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Which Verminlord Would You Choose?


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Hi everyone,

I posted this a few days ago, but I didn't get much success. I think it's because the title was messed up and didn't really make sense. I couldn't edit it, so I figured I'd try reposting. Sorry for the duplicate. If this is posted in the wrong place, please let me know, and I'll move it. 

I am putting together a few 2k Skaven lists. In doing so, I've come across an obstacle as to which Verminlord to use. The issue is that I have 2 lists, one is a less competitive and more fun list with Thanquol and Boneripper, and the other is a more serious practical list based around the Verminus Clawpack. The challenge is that I want to use the Verminlord Deceiver to Skitter Leap Thanquol, as well as for his -3 rend, but it seems like the Verminlord Warbringer is more effective for the Verminus list, with the use of death frenzy and even his Tyrants of Battle Command Ability if I decide I don't want to take Tretch Craventail (I don't have the model, and I feel weird using a proxy. This is the same reason I don't include Sayl The Faithless :( ). 

I've considered magnetizing the Verminlord's arms, but I'm afraid of the huge gap it will leave between the arm and shoulder joint - I don't think that will look too great, but I've never seen it in person and have only seen it in pictures. If it does leave the gap that I think it will leave, I think this will ultimately end up bothering me to the point that I wished I hadn't done it. I also don't feel too great about drilling into my US $90 model. Furthermore, I'd probably build the Warbringer with the Warpseer head, but I think the Deceiver arms look really funky with the large horns. It just doesn't look very, Deceiverish. The Warbringer arms also looks funky with the Deceiver head! There's no winning here! In the end, I think I'll have to choose between one of the two - the Deceiver or the Warbringer. I've had the kit for months now but haven't built it because I'm so indecisive... each day that goes by, I tell myself I'll build the other one. What are your thoughts on this? Do you think the Deceiver is just as viable in the Verminus Clawpack list? Does the Warbringer bring a lot more synergy to the list? 

Below are examples of two lists that I would like to use. As mentioned, one is a less serious mincore that I realize won't perform well in objective based scenarios, while the other is a more all around list that can do well in all the GH objectives, I think? I have a lot of other stuff to include in these two lists, but I think these two are the most efficient from what I have in my collection. Again, my main concern is with the Verminlords. 

Thanks for any input and/or criticism! I'd really appreciate it. 


List 1: The Thanquol and Boneripper / Deceiver list. 


Leaders: 3/6

Battelines: 4

Behemoths: 2/4

Artillery: 1/4

                                                                                    Models, Wounds, Points

·       Thanquol and Boneripper                                                                        13, 500

·       Verminlord Deceiver                                                                     12, 320

·       Arch Warlock                                                                                  6, 140

·       Clanrats                                                                                             10, 10, 60

·       Clanrats                                                                                             10, 10, 60

·       Clanrats                                                                                             10, 10, 60

·       Stormfiends                                                                                     3, 18, 300

·       Warp Grinder Weapon Team                                                       1, 2, 100

·       Stormvermin                                                                                   20, 20, 280

·       Warp Lightning Cannon                                                                              6    180


                                                 Wounds: 108, Points :2000


 List 2: Verminus Clawpack / Warbringer List


Leaders: 3/6

Battelines: 3

Behemoths: 1/4

Artillery: 1/4

                                                                                    Models, Wounds, Points

·       Skaven Warlord                                                                              1, 13, 500

·       Verminlord Warbringer                                                               1, 12, 320

·       Arch Warlock                                                                                1,  6, 140                                            

·       Clanrats                                                                                             40, 40, 240

·       Clanrats                                                                                             20, 20, 120

·       Clanrats                                                                                             10, 10, 60

·       Warpfire Thrower Weapon Team                                                        1,  3, 60

·       Warpfire Thrower Weapon Team                                                         1,  3, 60

·       Warpfire Thrower Weapon Team                                                         1, 3, 60

·       Stormfiends                                                                                     3, 18, 300

·       Stormvermin                                                                                   20, 20, 280

·       Warp Lightning Cannon                                                                                    1,   6    180 

·       Verminus Clawpack                                                                                                       80



Wounds: 146, Points : 1980/2000

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Would love to help you, saw the first post as well, but I haven't played them both, so not sure if I can help. 

