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Looking for Feedback: 2000 Points Destruction (Competitive)


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I've posted a few builds on here and other sites and I think I'm narrowing in on something to begin testing next week when my last few models come in. As I've been playing more and learning more about the game I'm starting to question the power of a single Kunnin' Rukk into many matchups, here's what I originally planned on running:

Savage Orruk Big Boss w/ Talisman of Protection

Huskard on Thundertusk

Huskard on Thundertusk

Huskard on Thundertusk w/ Battle Brew

10x Savage Orruks (Choppas and Shields)

40x Savage Orruk Arrow Boys (General w/ Bellowing Tyrant)

1x Fanatic

1x Fanatic

20x Moonclan Grots w/ Spears and Shields

20x Moonclan Grots w/ Spears and Shields

1x Kunnin' Rukk

As I've been playing games with variations of this list at 1000 and 1500 Points I've noticed that Kunnin' Rukk is extremely fragile against other powerful army lists. Kurnoth Hunters, fast Shooting Units, Warrior Brotherhood, Warmachines, and Spells can all pick out the Big Boss and shut down the Battalion Ability with relative ease. The only way to protect the Hero is with LoS Terrain, which isn't on every table and shouldn't be relied upon, or through distance/bubble-wrapping. Because of how fast most things in AoS are, in addition to plentiful long range or speed boosting options available to most armies, range isn't that good of an option. At best you leave a line of stragglers (maintaining 1" coherency) to get one model within 10" of the Big Boss who is hiding in a far corner. Unfortunately this prevents the Arrow Boys from advancing too far or the Hero is put at risk so I'll give up my big target or suffer in Scenario play.

Kunnin' Rukk seems like 260 Points for a one Turn alpha-strike against most armies and occupying some Shooting/Magic. I'm not sure how good of a value that is the more I think about it. In a field where I plan to go against other competitive lists, my opponent will likely have a plan for Kunnin' Rukk because it's a known, powerful list. It also forces me to take either Savage Orruks, which are a sub-par screen and a bit sub-par in Combat, or a 10 Man Unit of Arrow Boys which would do very little and leave me without enough Battleline.

With that in mind I crafted a different list that might be worth some table time:

Frostlord on Stonehorn w/ Battle Brew

Huskard on Thundertusk

Huskard on Thundertusk

40x Savage Orruk Arrowboys (General w/ Bellowing Tyrant)

1x Grot Fanatic

1x Grot Fanatic

1x Grot Fanatic

20x Moonclan Grots w/ Spears & Shields

20x Moonclan Grots w/ Spears & Shields

20x Moonclan Grots w/ Spears & Shields

This list is a bit of a marriage between the popular Beastclaw Raiders armies (Stonehorn + 3 Thundertusks and Grots) with the Arrowboys who are still very potent on their own. It does a bit better on Scenario than the full Beastclaw list because of the additional bodies and it splits up the threat density a bit more. Sacrifices are less Mortal Wound output, less speed, and less healing for the Monsters. Some small side bonuses are that the Triumph is actually useful for this list (1990 Points) when put on the Stonehorn and I get more mileage out of my Artifact, even though I have one less.

I'm typically a bigger fan of armies which have more "business", things that actually fight and do meaningful damage. While I have a lot of points in screen, it's higher quality screen and I'm not bogged down by the other Orruk Unit or the Savage Boss. This list also asks a lot of questions: Can you get through three Monsters and three screens? Can you handle a healing Stonehorn? Can you deal with ranged volume and Wound spam?


Probably a bit longer than necessary but I'm hoping to get some feedback on either list, even if it isn't suggesting improvements. Thinking and talking about my armies helps me get better at the game.

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I really like the second list because you're getting more bodies on the field, the Frost Lord, and another Fanatic to help out your third unit of Grots. And you're getting rid of the mostly useless (in your list) Savage Orruk Big Boss. I think that the Kunnin' Rukk is something that you need to go all in with to make the most use out of (full on Savage Orruk army). Otherwise you're spending a lot of points for a single effect with some points wasted on a tax hero. You're second list I feel is the better objective list if well played, and AoS is Objectivehammer, while it also just flat out looks more well rounded on paper (if you have an OCD problem about such things like myself).

Either way you choose, thanks for sharing!

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Thanks for the feedback! I don't think you have to go full Savage Orruks to make Kunnin' Rukk work but I do agree that it takes more investment and can create a Rock, Paper, Scissors type army. Against opponents that have very little ranged you'll win without much issue but if they can remove the Big Boss, well that's not so good. And very few lists lack good ranged elements currently.

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  • 1 month later...

How did these lists work out for you? I am thinking about mixing beastclaw to get maybe savage orruks or moonclan grots for more units on the field. I am still relatively new to this so not entirely sure what to look at playing around with. Currently I just have the units from the assault box to work with.

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12 hours ago, Gauche said:

I ended up going in another direction with the list but it's still BCR and Bonesplitterz mixed. Won 2/2 Tournaments I've played in so far.

Mind sharing what list you ended up going with? I am thinking about mixing BCR myself, maybe with Savage Orruks or some Grots but not entirely sure as I do not have much experience.



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Huskard on Thundertusk

Huskard on Thundertusk w/ Battlebrew

Huskard on Thundertusk w/ Battlebrew

Savage Orruk Big Boss


10 Savage Orruks

40 Savage Orruk Arrowboys

20 Moonclan Grots w/ Spears and Shields

20 Moonclan Grots w/ Spears and Shields

1 Fanatic

1 Fanatic


Kunnin' Rukk


I've written quite a few Battle Reports on my blog about it if you're interested in those, always trying to improve.

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39 minutes ago, Solaris said:

Why do you go with Battle Brew on the Thundertusks?

My thoughts too. You want to be avoiding combat with the tusks at all costs really. They are mobile mortal wound units, and really dont do much in combat.

Stick the Talisman of Protection on them to protect them from enemy mortal wounds.

In fact, stick a talisman on your savage big boss, he will be targeted asap to stop the kunnin' rukk occurring. 

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The mount is good in Combat and I put them in there way more than you think, especially to finish Units off. Mortal Wound protection wouldn't do much, they can simply target the one without an Artefact and then the Healing goes way downhill so regular Wounds work fine. It's something I considered but it just isn't worth it in actual games. Also many armies have little to no Mortal Wound capabilities that can impact me from ranged.

Running a pure gunline isn't viable with Scenarios, you have to have some melee presence. Battle Brew + Thundertusk has been doing the job so far, usually something gets Charged by 2-3 Thundertusks. They don't do their own thing.

Also no one would ever waste Mortal Wounds on the Big Boss, his only viable defense is LoS and range. I have never had him die because of very careful placement. Putting anything on him is a wasted artefact, if anything can put attacks into him he will die.

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