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Starting a new army: Stormcast!


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im gettimg weaker and weaker and soon i will cave in... to buying even more models. I was thinkimg of stormcast eternals this time, and thought it would be a good idea to check here first for some tips. Im aiming at a 1000pts army for starters. I dont have any experience of this army at all, so please feel free to advice me on what to buy and why its the most effective both armylist/gamewise and economically! 


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The Start Collecting Bataillon is a very nice place to start. for its price. It contain around 400 points of models.

There is also a Special Chrismas box that contain tons of models at 50% of the price.

What you should aim is to posess the requirements for 1000 pts matched play :

2 two units of any combinaison of Liberators or Judicators

1 hero of your choice. The Lord Celestant is recomanded and is present in the start collecting box.

There is also the Stormcast pack in the Starter Box Stormcast/bloodbound, but i don't recommand it as you will miss important parts like special weapons that are not present in the box.

For the rest, there is no bad choice, so take what you please the most.

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What Kozokus said, though I only partially agree on the starterbox SE/khorne.. yes you miss the special weapon options from the units but that can be fixed easily with the spare parts you eventually gather anyway from the other sets or loose boxes and it gives you access to the Lord Celestant on Dracoth and Lord-Relictor who haven't been out seperatly yet.

Also if you can find the Expansion box of Stormcast (last years extra box) you get loads of extra units also at discount (like 2 units of judicators)


edit: well actually you can get the lord-celestant on dracoth now with the dracothian guard.. but then you are paying alot and have another model being pretty useless on his own

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The Battleforce for Stormcast Eternals, Sigmars Vengeance is an absolutely amazing deal, giving you £ 208 worth of models for £ 100.

It's a 1100 - 1200 pts force depending on how you assemble your models, and it looks like you'll get all the options you'll need for kitting out your Liberators with special weapons as well as starsoul maces for your Paladins - which is not the case for the starter set.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Combination of the 2 Player starter set and the start collecting box works out well because you get 3 Paladins in the 2 player box and 2 in the start collecting box.  Was almost like they made it that way.


I recently went all out on my starter force.  2 Player set (selling chaos to a mate), Start collecting box, Sigmars Vengeance which is a fantastic deal, even by recent standards, and a couple of boxes of archers/characters etc.


The savings over buying individual boxes is just astounding.  Just wish they would do a "expand your army" box with some Judicators/Dragon cavalry dudes :)

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12 hours ago, DWCScubaSteve said:

Combination of the 2 Player starter set and the start collecting box works out well because you get 3 Paladins in the 2 player box and 2 in the start collecting box.  Was almost like they made it that way.


I recently went all out on my starter force.  2 Player set (selling chaos to a mate), Start collecting box, Sigmars Vengeance which is a fantastic deal, even by recent standards, and a couple of boxes of archers/characters etc.


The savings over buying individual boxes is just astounding.  Just wish they would do a "expand your army" box with some Judicators/Dragon cavalry dudes :)

Lol I did this same thing waiting for it to be delivered:)

I did the math its like 700 dollars worth of models for 300.  Im sure its around the same euro.  Thats not counting the bloodbound in the starter box.  Thats buying with a 20 percent discount I should also add.

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I was looking at this very option of owning/purchasing all three boxes (I already own the SE portion of the 2-player box).  I was leaning towards the Anvils of the Heldenhammer, but I think the dark blue of the Celestial Knights with silver trim may have won me over.  The only thing I don't like are the halo heads of the Stormcast Eternals, even though it fits their anonymous warrior in suit of armor fluff.  I'm thinking of using Space Wolf heads to make them look for feral and individual.

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