From modelling perspective. Maybe build the war-bringer for the competitive list and proxy it as a deceiver until you have the funds to buy a second one?

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@Kramer, thank you so much for the reply! I wish I could afford the second Verminlord, but I've boughten so many things and have so much to paint that I don't think I could manage another Verminlord lol. On another note, there are so many other models that I want to buy, once my budget allows it, I'll probably end up getting something else. 

You know, I'm really reconsidering magnetizing. I guess being able to have all the options would be worth a little gap / sub-optimal model. I'll think about it a little more haha. What do you know and think about Magnetizing? Does it look obvious/bad?

You said you haven't played with both Verminlords I listed, but have you played with one of them or another Verminlord? If so, which do you use, do you like it, and if you had to rebuild it would you build the same one again?

Honestly, I really appreciate the reply! Thanks again!

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2 hours ago, Flood said:

You know, I'm really reconsidering magnetizing. I guess being able to have all the options would be worth a little gap / sub-optimal model. I'll think about it a little more haha. What do you know and think about Magnetizing? Does it look obvious/bad?


I have no experience with magnetizing but I would try it out on something not worth 90 bucks. So I would probably go to a toy store buy a plastic model for 2,50 and see what happens when i try to magnetise that. Lot less risk ;)

2 hours ago, Flood said:

You said you haven't played with both Verminlords I listed, but have you played with one of them or another Verminlord? If so, which do you use, do you like it, and if you had to rebuild it would you build the same one again?


I played the warbringer a couple of times before GHB and so rules might have changed. But I found the 'Tyrants of Battle' slightly limiting. To gain maximum effect the verminlord needs to be between several units. Limiting him in his placing. I found that after the second game (I send him on a solo mission) I fielded him but made a Warlord the general. 'Gnash gnaw on their bones' did well for me and the Verminlord was such a mortal wounds magnet that I used it more as a diversion (thats why he was on the outside) so that while my opponent had to counter it it left the other flank weakend. So he was tacticly good but I think the other Verminlords could do the same. 

All that said, I'm not a tournament player, I haven't played an experienced tournament player since AoS dropped, it was pre GHB and I didn't try them all. So this is nothing more than my experience and so be critical with the information. 

Hopefully a more experienced Skaven tournament player can weigh in. 


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Perhaps @Snoopdom can chime in with some advice here as he uses both the Warbringer and the Deceiver in his 2,000 point army!

They are both solid/nasty and offer different things to your army;

With the Warbringer, Death Frenzy is such a good spell on those Stormvermin of yours and his rerolls are brilliant. He's probably more of an overall support piece and will hang around your troops, whilst still being able to put out solid/consistent damage in combat (thanks to damage 2 & 3 weapons, no worrying about D3's etc).

The Deceiver has lost a little bit of its flair with the rules of one (no double casting Skitterleap combos) and subsequently its popularity has dwindled. It's still a great piece and has plenty of tricks up it's sleeve. Comboed with Sayl and his spell you can still keep him reasonably well supported, but in general he seems to be more of a lone wolf  rat. In scenario play he is great for jumping to poorly guarded objectives and cleaning up for you.

In short; I think they are both good, cool and fun. Not very helpful I know!! :P 

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With the Warbringer, Death Frenzy is such a good spell on those Stormvermin of yours and his rerolls are brilliant. He's probably more of an overall support piece and will hang around your troops, whilst still being able to put out solid/consistent damage in combat (thanks to damage 2 & 3 weapons, no worrying about D3's etc).

Death Frenzy is indeed fantastic as Chris said.


List 1: The Thanquol and Boneripper / Deceiver list. 

I used this at Firestorm Fours last year with Double Deceiver and Thanquol in the sideboard. It was very rock paper scissors and very dependent on surprise factor. Sadly game one was against Terry Pike who had also been thinking along the same lines - so he deployed optimally with all the Plaguebearers and undercosted, broken Skull Cannons (they are different now). I made a mistake of playing too defensively as well - should have YOLO'ed Thanquol and hoped for the best. 

I mentioned to Terry that Thanquol cannot actually cast the VLD's spell (this was well before the Rules of One) since the VLD isn't actually a Skaven - who'd have thunk it?

