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So, since jumping into Age of Sigmar, I've been a pretty big fan of the Destruction faction. Recently, I've jumped around between Beastclaw Raiders, mixed ogors, and Ironjawz, after running a fairly successful mixed army of goblins, orruks, and ogors.

Given the new year, I'd like to ideally pick up a Chaos army at some point (preferably Skaven, once they get their shiny new battletome). That being the case, it means I will need to reduce my Destruction forces somewhat.

Currently, I'm torn between my three armies, so I'd like some community input on which to carry forward. 

Ironjwawz List - 

Gordrakk - 700

Mawcrusha - 520

Megaboss - 140

Weirdnob - 120

Warchanter - 80

Warchanter - 80

Ardboyz (shields) X 20 - 360

Brutes (choppas) x 10 - 360

Brutes (choppas) x 5 - 180

Gores (choppas) x 3 - 180

Gores (choppas) x 3 - 180


Mixed Ogors - 

Frostlord Thundertusk - 420

Huskard Stonehorn - 360

Tyrant - 160

Ogors - 240

Ogors - 240

Ogors - 240

Ogors - 120

Leadbelcher - 160

Leadbelcher - 160

Mournfang Cavalry (clubs) - 400

Thundertusk Riders - 320

Sabres - 120


Pure Beastclaw Raiders - 

Frostlord Thundertusk - 420

Frostlord Stonehorn - 460

Huskard Stonehorn- 380

Hunter - 160

Mournfang Cavalry - 400

Mournfang Cavalry - 400

Yettis - 240

Sabres - 120 

Sabres - 60

Thundertusk Riders - 320


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