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Bloodreavers horde


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I have been looking for a horde army as of late, and been going through all armies for the best choice.  Currently, bonesplitterz and zombies are winning in that department. I am wondering if blood reavers are a decent choice(I have a cool army idea based off the scarlet chorus from the game tyranny), for a horde army.   What would you put in a 2000 points bloodbound/khorne theme army that focus on mass bloodreavers (I was looking for at least 100 bloodreavers in 10 men squads).  Thoughts or is this a bad idea? 

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Bloodreavers respond well to buffs and the more you divide them, the fewer single buffs you'll be able to grant. 

It would be better to run them as 30-30-30-10 or something to that effect. Larger units can still daisy chain and attack multiple opponents anyways 

A Chaos Warshrine or two, Dark Feast Battalion, Slaughterpriests, Bloodstokers, Bloodsecrators and Wrathmongers are your friends here.

Otherwise, they're fairly slow and paper thin. 2000 points of Reavers all alone could fall to 1000 points of a Kunnin' Rukk. 

I would convert some Bloodreavers and make a mix of Khorne-Marked Marauders and Reavers, and maybe Marauder Horseman with Javelins. 

Now you have your horde, but there's some speed and a bit more toughness thrown in.

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@Aspirant SnaeperThank you for your advice.  What do you think about this 2000 point list?

Bloodsecrator (120)
Bloodsecrator (120)
Bloodsecrator (120)
Bloodstoker (80)
Slaughterpriest (100)
Bloodstoker (80)

Wrathmongers x 5 (180)
Wrathmongers x 5 (180)
Wrathmongers x 5 (180)
Bloodreavers x 30 (180)
Bloodreavers x 30 (180)
Bloodreavers x 30 (180)
Bloodreavers x 10 (60)

Bloodstorm (140)
Dark Feast (100)

Total: 2000/2000


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I don't think ranged attacks outside of kunnin ruk really warrant spending 180 points and 140 points on a battalion for bladestorm, 140 points for-1 to hit on 3 units is crazy over priced.

You only really need 2 units of wrathmongers, and that 140 points is  a unit of skullreapers. Much better value than a -1 to hit.

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I have taken the advice, and read over the battletone, thus resulting in a conclusion.  I can not see the reason for the bloodstorm sadly.  It cost too much, and would like to have more bloodreavers at the end of the day.  Second about the warshine, I see the appeal, but would like to try the horde appoarch, then try the shine.  My meta very heavy anti monster/behemoth so anything with those key words worries me.  Thoughts on next list?  Also which weapon is better for reavers? 

Bloodsecrator (120)
Bloodsecrator (120)
Bloodstoker (80)
Bloodstoker (80)
Slaughterpriest (100)
Slaughterpriest (100)

30 x Bloodreavers (180)
30 x Bloodreavers (180)
30 x Bloodreavers (180)
30 x Bloodreavers (180)
10 x Bloodreavers (60)
10 x Bloodreavers (60)

5 x Wrathmongers (180)
5 x Wrathmongers (180)

Dark Feast (100)
Dark Feast (100)

Total: 2000/2000

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That's an interesting list. I wouldnt envy you for painting them all but would respect!

The problem you have is that with a horde of infantry, it's easy for your opponent to focus on what threatens them the most, and thats your leadership. 

You're definitely foot-sloggy and slow, and you're gonna lost a lot against nasty ranged armies, but the reavers that do make it into battle will definitely do some chopping. 

I know you seem set on reavers, but some Marauders with shields (even using converted reaver minis!) give you a less-killy but more tank-y horde to play with. Marauder horseman give you some range amd speed and while I know you don't like the shrine, something, anything big and semi/non vital to you to distract your opponent could help your reavers across the board. 

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following on from @Aspirant Snaeper, if you don't like the warshrine, what you could do - and it will give you valuable speed boost as well is maybe look to do a centrepiece model in the form of a war Mammoth.


Chaos Marauder Chie ain: Some
Chaos War Mammoths serve as mounts for mighty Chaos Marauder chie ains who direct their warrior tribes from armoured howdahs on their backs. If a Chaos War Mammoth model features a Chaos Marauder Chieftain in its Howdah, its Bravery characteristic is increased
to 6. In addition, in your hero phase
the Chaos Marauder Chieftain can give orders to a Chaos Marauder or Chaos Marauder Horseman unit within 8". If that unit is not within 3" of an enemy unit, you can immediately roll a dice and move each of its models up to that many inches. In addition, until your next hero phase you can re-roll hit rolls of 1 for that unit. 


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Note: The War Mumak of Harad from the LotR range has been the go-to stand in for the War Mammoth, as that Forgeworld monstrosity was expensive when new and has reached astronomical prices.

It truly is worth taking. Something like that will draw your enemy in and away from your reavers, leaders and Wrathmongers.

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First, I would like to thank you both for being so helpful.  I welcome all advice.  Second, its seems like the mauraders are just better troops then bloodreavers.  I understand this.  The models themselves will be converted to be use as both.  Third, I actually own two war mammoths, and three war shrines, the models are not the issue.  But for some fun, I made a marauder theme list.  Comments welcome, and I need some idea.  I have no Idea what to use for heros(I am not a chaos player normally, but use them from time to time). 

Chaos Sorcerer Lord (140)
- General
- Mount: Steed
- Runestaff
- Trait: Cunning Deceiver
- Artefact: Crown of Conquest
30 x Chaos Marauders (180)
30 x Chaos Marauders (180)
30 x Chaos Marauders (180)
30 x Chaos Marauders (180)
5 x Chaos Marauder Horsemen (100)
- Slaves to Darkness Battleline
1 x Chaos Warshrine (200)
1 x Chaos Warshrine (200)
Chaos War Mammoth (320)
Chaos War Mammoth (320)
Total: 2000/2000


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:o You have two forgeworld war mammoths!


Pics please!!


When you say you don't know what to use for heroes what do you mean? - modelling or warscroll wise?  if its modelling then you can convert anything to be anything hero wise.  The Darkoath cheiftain might fit in nicely here.

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Marauders and Bloodreavers do two different jobs, I wouldn't really call one better than the other. Bloodreavers actually do well against all of the high rend spam the game see's because... well... they don't have any armor save anyways! 

As for Heroes: The Bloodstoker, Bloodsecrator and Mighty Lord of Khorne are all great options, while the Slaughterpriest and Aspiring Deathbringer also bring merits. The Bloodstoker and Mighty Lord buff the charge rolls for both Marauders and 'reavers to give them a hypothetical/possible charge range of 16"(!!!). The Bloodsecrator's ability to ignore Battleshock will keep both Marauders and 'reavers on the battlefield and boosts their attacks, naturally. 

The Slaughterpriest's Blood Boil ability gets units you want your boys to kill to run at them needlessly, and the Aspiring Deathbringer offers another attack to boost them (but it's a fairly small bubble). 

Sorcerer Lord is also a great non-Khorne option to buff Marauders but doesn't do as much for 'reavers since Oracular Vision has no save to boost.


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