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Retreat Questions

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The scenario...a Stormcast Prosecutor is surrounded on all sides (touching base) by BloodReavers. During the Stormcasrt turn, he opts to retreat during the movement phase.

Can he?

With fly it reads that the Prosecutor can move through enemy units, but even on a retreat?

Can a retreat be in any direction or just back towards the Stormcast player's starting side? Most games I've played in the past are like that. I don't see that in the four page rulesheet. Can models retreat _forward_?


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8 minutes ago, Mr. White said:

Can he?

He can. And may. Units always may opt to retreat.

8 minutes ago, Mr. White said:

With fly it reads that the Prosecutor can move through enemy units, but even on a retreat?

Of course. As with movement in general your models just need to be 3''+ away from the enemy. And yes, nothing states you ought to retreat back - only that you ought to be away from the foe.

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20 minutes ago, Mr. White said:

Same situation, but replace Prosecutor with Liberator.


Liberator is surrounded by bloodreavers. Liberator can't fly.


Can he retreat?

No, because you said that he was surrounded on all sides, which I take to mean "Completely, utterly surrounded by units all touching him." - No, he can not retreat, because it is impossible for him to move at all. He would also be unable to pile in (Not that he'd need to, since he's already in contact with all of them) 

Retreat follows the same rules as movement (ish), so flying applies if they're capable of it. 

Also, this should be in the rules section ;)

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