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Everything posted by Beliman

  1. Well, the point wasn't about to be updated with a new battletome. What I was trying to say is that we are going to have new toys (nightvault band) before our update/ battletome/ new wave of minis/ whatever... Just be optimistic!!
  2. My optimist side. Btw, has any army recieved a new wave of miniatures without a new battletome? I only remember some random characters (Gavriel, shadespire minis, promotional minis...).
  3. New minis before a new battletome! Can't wait for them!!
  4. Can't be more happy to see new Kharadrons minis!!!! With some luck, new characters!!! 10/10 release!!! Can't wait!!!
  5. So, let me understand what is happening: -Chaos Marks with battalions. -3 Stormhosts -Racial abilities for Warherds, Thunderscorn and Breyherds. -An scenario that provides Passive Battleshock Inmunity AND -1 rend that improves it's range every turn. -Summoning (well...sacrifice miniatures to take other miniatures/units). That sounds really awesome!!!!!
  6. Sorry @Skabnoze, no grots this time. Clearly KO!!!!! All aboard the hype train ship!!!
  7. IMHO, they need to aproach this question from the other side. What makes KO to not be competitive. 1-Core rules: -1 hit heroes, can't shoot other units in combat. 2-Magic: Endless Spells and new lores (0 magic, need allies, can't dispell endless spells). 3-Meta armies: Some -1 army wide, T1 charge armies and batallions, really hard hitting alpha strikes, dmg over summons (force us to play clown car to survive or aim for the heroes to stop their summoning blobs). After that, just see what KO has (their mechanics, strategies, wombos, etc...), and why they are handicapped in the main meta (and understand why). It's a first step to work around it. Lowering cost points can help, but every army having tools to work around new and fresh meta should be focused over unite costs.
  8. Yeah. I know, but to do that, I need to talk first with my oponent. Let's be real, If my friend plays a competitive SCE, or Nurgle, or ID, or DoK, etc..., the matches are just one sided. Yeah, sometimes the Die Gods can help me, and I can still play past turn 3, but at that point, I just aim to drink my beer and see if I can make a good/fun play (maybe trying to take down a hero or take a low def objective, but that's all).
  9. I'm starting to hate that. Ending the games in turn 2 or 3 is one of the worst designs. You aim for the head, if you don't hit hard, the match is 80% done. It's one of the main things that I really don't like about the army, I want to have options.
  10. Well, good event, but for me, they didn't give anything for my army or my wargame. I still have hope for KO (Nightvault warband or just a new codex), but I will start a new army soon (yeah, I want to play and not get bored!!). Maybe Moonclan (miniatures and rules) or maybe Beasts of Chaos (rules, the minis and lore are awesome) can be what I'm looking for.
  11. Are you saying that they are reworking KO and giving them a new attletome with "anti-magic bombs" minis to counter the Endless Spells??? WHAT A TIME TO BE ALIVE A KO PLAYER!!!
  12. I want to start a new army (still waiting for KO upgrade), and I really wanted the flying gobbos to be a thing. So, since we have 0 rumors about thems, and KO are a bit boring with their play-style, hope to see the BoC having new and interesting mechanics.
  13. Imho, the problem is about the faction itself. I still have hope to see a KO 2.0 battletome with new tricks to do. An "open-topped" rule for our ships can help our thunderers to be a better than arkanauts, and giving them the "battleline if..." give us a lot more option than just buffing units or decreasing points.
  14. WOW!!! That sounds awesome!!!! I love beastmen!!! I must stay focused on grotbag skuttlers but a new chaos army with beastmen in it...that's hard to pass.
  15. Is there any rumor for the next (completly imminent) release of Grots? Anyone know if GW are aiming for a moonclan release? Or maybe a Grotbag Scuttlers release? I'm looking for a second army, and flying crazy green pirates seems the best option after my flying stunties!!
