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Everything posted by Scythian

  1. I have a full Sons army of 2 Megan’s and 2 units of 3 Mancrushers. I hardly see them as limited or a waste of money. They’re exactly what I’ve always wanted. Low model count with easy rules.
  2. Going to try out the Mob this weekend.
  3. For Warstomper Stomps, you’re going to see the 2 mega and 2 units of 3 Mancrushers a lot on the table. It’s the most well-rounded Warstomper build you can make.
  4. Very true about holding objectives but people will soon learn how to block them out to prevent that. Only time will tell what our opponents will do to complicate matters for us.
  5. The answer is a double charge with a mega and 3 mancrushers. The impact hits alone will probably kill the stinkers and then you pile in for the Smackdown, lol.
  6. I think the detractors of this army are truly misunderstanding what this army is and what it can and will be. Like many other misunderstood armies, people are expecting this army to be a game changer, it is not. Much like Disciples of Tzeentch, people automatically thought that it was going to be a magic heavy army when in fact, the meta was shooting. Sons of Behemat create the same fool's gold effect. A player might be tempted to play the “camp on the objectives” game with the giant’s high wounds but this is a grave mistake. This is an army that should always be charging. The meta is the charge phase. Charging and attacking. They are not designed to be a “stand on and camp” army. Think logically about it. The Mega’s are just a 35 man unit with 4+ armor and limited attacks when you actually erase the model's stature and truly read the warscroll. Hardly what I would call a game changer, but rather just a larger than average horde unit by only 5 wounds. As for the individual Mega Gargant types, just understand that while the Krakeneater and Gatebreaker have tactical options, do not solely rely on them to be the game changer abilities you may think they are. Now, get out there and remember your ABC’s..........Always Be Charging!
  7. I built three Warstompers and they were relatively easy to build.
  8. “Godzilla Destroys Tokyo” List General: Warstomper Mega Gargant “Thorgar Thunderstomper - Terror of the North” with Monstrously Tough and Ironweld Cestus Warstomper Mega Gargant “Grundar Groundbreaker” Warstomper Mega Gargant “Erruk Earthshaker” Battleline: 3 1 Unit of 3 Warstomper Gargants “Jarl, Fjor and Hamish” Extra Command Point 1970
  9. Make no mistake, my Troggoth brethren, this new battalion is a game changer. Troggoths are now a very competitive army as I’ve been proving to the killers each weekend. I’ll be taking them to Adepticon this year if they have it. People once snickered at guys like us. Lol, soon they’ll want to be us. Get those Rockguts built and start erasing the names of towns from maps.
  10. Like I’ve always said, Dank, wherever they go, no more news comes out of that area.
  11. The List is Glogg’s Megamob Battalion Danhold Troggboss with battalion artifact and command trait 3 Fungoids (1 with Everspring Diadem) 3 Units of 9 Rockguts Scuttletide Fungusfoot Da Foul and his Big Dummiez!
  12. I had to modify my old list but now my Megamob is ready to go! This weekend it’s on!
  13. I’ll be running the new battalion with my army this weekend. Very excited to try out the new rules.
  14. That, my Troggoth brother, is a work of art!
  15. Ironically, this very pricey army is actually a phenomenal starter army for kids. Children love big stompy monsters and with a low model count, they’d definitely be good for kids to focus on. And yet, once you add up the actual cost, it’s probably no worse than your average 2k army that a kid may get into.
  16. I thought we were getting realm specific abilities as well?
  17. The Thunderstompers Tribe: Stomper General: Warstomper “Thorgar Thunderstomper, Terror of the North” With Ironweld Cestus and Monsrously Tough Warstomper “Grundar Groundbreaker” Warstomper “Erruk Earthshaker” Battleline: 3 1 unit of 3 Mancrushers “The Thunderstompers” 1 extra command point ........because sometimes, you just want to play Godzilla.
  18. It’s like Destruction Christmas next week! New rules for my Rockguts. Awesome new army of gargants. All we need is Sulphurbreath models and Santa will be my hero!
  19. I just ordered my 3 Mega Gargants this morning. I truly believe that gargants look best among themselves. My Rockgut Troggoth army looks great on its own. If I were to bring in a Mega Gargant, it would kill the Troggoth theme and actually weaken the army significantly. You only get Sons of Behemat rules if you’re playing the actual army anyways. While I’m sure a towering Mega Gargant would look great among the grots, it would look odd and out of place amongst the Rockgut army I’ve built. Now, let’s get those new Troggoth rules so we can make our drooling fiends even droolier than before!
  20. Spiderfang remain one the best selling ranges in the Gloomspite product line. The GW website is constantly selling out of Arachnaroks and spider riders. Now, just imagine if they gave us new spider riders and a new scuttleboss? I don’t think GW realizes just how popular this range is. One would think if the older stuff is selling out, imagine what new stuff would do.
  21. Contrary to public opinion, Troggoths do not need smaller charge blocker units to be competitive. Everything you need to be successful is right there if you have enough experience to prepare for it. Aelfric, I play against top notch killer players with killer lists every other weekend. I’ve beaten them plenty of times with my Rockguts. A good Troggoth player needs to know how to use the endless spells in conjunction with the Moonclan magic to block and reroute the opponent right into the hands of his units. You cannot use these goofy 3 man units and hope to be successful. Rockguts are always best in 9 or 12 man groups. You need the high numbers to sweep enemy units off of objectives. You need 3 Fungoids to give you those extra command points. Lastly, you need to know how to position your units for the inevitable steamroller charges that sweep the enemy units into oblivion.
  22. Hey, if they’re Destruction even better.
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