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Everything posted by mikethefish

  1. That's a pretty cool idea, but I like mine better. The fluff mentions floating armored light houses to protect trade routes. I think we get one of these things that can light up an enemy with it's spot light, giving us a shooting bonus of some kind. Sort of an AoS version of a Tau marker light. This way we could fix our accuracy issue without changing many to-hit rolls. Been thinking of this a lot, lol
  2. Actually they have never said this. People just assume they have, because of kits like Storm Fiends. Personally I think it is unlikely that Arks will change like this. We've been using them for a couple of years, and it's not like they are prone to abuse like Storm Fiends were
  3. I mean I don't really think we need any more models - as cool as they might be. Of course, I have tons of ideas that I'd love to see as options, but our roster seems fine, currently. Clearly we need more Battle Line options, but that can be solved by taking current units and making them either full or conditional Battle Line. Something to the effect of "if you take an Admiral in your army, then Sky Wardens may be taken as Battle Line units" or something similar. So while I would like to see additional models, we could pretty easily make do with the models we already have. Just give us a Tome, terrain and Endless Spells and we would probably be fine. What we really need is something like the Fyreslayers - where literally every single War Scroll got a change of some degree. Let our models function like they are supposed to do in the fluff. That's what we need.
  4. Firstly, I would agree with your point about Ironjawz and Bonesplittaz, if FEC and Fyreslayers didn't exist. Both of those Orruk armies have the same or (in IJ's case) more kits than either of the armies that just got new books. Both IJ and Bonesplittaz have 1st edition books. It's quite clear that GW are comfortable with these armies keeping their own identity as a singular army. There is precisely zero evidence that they will ever be combined in any way, Additionally, if there are so many KO players that you are apparently getting annoyed at the outcry, then you have your answer right there. KO NEED a new book because they are a cool and popular army, and a lot of players (customers) want a revamp. GW sell models man. Do you honestly think that they care about Allegience Abilities when determining their production schedule?
  5. Finally getting back to the Iron Grot. Despite good intentions, I needed to take a short break from the thing - it's a big project! I finished off painting my 2000 pts of Ironjawz as a sort of palate cleanser, but back to construction again. The big thing is I have everything except the arms all riveted, which was a lesson in tedium Anyhow, I apologize up front for the crappy photos - I just need some opinions here. Do you think he looks better with his arms swinging like he is walking/moving? or... Do you think he looks better as if he is reaching for something
  6. This was my thought. IMO it's the most likely culprit for stuff like this
  7. It really gives little to no credence, in fact
  8. With these new Fyreslayer buffs, I may have to think more seriously about picking up some to be melee allies.
  9. Lord I hope this never happens. I have no desire whatsoever for this army to become a summoning army. Having to lug along more models than I absolutely HAVE to, is a colossal pain in the ass - espet considering the model transportation issues we already have. I could maybe stomach having our units "resurrected" in some way, but that doesn't seem to fit, fluff-wise. No, I would rather GW increase our "healing" abilities to the point where they are more useful. Have our mechanics take our heavily damaged ships, and keep them working. That is a far more fluffy solution, IMO.
  10. I mean...maybe? They didn't say anything about points increases. Fyreslayers aren't considered to be a good army at the moment, right? I am sure the points will go up a bit, but I am far from sure that it will be some sort of drastic points increase where Fyreslayer players will notice a huge change.
  11. Oh yeah - didn't even notice he had Bounderz, rather than Hopperz. Those aren't battle line, so this list needs to be rehashed from the ground up, really
  12. Sneaky Snufflers buff both Stabbas and Squigs, so take a unit or two of those. Additionally you have more than enough magical firepower to make use of Endless Spells. Specifically the mushroom.
  13. Well plus the obvious - the Spite getting chomped
  14. Here's the deal. A lot of times, Games Workshop don't make these board games because they think people will actually play them as a game. Oh sure, some times they do a big production release like Blackstone Fortress, that is a fully fleshed out and well-supported game. But just as often you see little one-off games like Speed Freeks, which was a thinly-veiled way to package models that people will use in the main game (40k in this case). I mean honestly, have you ever seen Speed Freeks played regularly? Beyond maybe a handful of times when it was initially released? Speed Freeks was catered to 40k Ork players as a way to sell models with their codex release. So really, if this IS merely a board game, it makes the possibility of a Sylvaneth army book MORE likely, rather than less likely
  15. Eh...I read that too, but in light of everything else, I am pretty sure that's just wishful thinking. If we see new stuff, it'll probably be in the expansions
  16. In what way is it an irrelevant comparison? There are six Chaos teams for War Cry, which means six new kits. Are people really postulating that the nine Chaos factions will ALSO get new kits? I get that this is a big new IP, but fifteen new kits? No way. If Kill Team was released with zero new kits, and that was a huge success, why do we think that War Cry will be released with more than the six kits we can logically surmise?
  17. Sorry but this is just wildly unrealistic. Kill Team had zero new models, and that game is both fun, and popular. Quite frankly, I think we players are fortunate enough that GW is giving AoS factions rules alone.
  18. Pointy feet would have been a really boss idea! Wish I would have had it early on. At this point, I think I will just let that one go, and power through to get this thing completed.
  19. Alrighty, work is creeping along. There is a light at the end of the tunnel though! I did the last of the steam pipes I want on the body, and (more importantly), I am nearly done with the fingers on his hands! The fingers were a big deal, and were kind of fiddly to do. Several times I was kicking myself for attempting them, instead of sculpting something a bit easier, but now that they are done, I am pretty happy with the result. Will make the whole model look a lot more robot-y. Basically the arms and hands need some detail work. I need to sculpt something for his shoulders, once I attach the arms to the body, and then the rest is just to cover the thing in rivets. Hopefully I will start painting the thing by the end of this week!
  20. It's a lot more than possible. It's probable. Think about it - many of the classic WHB spells that described a physical object manifesting, have been made into Endless Spells - Purple Sun, Comet of Cassedora, etc. The Foot of Gork is a classic, well-loved spell that has always been about a physical magical object materializing and smashing stuff. I mean the spell had it's own foot-shaped template in many editions of the game. Of COURSE the devs are going to translate it into an endless spell. In many ways, Foot was the proto-endless spell.
  21. As I mentioned, I think it's a sure thing for an endless spell. A giant ectoplasm foot just screams "Orruk" to me
  22. You get that the Shaman's two spells will likely change, right? That Warscroll was made in AoS's infancy. Plus Foot of Gork would make a far too awesome Endless Spell, just to let it languish in relative obscurity on the Shaman's card.
  23. Grots seem to lie firmly in the middle of the back. If you are looking to dominate everyone, I would look elsewhere. That being said, you can certainly reliably win with them. The best combinations seem to be a solid core of Grots, combined with something else (Spiders, Trolls, etc) Pure Trolls are not competitive in the slightest. A Troll/Grot combo has some legs though. My personal armies all start with two units of 60 Grots, with a couple of Loonbosses and a unit of Snufflers to support them. After that, I add whatever I like - being some Troll units, Sqigs, or whatever I like.
  24. So I did a little bit of work on the Iron Grot last night. I added a collection of random looking smokestacks on his back (I figure the thing runs on steam created by boiled mushroom juice!) and I decorated his hunch with a bunch of 3d printed spikes I bought off of Thingvese. Oh yeah, and I gave him "ears" to complete the gobbo face look. Going good so far, though I need more steam pipes, and a few more details.
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