The problem with your list is 500 odd points of 4+ save. That's just a free win for Sylvaneth single drop armies - 9 Kurnoths and Durthu pop up turn one etc. and shoot him dead - no cover save, no mystic shield - no chance.

Also 13 wounds = 2 Snowballs and one of the 2 Blood Vultures. He's backlining himself to try to survive AND if they roll a 5 or a 6 on Rampaging Destroyers hero phase move he's still going to die since his base is wider than 2" (I recall).


One thing to watch out for is the comedy Bravery Stat of the VLD. Hint - it's not 10. They don't like Terrorgheists as @Thanatos Arescan testify. It just might be Mourngul level fail.

However, all sins are erased by the fact that the VLD has a -2 to hit passive against pew pew. He can literally teleport next to a bunch of Arrer Boyz (assuming he makes the charge etc.) and then they are in serious trouble. Even with +1 to hit, they are hitting on 6s and not exploding at all. With mystic shield up and Oracular Visions you might even survive a round of shooting from a block of 40. 

You have permission to shake your opponents' hand, concede the game and walk to the bar if he gets 2 piece of Damned Terrain next to each other on his side of the table, since they do stack and with +3 to hit, they will delete anything that isn't on a 35/36 save or better.

The -3 rend is as rare in Chaos as it is handy. I'm literally struggling to think of another Chaos unit that has -3 rend (not Skarbrand). Ah yes, an unwounded Chimera on one of its attacks....sigh.... 

I don't think Death have -3 anywhere except on the Necbrosphinx and Nagash (Alakanash). Order and especially Destruction have it in spades.

There are some units that are particularly susceptible to high rend and little else - Nagash being the best example. 

As a non-named character he can get an extra attack etc.. with an artefact.


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My Warlords List - Archaon's Furry Friends

I've not bettered my Archaon's Furry Friends list without resorting to Stormfiends:



Chaos Command Abilities are surprisingly bad with the exception of the Skaven Moulder and Verminus ones. I'm an alpha striker by nature and the Battleplans favoured bodies on the table and heroes, so I settled on the following Verminus army.

1 x Archaon, the Everchosen (1)




1 x Tretch Craventail (1)




1 x Skaven Warlord (1)




1 x Skaven Warlord (1)




1 x Sayl the Faithless (1)




1 x Verminlord Warbringer (Crown of Conquest)




3 x Stormvermin (30)




4 x Clanrats (40)




3 x Clanrats (30)




1 x Clanrats (10)







I cranked the maths on the combo I was planning and it was up in the horrific category. The basic idea was to have a block of 30+ rats moving at 18 inches, flying, with +2 attacks each, an extra point of rend (to open up Temple Guard with the Stormvermin), rerolling ones to hit and wound and 6s to wound doing double damage.
Tretch was the bargain in this list - supplying both the -1 rend and the double damage on 6s to wound. Given that Clanrats get +1 to wound in units of 20 (so double damage on a 5+ to wound) and +1 to hit as 30 or more, a block of 30 Clanrats could do as much damage to a 4+ save unit as the 30 Stormvermin - namely 60+ wounds to a 4+ save. 
In practice some people didn't realise that the Clanrats were any more than a chaff unit.
The final component was the Verminlord Warbringer (who gets a lot of disrespect compared to his Deceiver buddy). Not only did he supply the rerolls - but also Death Frenzy, which turned the rats into Blood Warriors - able to pile in and attack on death in the combat phase - complete with all the buffs! The proper response to the Clanrats bomb was to retreat and shoot. If you had to attack them, then you would shred them, but they would then get another round of fully buffed attacks in. Horrific! Only downside to the Warbringer is his Command Ability was an aura not a fire and forget - so he had to run forward and often died.


Here are the Battle Reports:

It's worth saying that it was a fun army as well. Even when opponents lost heavily, they still killed a lot of my stuff and were still in the game. Definitely Archaon fluffy style sacrifice others for the greater evil.

I'm not sure how it would fare against Husktusks, protected by Fanatics. I think it would depend on whether the opponent committed the Stonelord into combat with the unit of 30 Clanrats pinned by Fanatics in front of it or just lobbed Snowballs at it. Death Frenzy makes it suicidal for almost anything without a super save to engage the Clanrats in melee.

