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Rotbringes bring Death and Decay


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Can someone tell me how mortal nurgle actually plays on the tabletop right now? Looking at the reduced blightkings boxes at my local and am frothing at the mouth to buy and paint some.

worth mentioning that there are several sylvaneth players in my area as well.

is it worth allying pestilens?

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Mortal nurgle struggles against heavily armored and mobile armies. Sylvaneth is one of the worst mu imho.

Regarding pestilens i think that a mix between daemons, mortals and pestilens could bring at a really strong list, however i am still figuring it out.

Anyway of them the plagueclaw and the monks are really really strong. Priest and furnace are immediately behind and the rest is almost useless (still am doing the maths on censer bearers but i am sure that without the reroll to hit they deal less damage than monks


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A pestilens, mortal, demon list is hard to get the math right. I figured lots of monks, epidemius, plageclaws and glotkin all synwrgize th ****** out of each other. But you need plaguebearers as battleline. 


Glotkin giving monks two wounds and an extra attack is so nasty. My dream is that monks could count within the plagetouched warband so 6's to wound them kick back mortal wounds, and kick back mortal wounds when they die ?

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Plaguebearers or marauders, both are strong choices as battleline.

And even if it is of difficult balance between the units, i think that maybe a mixed list is the strongest option we can get

Still have to try everything.

By now i am really unsatisfied about the plagueclaw. Isn't doing a great job

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17 hours ago, Lavy said:

Can someone tell me how mortal nurgle actually plays on the tabletop right now? Looking at the reduced blightkings boxes at my local and am frothing at the mouth to buy and paint some.

worth mentioning that there are several sylvaneth players in my area as well.

is it worth allying pestilens?

I personally play the Nurgle Rotbringers only. I don't mix with Skaven Catapult things. Sometimes, thanks to sal4m4nd3r I'm summoning some Deamons. Plaguebearers the most of the time.

Mortal Nurgle or Nurgle Deamons are very good. They don't make that high DMG like Ironjawz do, but damn you could absorb some hits. For Example: 10 Brute against 5 Blightkings. After all Attacks 4 Blightkings are alive.

Things you have to know about Nurgle:


1. Very funny  to Play

2. Awesome Miniatures (Like Festus, Glottkin)

3. Most of the Units have a Synergie with each other.

4. Hard to kill

5 Fun to paint


1. Less-Few Dmg-Output

2. Expensive Army (If you want to have some custom made things like I do)

3. yet we don't have an complete Battletome, so we get no stories or new miniatures for now.


I really like the Nurgle Army and the Blightkings. For myself like I said I'm staying "themed" with Mortal Nurgle (Blightking, Chaoswarriors, Plaguebearers, Deamonprinces or Deamons), but I would never run some Skaven. I'm a bit oldschool in that thing. Skaven have nothing to do with the Chaosgods and just why you could do something, you shouldn't do it because everyone does (Skaven Catapults in Chaos lists)

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