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Rebasing dark elves opinion


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So I figured I'd rebase my dark elves from 8th, since I have like 4000 points just sitting there, and I wanted to ask everyone's opinion about base sizes. Going off the new arkanaut base sizes, I was thinking basic infantry like spearmen, crossbows, corsairs and witches on 25mm and the elite infantry like black guard and executioners on 32mm. Does that sounds about right or I was thinking going all 32mm. I can't really tell the base sizes based on the pictures in the grand alliance order book. What do you guys think and if you've already rebased what did you do? Thanks guys

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25mm for all foot elves is good enough. Some go 32mm for heroes as they look better. For cavalry, 60x35mm ovals seems to be what most use. Then even larger for monsters/chariots.

Good luck for the rebase, 4k seems like quite some work! I personally opted not to rebase as there is no obligation (unless playing some picky tournament) and square bases work fine for AoS anyway. Plus it makes WFB gaming still viable!

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Keep em on squares.. better for fighting in rows with spears :D

Personally I'd keep real rank n file troops on squares. I consider rebasing heroes (non elven btw). my dryads are actually pretty large for their square bases so I MIGHT put them on rounds too since they don't really square up nicely anyway.

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