My matchups were spectacularly bad (6/6 gunlines, zero combat armies, two armies with Fanatics, yet the army still fared pretty well. Have you ever even seen a Prosecutor spam army let alone played two at one event....?

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However, all sins are erased by the fact that the VLD has a -2 to hit passive against pew pew. He can literally teleport next to a bunch of Arrer Boyz (assuming he makes the charge etc.) and then they are in serious trouble. Even with +1 to hit, they are hitting on 6s and not exploding at all. With mystic shield up and Oracular Visions you might even survive a round of shooting from a block of 40. 

Scratch that!

I've just reread the Shrouded in Darkness ability and it has the ominous words "in the Shooting Phase". 

Now please read the new magenta answer in the bottom right of page 2 of the FAQ on The Rules (the main one). The logic applied to a deemed movement phase in the hero phase (Free Spirits or Kunning Rukk) would also presumably translate to a deemed shooting phase in a hero phase (Kunning Rukk). Hence, abilities that only work in the shooting phase, don't work in a deemed shooting phase in the hero phase.

As I mentioned earlier:


As far as I can tell, none of the Kunning Rukk Arrer Boy buffs actually suffer from this change (Damned, Bellowing Shout, Reroll 1s to Hit, Spirits Spell +1 to hit, Exploding Attacks on 6s - since none of these are phase-dependent; whereas some defences to pew pew probably will suffer.

For example the Bad Moon Icon of Grots is limited to the shooting phase, so it wouldn't protect Moonclan Grots (+1 save normally) against Kunning Rukk shooting in a deemed shooting phase in their hero phase, but would do so in the later shooting phase.

I hope there's a DoT related reason for this change.

So when the Kunning Rukk shoots the VLD in the hero phase - no -2 to hit, but a few minutes later (actually many many minutes later), in the shooting phase, there is a -2 to hit.


So to be clear - a (justifiable nerf) to the Free Spirits battalion has just buffed Kunning Rukk even more, despite it being the most broken and boring thing in the game (now that they've fixed the theoretical Tomb Herald infinite bounce ward save combo - sadly nerfing Deathlords and all other non-TK Death heroes). They could have just had a question which was specific to Free Spirits and said that the move in the deemed movement phase in their hero phase cannot be used to activate the Forest Spirits or Navigate Realmroots Battle Traits. This solution also wouldn't nerf Dreadwood Wargrove as collateral damage.

Here's what I said earlier on this change:



It's a potential Pandora's Box. Now you need to check every single ability (on your target and on your Warscroll and any external buffs and debuffs) to see if they are phase-dependent or not.

For example Kurnoth Hunters have a (special case) rerollable save from the start of the charge phase (this is Fanatics' temporal realm incidentally) until the end of the turn - so that wouldn't work in a deemed combat phase in the hero phase against Kunning Rukk melee combat. To be fair, that one hasn't changed, but there are better examples elsewhere.

If Dryads hypothetically could do an attack in a deemed combat phase in the combat phase, then their Enrapturing Song wouldn't work.

Wrathbros only give their Crimson Haze buff in the combat phase, so melee Kunning Rukk wouldn't get +1 attacks each in a deemed combat phase in the Destruction hero phase. More significantly, Bloodfury only works in the combat phase, so if you killed the Wrathbros in a deemed combat phase, then they don't get to pick one of your models to attack with.

It's a really major change!

If you get a buff to your run in the movement phase, that wouldn't work if you ran in a deemed movement phase in the hero phase.

It's basically a global nerf to certain combos and a buff to Kunning Rukk, funnily enough the net effect is to buff the least combo dependent army with the best troops in the game, who might that be....

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Wow, what an amazing amount of feedback this has generated. Thanks to everyone! I just want to say how much I really enjoy this forum. I've been reading here for some time but haven't posted until recently. I started playing Warhammer after a very long hiatus, and my brother promised me he'd play with me. Unfortunately, the ****** never does! I am able to get games in at local clubs here and there, but for the most part I have nobody to really throw ideas around with, so this is really great. 

