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Army allegiance abilities stack with Grand Alliance allegiance abilities?

Siegfried VII


So it may seem like a silly question, but here in Greece we played the allegiance abilities in a way that you only get "one" allegiance ability in effect.

So by having a Flesh Eater Courts army you either use the abilitities of the Death allegiance or be able to use Crypt Horrors as battleline, not both.


Now I have watched some battles in Warhammer tv and I heard the guys saying that a pure Ironjaws army for example (that had 3 units of brutes as battleline) could also use the Destruction allegiance ability also and get the d6 extra movement in the hero phase...

So have we been playing the game ina wrong way or the guys had it wrong in that battle?

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6 answers to this question

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"Allegiance Abilities" means battle traits, command traits, and artefacts.

You only get the battle traits, command traits, and artefacts of one allegiance.

Taking units as battleline only depends on having a certain allegiance, it isn't an "allegiance ability".

So, yes, Ironjaws can take brutes as battleline because they have Ironjaws allegiance, then they can use the destruction allegiance abilities.



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But on the page 156 of the General's Handbook it says:

"When your army qualifies for more than one allegiance -e.g. all of the units are ORDER and STORMCAST ETERNAL - you must choose which allegiance your army will use before each game."

So the way I understand it you must choose which allegiance your army will use. It does not say that this is only for traits, command traits, and artefacts.

And the answer of the faq rokapoke mentions is not relevant with the matter...

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I would say that pg 156 is only talking about allegiance abilities — that "which allegiance your army will use", in the context of allegiance abilities, only refers to which allegiance's abilities you will use, not to other benefits from having a particular allegiance.

The FAQ also makes it clear that you can have one sub-faction allegiance, but use the allegiance abilities for your Grand Alliance. I suppose you could argue that this means you can have Ironjaws allegiance and just not benefit from it in any way, but it seems unlikely that GW would go to the effort of "clarifying" such a pointless rule.

I think it's safe to assume that when GW say "you can have Ironjaws allegiance but use the Destruction allegiance abilities", they mean "you can take brutes as battleline for having Ironjaws allegiance, but still use the Destruction battle traits, command traits, and artefacts. Otherwise, what else would they mean?

It's been said before, but GW write their rules in a conversational tone, not an instructional one. You have to infer meanings from context and choice of wording, not just apply a strictly logical and pedantic parsing.

I agree it's a little open to interpretation, though.

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56 minutes ago, BaldoBeardo said:

Reread the Errata; Picking which allegiance you use for abilities happens *after* you pick your list, and it distinguishes between your *actual* allegiance and your Grand Alliance allegiance.


You may be right on this. I haven't thought at the time you choose the allegiance abilities...

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