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Freeguild/Empire - 2000pt Army Roster


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Starting to build my models, so here's my final draft of my 2000pt army list! If you have any comments or suggestions please let me know! The large Halberd block shields the large handgun block, while the two sword-and-board units guard the smaller handgun units. Artillery in the back and the heroes can provide various buffs.


Freeguild General w/ Sigmarite Weapon, Freeguild Shield, and Stately War Banner

Collegiate Arcane Battlemage (Lore of Shadows or Lore of Beasts)

Gunmaster w/ Masterwork Long Rifle

Excelsior Warpriest and Gryph-Hound

Witch Hunter w/ Baroque Pistol & Silver Greatsword

20 Freeguild Guard w/ Halberds & Shields

10 Freeguild Guard w/ Swords & Shields

10 Freeguild Guard w/ Swords & Shields

30 Freeguild Handgunners w/ Long Rifle (Marksman only)

10 Freeguild Handgunners w/ Long Rifle (Marksman only)

10 Freeguild Handgunners w/ Long Rifle (Marksman only)

5 Freeguild Pistoliers


Helblaster Volley Gun

Steam Tank


Please let me know if you have any comments or ideas! Thank you very much!

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  • 6 months later...

I really like this list, it's rather similar to what i hope to finish on. as much as i love the Witch hunter i find him lacking unless you're against demons but i play against Flesheater courts and Ironjawz. Shame the standard priest only buffs devoted units -_- Also are you going for Order allegiance instead of free peoples because the buff is too good to pass up and i think you're over on allies if my maths is right. In any case love the list, Nothing but moustache's and ****** and vinegar to win the day! 

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So some thoughts on your mixed Human list.

I don't think Beasts will be very good on the Battlemage. Only because Wildform effects combat units, and a unit of 20 Freeguild Guard with Halberds isn't a fantastic combat unit to be buffing.  Probably better off with Shadow or using Life to heal/buff the Steam Tank.

Not sure how I feel about the Excelsior War Priest. He doesn't really offer much, as you don't have much to heal outside the Steam Tank. I guess he can use his prayer offensively. It's only within 10" as well.

Mainly the problem I think is that you may suffer somewhat on Duality of Death. You don't really have a tanky hero that can go up and sit on an objective. And the War Priest (And Witch Hunter) don't really help out here, other than being able to heal the Steam Tank (Which can sit on one objective once you get him there).


IMO speed and mortal wound output is where the list really suffers. Seraphon (or anything else) that ignores -1 rend will also cause some grief as the Cannon is the only thing you can use to punch through the enemy.

So the thing that immediately comes to mind, is trying to squeeze in a Freeguild General on Griffon. This will help with both the tankiness, speed and punch. You can do this by removing a the War Priest, Witch Hunter, Gryph Hound and a unit of 10 Freeguild Guard.

A light weight tank is the regular Warrior Priest on Horse with Shield. He comes in at 5 wounds with a 3+ save and can heal himself. That being said, since the force doesn't have any speedy elements other than the Pistoliers to support him, he might just be picked off.


Other options are to start looking at the Stormcast. You can get mortal wounds with the Heraldor, speed/damage with Dracothian Guard, speed with Prosecutors, etc. However, that might not fit your theme, dunno? But they're definitely an interesting thing to look into.

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