@Nico, thanks for all of the input. As the matter of fact, I've previously read your post on your Verminus list, as well as all of the corresponding battle reports that you've posted herein - I've read that post multiple times actually. In fact, that post is what gave me the inspiration to write and main the Verminus list that I've posted above. You are really one of the sole reasons I want to build the Warbringer instead of the Deceiver. The synergy just seems so worth it, albeit your list is far more nasty. Maybe in future I'll get my hands on mini Archaon and field something similar, with my own twist to be original, of course :). 

18 hours ago, Nico said:

I mentioned to Terry that Thanquol cannot actually cast the VLD's spell (this was well before the Rules of One) since the VLD isn't actually a Skaven - who'd have thunk it?

I had noticed that VLs don't have the Skaven keyword, but it would have been nice to have Thanquol Skitterleap himself, then have the VLD follow behind. My pseudo solution was to Skitterleap Thanquol and tunnel a unit of Stormfiends up to support Thanquol; then possibly Skitterleap something (or the VLD himself) in next turn for additional support. I know it sucks that with only a grinder weapon team, you're 9 inches out and cant pew pew with the Fiend's Warpfire projectors. Although, they'd be there next turn for support for Thanquol. Another alternative is to take a Skryre Gautfyre battalion so the Stormfiends can shoot that turn (I know, expensive as hell to pay 200 points for that; but again, not a very serious list. If I'm already investing in Gautfyre, I may as well bring 6 Stormfiends and do something similar to Terry's Warlords list, or one of those classic Skryre lists. The thing is, I don't want to because 1: I want to find a way to use Thanquol to decent effect, and 2: I don't want to be "that guy." I've been reading a lot about how the list isn't too fun for anyone really, and how it's sort of an attempt at a random auto win. So, I'm trying to stay away from doing that. Using Gautfyre with only 3 Fiends and Thanquol skitter leaped in sounds less "cheesy" and more reasonable. I imagine it wouldn't rub people the wrong way, especially when I lose. In the end, I want to have fun without losing horribly all the time). Optimally, one would bring Sayl the Faithless to fly in support. Unfortunately, I don't have Sayl yet. :(.  I'm working on it though! hehehe. 

9 hours ago, Nico said:

So when the Kunning Rukk shoots the VLD in the hero phase - no -2 to hit, but a few minutes later (actually many many minutes later), in the shooting phase, there is a -2 to hit.

I had read the recent magenta FAQ, but I hadn't yet thought about how any deemed phase would affect VLD in the hero phase. That's a great point that I completely overlooked - thanks for that. That dang Bonesplitterz list that took the Warlords is now even more of a pain in the butt lol, especially for Mr. Deceiver. That -2 to hit was another huge reason I wanted to use him which I hadn't mentioned in my OP. 

18 hours ago, Nico said:

I used this at Firestorm Fours last year with Double Deceiver and Thanquol in the sideboard. It was very rock paper scissors and very dependent on surprise factor.

Yes, I imagine it's a very risky list. To take 820 points worth of ****** in order to Skitterleap Thanquol across the board to his inevitable death only to role double ones is a little painful. Taking Kairos Fateweaver to change a dice to a 6 just doesn't seem quite worth it, as now your investment is over 1k points to do as low as 7 wounds (6 + 1). Plus, if I take Kairos, 9/10 times I'd be using Kairos to change the priority role, and not a D6 roll. Even creating the possibility for that to happen scares me to death. As we learned from the Warlords event, there's a 50/50 chance for that to happen :p. "Definitely not true!" 

18 hours ago, Nico said:

Sadly game one was against Terry Pike

Well, there's your problem! :P

Anyway, with everything I'm reading here, it looks like most are slightly leaning towards recommending the Warbringer. I realize it's been a bit vague because both are good and situational, but from what I gather with the models I have available to me the Warbringer seems to be the way to go. Having played them both, would you agree @Nico? Also, if you had to choose and keep only one Verminlord, which would it be? 

What keeps me scratching my chin about the Deciever is something that @Chris Tomlin mentioned... and thank you very much for that very helpful answer, Chris. The Deciever's Skitter leap seems especially beneficial in scenario play, which is a big reason I wanted him. After all, to win the game, you have to win the Scenario. When I think of certain Scenarios that are so hard to win, such as Blood and Glory, Skitter leap just seems so worth it.

