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Greenskinz list, is the Big Mob Legal?


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 I am looking to build a list of Greenskinz for  using the big mob .   First is the big my legal?   Second is the list legal?   Then any suggestions on how to play it?

the list is for LVO, and other ITC  tournaments.  I'm still thinking if I want to use the sidebar.   I find that mechanic in the rules pack a little cumbersome.

Thank you

Scott R

Orruk Warboss general shield and choppa on boar (140) 
Orruk Great Shaman (140) 
Orruk Warboss banner (140)

Orruks x 30 shield and choppa (300)
Orruks x 30 two choppas (300)
Orruks x 20 bows (200)
Orruk Boarboys x 10 (200)

Rogue Idol (480)

Greenskinz BigMob (100)
WOUNDS: 127 TOTAL POINTS: 2000 / 2000

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I love Greenskinz - running a 1.5k next week.

Yes, the list is legal, you have all your battleline covered and then some (since you are all Greenskinz, the boarboys count as battleline as well).

You've got your bases covered - the banner warboss, the Rogue Idol. I like your list, it's similar to what I would run. While I like Orruks with bows, I usually only run them in mixed lists to cover battle line, and in units of 10. So my list would probably be very similar, but with 40 2xChoppas and 40 Spears+shield. I would also find room for a wyvern, and maybe a chariot, but that's me.

How to play: smash into things. With the battalion and rampaging destroyers, these guys can move. Keep your banner bearer (and make him your general with bellowing tyrant and talisman of protection) with the 2xChoppas (alternate the command ability on them and insp. pres. - you'll need some foresight there, and don't forget the great waaaagh!), send the shield guys after contested objectives or low rend baddies, send the arrow boys after less-contested objectives and put them on defence. Give a battle brew to your other warboss, and use him as support. Send the shaman with a group, situationally (though he'd be best used putting mystic shield on the shielded orruks.

Now, from what I understand (I can't cite this, but maybe someone else can) is that the compendium battalions are backwards compatible. Meaning, yes you can take "Orruks" instead of "Orcs".

I hope you do well! Come back and report - I haven't seen many reportings on pure Greenskinz lists. It'll be a refreshing break from IJ/BCR.

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These are the sideboard rules from the pack 

Selecting your Sideboard

The sideboard is 500 Points worth of models that can be chosen using the normal rules for army selection for Matched Play, with, the following additions:


Your main army must contain the required minimum and maximum number of Leader, Behemoth, Battleline and Artillery Warscrolls, regardless of your sideboard.
Your Sideboard must be from the same Grand Alliance as your main army.      
If you replace a model with a Command Trait or an Artefact, that Trait or Artefact are lost.  
Any changes to your army will still count towards your allegiance. Once deployed your army must still adhere to any requirements in terms of allegiance requirements, Grand Alliances, Command Traits, Artefacts and Battleline units. This means that if your army has Ironjawz Brutes as its Battleline units, and you swap a Megaboss for a unit of Grotz, then you will need at least two more Destruction Battleline units in order to play. 
Any Command Traits or Artefacts that you do not have the required allegiance for as a result of swapping your units simply become unusable in your game, and your models do not count as having them.                                                                                                                        

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Yeah that's interesting... The only think I would do in your case is have spear orruks to swap out for the choppa orruks against something like Seraphon that can ignore rend. Or have a Wyvern on stand by, just in case, and it'd be easy for you to drop 100 points.

Maybe you do, but I don't have that many models :P

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