Hosts and Spirit Torments 😊
  12. Curious to see if this will be the first book to actually allow Naggy. Its been weird not having him allowed outside of his own private army list
  13. Thats the Ossiarch's driving question too I suppose..
  14. Much better tbh.. tho where to find a skull the proper size?
  15. At first I really wanted more samurai inspired heads... but for some reason the Guard heads are putting me off a bit... hope they have unadorned versions too
  16. Ok. This is done with. Lets move on to discussing spooky undead bone thieves and can the pages-long existential ranting please 🙄
  17. *reads historical accuracy rant.. * I just hate they they hold it with 2 hands on the same side, man
  18. I might do a cream pallette for the bone with light brown/black wash, then red and blue washes near connections to portray rotten fleshy substances. Worked with cryx.. Go full un-cleansed butchered cadaver tones. But their weapons are a different matter.. and the armor.. hmmm. Oh; and is anyone else not liking the "4th edition tyranid hive guard" 2 arms on the same side of the body holding the weapons and shields look!? Or am I alone in this
  19. I look at it as a Bone Golem...it isnt the skeleton of one animal or monster but a construct cobbled together with bone matter
  20. To each his own. It has a very macabre horror / Slann mage-priest vibe for me!
  21. The aesthetic is growing on me; but Im still waiting to see the rules. Necrons kinda got bungled imho and their resiliancy didnt translate very well in the most recent edition. Nighthaunt likewise relies too heavily on a 4+ invuln and mediocre replenishment mechanics **if the Ossiarch are supposed to the armored bulwark to the Nighthaunt's shock troops analogy
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