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seraphon 2000 competitive


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hi all, i have seen in my last tournament at GW this particular seraphon list , what do you think? i hope there are any expert seraphon here because it worked really well:

saurus scar vet (260) 

-command ability 6, artifact 1

skink starpriest ( 100) 

- artifact 5

loremaster (100)

1x4 salamander (240)

handlers ( 40)

2 x 5 chameleon skinks (240) part of shadowstrike

bastilodont (300)

6 rypperdactyl (280)

10 saurus (100)

10 saurus (100)

10 skinks(80)

shadowsrike (120) 

what do you think?^^

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Are there any seraphon players here?i found this list really good the shadowstrike battalion allowed to maximize ryppper power ,they are supported by bastilodont and salamanders shooting, chameleon are fantastic to take objective or to support my scar vet in combat, and scar vet buffed by loremaster and skink starpriest is a killing machine !! What do u think guys?:)

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Hello there !

Haven't tried this list or a list similar to it yet. It definitely seems like fun but will probably have issues to most of the scenarios as the army has to be split in order to score the victory points ? Not sure though, just a guess by reading the list and imagining it in play !

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I play Seraphon!!! :) Although I'm not an expert general or anything like that,  I'll give you my opinion on the list since it's somewhat similar to the list I ran at LVO.

I think Shadowstrike Starhost is really powerful for matched play. My 3 Rippers did amazing things in all of my games and I don't think I'd ever run Seraphon without that battalion. I think it should be a little cheaper and hopefully in GH II it will see a points reduction. I might even consider splitting your 6 into 3 for double bloat toads, so you can cover more area for when you drop in from the sky.

Skinks are great battleline units. If I didn't prefer the look of my saurus, I'd probably run all skinks  (blow pipes + shields) instead. Saurus just don't do that much in close combat, and skinks have the same bravery and marginally worse save to the saurus. The nice thing about Seraphon battleline units is they never run, so you can block or hold an objective pretty reliably. If I wasn't a stickler for having a "themed" army, I'd consider dropping either of these choices for better battleline units like Judicators. 

Lastly, I'm not sure I'm sold on the carnosaur.  He looks awesome, and can potentially get pretty nuts with hand of glory + serpent staff, but I feel like there are better options out there for dishing out close combat power. His battleshock roar thing IS awesome though, you just have to find ways to make units take bravery checks around him.

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You can only put one of the units into the Shadowstrike Battalion. 

The olblood on carnosaur is definitely more potent in close combat, but he also is less defensive and more expensive.  I'm not sure I have a solution to replace my carnosaur in my list yet since there is a lot of synergy that can buff saurus units going on.  He just seems to look a lot scarier than he actually is in the game :).

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 Been playing my Seraphon since last fall.I think as a whole Seraphon are underated by most competative groups due to their weakness to Mortal wounds.The thing is they have a ton of utility.


  The list you posted seems pretty solid.Yes Ripperdactyl`s can easily "Ripp" faces off and often do.I run the Shadowstrike and I can say that 6 of these things can pretty much wreck anything on the battlefield especially if they get the bonus of the Blot toad.They are one of the best single unit Alpha Strikes in the game.With rerolls from their "swooping down" ability,+1 to wound from the Starpriest ability in the Battalion,additional attacks for the Blot Toad,its not uncommon to force 40+ wound rolls onto the targets.


 Now ive been running the Shadowstrike,with a minimum Eternal Starhost then using a Bastilidon for ranged support and a Dread Saurian as a bruiser/distraction.Its probably not top table but certainly a solid mid tier army.And yes with the way I run it,I would get wrecked by a Mortal wound army.However we usually play with a 500 point sideboard so I would probably drop the Eternal Starhost in favor of more Skinks and another Bastilidon when facing mortal wound generators.


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lol no, rippers are ridiculously good, if anything them or that formation will go up in price.


i predict the other things will come down, e.g. heroes, some of the monsters(not bastil tho) and maybe warriors and knights 

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