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Campaign Idea - Needs fleshing out


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Our gaming group was chatting about a possible AoS campaign idea but we could do with a hand fleshing out the concept.

The thought is to start with a couple of games of WHQ, each player taking a hero of their faction. They gain experience and skills which we'll attempt to translate into AoS abilities. After a couple of adventures, they stumble on a massive treasure, one that only one person can own.

Not being able to easily transport it, they head back to the city, and recruit followers, but each decides to betray the others, and seize the treasure for themselves, leading to a Hinterlands style skirmish set of games as they attempt to jockey for position and secure the treasure for themselves, and a way to safely transport it out of the region.

More and more warriors are recruited, upscalling the games in a Path to Glory fashion, the battles become more intense and bitter, alliances form and fall apart as the players work to head off the one most in the lead (multi-player games are a possibility)

Finally, one person established dominance, leading to a final battle where everyone pours their entire army into the fray to finally secure the treasure.

So that's the bare-bones, but as you can see, need ideas on ways to control the flow, boost the intial characters chosen from the list of valid WHQ characters, and scenario concepts. The intent is to either use this as a time to build a new army, or get your ****** in gear and paint your existing collection

Thoughts and feedback is appreciated!

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Sounds really cool.  I'd be tempted to define the treasure - the initial read suggests that the party discovers a hoard of some kind, which makes little sense as to why they can't split it, or move it.  Possibly something from yesteryear which is constrained in some way to the location?  Would need to be an item that would be wanted by an axe wielding Khorne nutter and regal Stormcast in equal measure (even if the reason for possessing it is to corrupt or use it for sacrifice).

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7 minutes ago, Lucio said:

I'm thinking the treasure is something like a Skyship or realmshifting fortress, that'll take time to power up or figure out, or that needs a certain number of MacGuffins to function

That makes sense, makes it tangible - and a really nice opportunity for a custom piece of terrain.  Could always have different objectives depending upon the armies playing.  So Overseers may need MacGuffins, Tzeentch may wish to extract Dooberies from the mechanisms, etc.

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