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Everything posted by HollowHills

  1. I'm being reasonable when I say we're all against that. It's the kind of snobbery that shouldn't exist. You're completely in the wrong.
  2. It's not that unreasonable. I've managed to get 20 nemarti thralls into combat and they are in the same base sizes. You rank them diagonally with ten in the front and ten in the back, unless you get wedged in to a bad spot then you can normally get the whole unit into combat.
  3. No, massive impaling talons is only 1 damage now. So you get one d6 mortal wounds and then a successful hit, which if it wounds, deals 1 damage.
  4. That's probably about the same as I'd spend on a 1k army in trees. I was more thinking one box or two.
  5. 1) Regarding previous discussion I don't think judging whether the new rules make Sylvaneth competitive versus Gristlegore is a good indicator of the quality of the book. I say this as a relatively competitively minded player. If it was it would be an example of power creep to an extreme and further disadvantage other armies, rather than levelling the field. It seems more logical to tone these other armies down when the new GHB comes out next month. I think you can expect to see DoK, Skaven, LoN and FEC units from the most competitive lists to see extreme point increases. Same as happened with other very strong lists in the past such as Tzeentch and Kunnin Ruk, 2) Request for advice. Bearing in mind old experience and new rules, how many Wyldwoods am I likely to need for 1000 point and under games?
  6. As an experienced player only now coming to Sylvaneth, I can say this book seems good. Units are generally costed at a level where they seem competitive when compared to similar units in other armies, magic isn't incredible but is decent and there are multiple options for buffing it, a couple of glades are very strong. I don't see anything meta breaking, but I see no reason for Sylvaneth to be worse off.
  7. Agree, hopefully it doesn't devolve into dryad spam and become yet another 2.0 horde army. It's the one that really stuck out to me though.
  8. The only bit that seems quite annoying to me would be the battalions. Given you'll probably want to take a Glade, taking a battalion is the only way to ensure you get at least one artefact of your choice. The Kunorth hunters getting an auto 6 for run rolls isn't too bad. Outcasts suits the units, but I'm not sure how popular Spite-Revenants will be.
  9. She is within range of herself and a Sylvaneth unit... so no she doesn't?
  10. Exactly, no issue with GW wanting to produce a limit run product but this is what causes me a headache.
  11. Ah OK cool, maybe a chance for a second run then if lucky.
  12. Because ebay sellers are then encouraged to order loads of copies and resell them for profit. Which is bad for players who want those models at a fair price. The issue being it could be a long time before the archrevenant is available separately too. Basically it is an out of print model which is, likely, competitive in the current mets / new battletome. Also because GW tend to only give a week's notice on releases, it can be hard to budget for that. Especially if it will sell out immediately. So basically, it would just be better to run these boxes for a set amount of time but meet demand. Then release the unique models separately and discontinue the box.
  13. Any ideas if they will release more copies of Looncurse? It seems weird that they would want to encourage the inflated ebay prices.
  14. I will quit AoS if this goes into Matched Play.
  15. The war cry sculpts were designed prior to war cry as a game coming into existence. Originally intended to be for a darkoath release, but now repurposed to allow for an AoS killteam.
  16. If a KoS is that large how does it... y'know... with mortals?
  17. Double turn is quite irritating, that said in 40k I found that going first is a colossal advantage most of the time. It effectively puts you one turn of shooting ahead, which for some armies can basically guarantee a win. It's very easy to kill one or two of your opponents units before they even get a turn. I am marginally in favour of getting rid of the double turn but it's such a characteristic part of AoS now. I've learnt to live with it basically.
  18. Greetings fellow Germans. I'm about to start my freeguild army and was thinking about paint schemes. Does anyone know of a good source for images on this? I'm leaning towards black uniform with red finishings and maybe a gold beast plate.
  19. Well I personally wouldn't cut out a horse's eyes and then mentally break them.
  20. I think what we will see is a named KoS as all three other greater daemons have a named version. Then potentially a new plastic herald. If there was going to be a big mortal release they would have shown at least one I think.
  21. I don't think Slaanesh will get any mortals, if you count the enrapturess, fiends, KoS, masque, Xerxes, mirror buddies, endless spells and scenery piece that's 8 new boxes.
  22. As an Idoneth deepkin fan I want everyone to be underwater but I blub bloob glub glub.
  23. I would wager we all know at least one person who will buy nearly all the new armies / army models GW release. Even if they later sell them on via ebay or Facebook. Keeping a lid on things until just before release probably helps maintain these high spenders as a customer base. Because of the resale market for GW product I would also suspect that people who buy the new shiny thing now, then want the next shiny thing, probably end up buying both as well.
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