  16. When I see Age of Sigmar, I see WC3. I mean, they can use whatever they want to tell the story (campaign, quests, comics, etc...), but Age of Sigmar has Gordrakk, Alarielle, Nagash, etc.. They are not normal characters, they are "over the top". And the only RTS that can give the feeling to control heroes, demi-gods and even Gods is WC3. The game had everything to be build around heroes (that means builds, items, equipment, powerspikes, comebacks, etc...), and imho, Age of Sigmar needs the same feeling and gameplay. P.D: SC2 lost a bit of that (Legacy of the void had something close in the last mission). /Offtopic: The original Warcraft wasn't produced by GW. Blizzard wanted to rise up their sales using GW franchice. But the project didn't flourish because both companies had some diferent views. Blizzard wanted to write their story (with their own characters) and control everything; they had some bad experience with another franchice : "Death and return of Superman" and "Justice League Task Force" (both being part of a franchice of another big company). To try to avoid that, Blizzard started their own game (with some inspiration of DnD, warhammer, Tokien, etc..) and we all know the rest of the story. Edit: Didn't see your last post @Gaz Taylor!!!
  17. I try to avoid them in any competitive match. They are really expensive and you aim to 1500-2000 matches at least to be playable. But with 2.0 and some chill evenings (free time at last!!), I use some of them (just for the lols). Iron Sky Command-Create an indestructible hero with -2 hit (Look out sir +Gryph-feather Charm) and 5+ to bounce wounds. Main problem is that only the Khemists is important to protect, and it's still better to take two khemists than all the reqs. Endrinmaster with Ghyrstrike for 3A(or 4 with grudgebearer) 2+2+ -1R 3D (charged harness) is really fun but +4save +5bounce and -1Look out sir is not enough (at least we can move him with our 4+/5+ save ships!!!). Iron Sky Squadron-Eazy reqs. I never played in 2.0, but I used it in 1.0. The main problem with this battalion is that it uses frigates and buff their dmg in their first turn (+1atk). In other words, you are going for an alpha strike with frigates!! I used it in the past until I played with our Clown Car strategy and I never tryied this battalion again. Maybe in 2.0 with frigates costing less and +1 artifact...? Grundstock Excort wing-Still painting Gunhaulers. It seems that it can be good with 2.0 (we still have a devastating shooting-phase after all). But you can only use it in 2000 points games (1300 points with battlelines and without General). Boring +1hit, but at least is usefull. Aetherstrike Force-Never played. I don't use SCE. Grand Armada- Never played. I don't have enough models btw (3190 points min...).
  18. Yep, rules should be improved to maintain balance between the two positions. Btw, there are some negative points for any garrisoned unit: they can't charge (they are not on the table), they can't be buffed (can't be targeted because they are not on the table too), they couldn't take objectives (if we assume that war machines can't take objectives) and remember that our ships are not strong enough to resist any focus fire (and they can kill the garrisoned units for free when they explode). With a bit of work (maybe -1 to hit if the war machines has moved or something like that) we could have awesome and fluffy rules. IMHO, going outside of our ships should be an answer forced by the enemy or something to work around objectives/victory points and not about our main modus operandi (except shock troops or specific skyports abilities).
  19. But that's just a matter of "rules". For example: war machines that has the "garrison rule" can't take objectives (maybe create a new label for them?).
  20. Hope to see in our next battletome the garrison rules for our ships. That could be awesome and cinematic.
  21. I'm a big fan of Tauralons. Just looking over Tauralon's design, it has the feeling to be a majestic beast, and a celestial entity, without looking like a big monster. For me, they nailed it without going to cliché (pegasus, lions with wings, dragons, etc...).
  22. An Aether-flamer from a new range of Kharadron Overlords.
  23. I hope that too. They don't need to explain everything (Celestan Primer...coff..coff...). Let the readers and fans be the ones to discover the lore. P.D: With Morathi, they could do something too: just say that"Khaine is still alive" an put some hints here and there that maybe Morathi someone is lying.
  24. Someone on Dakka said that Moonlcan will be the next battletome after death, followed by Slaanesh. It seems to be the same dude that talked about Nurgle before their release. We had Cave-Shaman and some rumor engines that support this theory, of course only time will tell if he is right.
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