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Everything posted by Beliman

  1. Building and painting 2nd market stuff, but I will buy the Dwarf box (if any) and probably everything dwarf-y in the same release that I don't have.
  2. Dwarfs! Completely new project (I never had any WFB miniatures).
  3. I'm with you in that there is no need to allow AoS to buy 3 items for each hero, and a few ones for each unit's champion, plus other addons (magic, special abilities, etc...). I understand that AoS is not that type of a game, but I was talking about something a bit more like AoS, but still allowing us to build our characters. We already had realm tables full of weapons and artefacts, mount traits, spells, prayers and a bunch of stackable bonus. Maybe just redo the whole concept, put some points cost to it, and allow each Hero to "buy" one Trait and/or Artefact. And if we talk about Heroes, let's bring back Challenge. We already had Cado Ezechiar duel mechanic, easy to addapt for the whole game (and yes, I love this type of cinematic actions):
  4. TO be honest, I play HH and 40k, and I think that they are better written (that doens't mean better balanced). Yes, but take in mind that I'm not asking for a 300p of rules or anything like that. I mean, you can have lorefriendly rules, unique roles based on the form of the miniatures and simple ruleset, as we have seen before multiple times in other games.
  5. Not really, I just want AoS with more polished and strightforward rules, less parasitic designs, without losing flavour. As an example: a 3+/3+ should be worse than a 2+/2+, but AoS has mechanics to improve that profile with AoA+Finest Hour. Without this kind of stuff, all profiles are going to be more relevant for the game. Same with saves or abilities with -1 hit/wound. Note: I'm not saying that we need to remove all Command Abilities, it's just an example. I'm just saying that, without too much complexity, AoS can have the same flavour that we had before, or even better because we have 3 editions testing stuff for a new edition to pick up what works and remove what it doesn't.
  6. It seems that I'm not in the same mood of a lot of people. Unpopular Opinion: AoS rules are badly designed. Most new mechancis are written to fix a problem, but in return, they become a parasitic design for the game that don't solve the main issue. Most of our foot Heroes are tokens for some gameplay purpose with the same 3+/3+ profiles. There is no expectation to play your own character because the game is not designed for that. The diference between a chariot, artillery, ranged units, cavalry, etc.. is just the movement and the damage output/delivery damage. In other words, the roles changed from the nature of the unit to what you want to accomplish on the table (you use a ranged unit because it has better damage than your artillery). A few irrelevant phases (mainly battleshock phase).
  7. I'm in the same spot. I want to add a few points too: Artifacts and drops linked to battalions. Boring and arbitrary af. #customizationnotfound If there is some weird background for a generic goblin hero (or Duardin, or human, or beastmen, or SCE, or...) to have the same Hit and Wound profiles as a Chaos Lord, then rewrite the whole story.
  8. That and the psychic mechanic is what I don't like about nu-40k. Btw, I'm not a fan of missions too, but the main core rules are good and easy to work and if there are any problems, it's easy to fix (just change or remove keywords/values and the entire unit becomes something else). The only thing that I miss is more customization (subfactions, artefacts, traits, etc...).
  9. I had the same experience with Black Library books and the whole experience was horrible. Let's hope that GW understanda their target and makes a moves with their productio line. Btw, that shoudn't mean in a reduction of AoS armies or HH new boxes.
  10. AoS already has some cutomizable options that could be used for a lot of variety: Marks of Chaos. I'm not saying that all armies need to have marks of chaos, but maybe use the a more basic mechanic? Fyreslayers with Runes, Kharadron Overlords with diferent ammo, Kruleboyz with diferent venoms, etc... Of course, points for artefacts, traits and this stuff would be enough, but I just wanted to say that, appart from subfactions, we already have a mechanic that "modifies" some units or characters.
  11. I'm really happy for Skaven and SCE, new miniatures, even if some of them are an update from existing ones, is always awesome. But I'm more interested in 4.0 rules. The AoS team has a lot of work, and Imho, a lot of stuff to fix.
  12. Let's be honest here, TOW had a massive campaign: 8 years of content creators (most spanish CC started between End Times and Covid). 4 years of hype (GW) 8 years of fanmade editions (WAP, One-Page-Rules, Manuscritos de Nuth, 8.5th, 9th Age, etc...) At least 3 years of a Tournament scene (2021-2024) for old editions (mainly 6th, 8th and fanmade). Total War Warhammer1, 2 and 3 Vermintide 1 and 2 The difficulty to accquire some WFB products High price on ebay and second market sites. One of the most hostile and vocal communities. I'm not going to lie, I expected a bit more stock from GW, but I'm sure that they will try to milk the cow as much as they can. Note: AOS had a peak of tournament players this last 3 months (compared to last year) world wide.
  13. Even if TOW and WFB are set in the same universe, they are a direrent trademark. CA will not use any TOW unique models, characters or stories, unless there is a previous agreement (Kislev and Cathai).
  14. I had to wait 6 months for Chronicles of the Wanderer book. I hope for enough stock this time
  15. No. Diferent people. I'm the one that is working on the dwarf part.
  16. A few years ago, when Soulbound was released, I joined a group of people to translate that book as a fanmade project. One of the main administrators from that group had a chat with the manager from the same company that translates and sells Warhammer rpg book in spain. I don't remember exactly the same words but they were something like: "AoS? Are you crazy, I'm not touching it even with a stick".
  17. Question: Can a Dwarf character join a WarMachine and use his BS to shoot? Most of the warmachines says that "don't use the BS from the crew" and there is a little explanation about characters using their own BS when using missile weapons, but nothing about using a War Machines.
  18. I like that my dwarfs are the true ancestors of my KO army. Use the Rune of Haste & Urgency for a double Bombing Run while listening Ride of the Valkyries.
  19. My family has some lands, and to be honest, yes, pruning helps the tree. But take in mind that you need to chop all their death, small, non-productive branches (we call them "the students") when the time is right. If you cut them before a snowy storm, some of this trees will be rotten from the inside. Removing old miniatures is not the problem, invalidating entire armies that had support until now, that's hard to swallow.
  20. A new purge would not help AoS. I get that TOW is still hot and throwing stuff there is like printing money. But removing factions that people invested, that's not the right move.
  21. Not even Sigvald can kill Gotrek with this rules, LOL
  22. I really hope to see the return of 6th edition longbeards, the Command group from Forgeworld Blackfire Pass supplement and maybe Long Drong Pirates (that would be ace). Not sure about Karak Kadrin stuff (I recently acquired a Goblin Hewer and Ungrim), but a few Doomseekers and Khagrim would be nice. Another things that I would probably buy, even if they are not related to TOW are the old dwar characters (Kazador, Bugman, Skeggi, etc...). I had the pleasure to buy Helga, Throgrim and a Bugman fighting with a stool/axe, but there are a lot of little chaps that I would like to catch. For a new unit, my only wish is to see the mighty Thunderbarge, but if that's not possible, maybe a resculpted Rangers and/or Slayers would be fine.
  23. It's all about the story. We are not playing Warhammer Fantasy as a setting, we are playing TOW as a story, a "movie" if you like. Doesn't matter if the evil guy is doing the right thing for the whole setting, it's still portrayed as a villain in this narrative arc.
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