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Battalion query


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If a battalion asks for a particular hero will any model that contains it count toward the requirements of the battalion?  

For instance the tomb Kings have 2 models that are tomb Kings that I didn't think would count towards the Tomb Legion battalion but I had an opponent ask why I didn't bring a Royal Warsphinx instead of the plain foot slogging King.

Am I being overly strict?  Thanks.

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I think you're right, but it's not entirely clear.  My reading is that the name is supposed to match - like if the battalion includes a 'tomb king' then you need to use the unit named 'tomb king', not the unit named 'royal warsphinx', even if the latter happens to have a tomb king riding it.

But even that doesn't always work, such as with the Legion of Death battalion, which requires a 'wight king' even though there is no unit by that (exact) name, so... yeah.  it's highly ambiguous at the moment.

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If the battalion requires a 'Tomb King' - then you must include the unit which has the title 'Tomb King'

If the battalion requires a TOMB KING then you must include a unit with keywords matching.

Because the Tomb Legion battalion requires a tomb king (unit name) you must include the Tomb king unit - i.e. you had it right.


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20 hours ago, Sception said:

In that case, the Legion of Death is an illegal formation, because 'Wight King' isn't bold in the list of units, yet there is no unit named 'Wight King'.

Oh please not this again (apologies to you, but this went on for four pages last time). No there is no wight king; there is also no unit called prosecutors. The legion of death was allowed at a warhammer world event - its likely that 'with infernal standard' and 'with black axe' are subtitles. In the strictest interpretation of the rules they are illegal but I'd wager you wouldn't find anyone that would ban it for these reasons.

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It wasn't meant to be a serious argument that legion of death is illegal, but rather a counter-example to show that GW writers have not, to this point, been consistent about the formatting for what units can be part of different battalions or whether the descriptors mean names or keywords or nothing at all.  It's just one of many areas where the core of Age of Sigmar feels like a BETA with some hastily cobbled together patches stapled on, half of which fix one thing only to break another, not like a complete game or finished product.  Mostly because, it really is.  Hopefully we eventually see a proper second edition published eventually that puts a bit more effort into the fundamentals.

Not that the game is unfun or unplayable as it is, mind.  Just... messy.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 15/4/2017 at 10:06 PM, Sception said:

In that case, the Legion of Death is an illegal formation, because 'Wight King' isn't bold in the list of units, yet there is no unit named 'Wight King'.

Ever said it, as it suits on the new battletone of the Eternal Stormcast. But such it is.


In the eternal stormcast itself there are bold terms that are keywords "paladins" ie and normal words that are names. 

Being allowed at a warhammer world event means nothing. It would be the same as letting use the Carrion Pit warscroll battalion, a pity such it isn't...

There are not such a thing like "subtitles", nor any description about it, so such scratch for the rules doesn't apply. 

Names has to be exactly as they are written , there is a FAQ about it. And Keywords are only Bold ones  written, there is a FAQ about it too.


Doing otherway is a home ruling and it risk to be even quite abusong cause it let do such things onòy on some warscroll battalions and not to all ones, so it's not fair at all

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