@Kramer, it seems like the diversion tactics alone are worth the 300 points. But as you said, any of the VLs can do that really. The one thing that I'll have going for me is that I'll be using the Verminus battalion, so I'll still get the Warlords Gnash Gnaw, as well as the Warbringers Tyrants ability. So, I don't have to use the Warlord as my general. I gather you weren't using the Verminus Battalion when you made the Warlord your general? The main idea for my list is the stacking bonuses of Gnash Gnaw, Tyrants, and Death Frenzy. Once I get my hands on Tretch Craventail, I'll make him my general and  not the Warbringer. I'll only bring The Warbringer along for that Death Frenzy and decent combat support for the SV. 

I really can't thank everyone enough. This is incredibly helpful, and very enjoyable to read everyones posts. Thank you all for your time, and I look forward to your next comments! :)

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Good points there. Quick response below from me.


My pseudo solution was to Skitterleap Thanquol and tunnel a unit of Stormfiends up to support Thanquol; then possibly Skitterleap something (or the VLD himself) in next turn for additional support. I know it sucks that with only a grinder weapon team, you're 9 inches out and cant pew pew with the Fiend's Warpfire projectors. Although, they'd be there next turn for support for Thanquol. 

The random roll a 3+? on the Warpgrinder to pop up is suicidal. You will lose games at that point.

Despite owning 9 Stormfiends I have no intention of using the double drill Skryre Battalion. It's not as strong in practice over a 6 game event; and it's pretty boring to play and to play against. If you do get to play against Mediocre Joe, then that makes up for it as he's an amazingly nice guy! He's on the Bravery One Podcast with the Hooded Villain Nathan Prescott and I gather some reinforcements.... That show is to be listened to very soon.


Yes, I imagine it's a very risky list. To take 820 points worth of ****** in order to Skitterleap Thanquol across the board to his inevitable death only to role double ones is a little painful. Taking Kairos Fateweaver to change a dice to a 6 just doesn't seem quite worth it, as now your investment is over 1k points to do as low as 7 wounds (6 + 1). Plus, if I take Kairos, 9/10 times I'd be using Kairos to change the priority role, and not a D6 roll. Even creating the possibility for that to happen scares me to death. As we learned from the Warlords event, there's a 50/50 chance for that to happen :p. "Definitely not true!" 

Yes - you could just take 3 Huskhorns and project 6 mortal wound snowballs to up to 2 inches off the enemy's back line. I lost a Fyreslayer hero who had the temerity to stand 3" off the backline turn one in 3 Places of Power vs club mate Max Julian @grunnlock. My mistake for not calculating it exactly.

There's no getting away from the fact that Thanqless is overcosted and hyper risky with the 4+ save. A nice sideboard option perhaps against Ironjawz? He is a very good caster (reliable mystic shield wins games) and his Command Ability has its merits (30 Stormvermin with a 5+ Ward Save and Crown of Conquest for Battleshock Immunity - yes please).


Anyway, with everything I'm reading here, it looks like most are slightly leaning towards recommending the Warbringer. I realize it's been a bit vague because both are good and situational, but from what I gather with the models I have available to me the Warbringer seems to be the way to go. Having played them both, would you agree @Nico? Also, if you had to choose and keep only one Verminlord, which would it be? 

To be honest they are both great. One is a pretty tough buffer hero, which makes a decent hero and is reasonably choppy too. The other is a free-standing mega assassin that usually delivers and is pretty resilient against most pew pew (except Kunning Rukk - sigh). 

I would do some practice games with each or both and see which one you prefer.


What keeps me scratching my chin about the Deciever is something that @Chris Tomlin mentioned... and thank you very much for that very helpful answer, Chris. The Deciever's Skitter leap seems especially beneficial in scenario play, which is a big reason I wanted him. After all, to win the game, you have to win the Scenario. When I think of certain Scenarios that are so hard to win, such as Blood and Glory, Skitter leap just seems so worth it.

The mobility is great. I need to get around to magnetising mine and completing my conversion of a Ghorghon into a Verminlord.

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9 hours ago, Flood said:

I gather you weren't using the Verminus Battalion when you made the Warlord your general?

Completely right, and nice of you to thank everybody for the feedback. so for now happy new year and let us know how your next game with the list goes. 

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