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Seraphon advice needed: Ripperdactyl or Terradon?


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It really depends on what she needs for her force.  They each have their virtues.  

Terradons are very good scouts and can inflict damage without getting stuck in combat through their shooting and dropping rocks.  Now they won't deal significant damage but their speed allows them to steal objectives or attack squishy targets like war machines and wizards.  So if she needs a speedy, maneuverable unit that can attack weak units, harass flanks, and steal distant objectives then Terradons are good.  I'd say they'd go well with Saurus heavy armies due to their faster speed compared to the Saurus infantry.

Ripperdactyls have no shooting of course but have the potential to deal enormous damage the turn they charge into combat, especially if you are not using the Rule of 1.  They are, of course just as fast as Terradons but tend to die much faster.  This is due to their need to be in combat; they are glass hammers and will die to the counter attack.  Also their nasty reputation as a blender unit that can mince anything in one round of combat means they take LOTS of fire when they show up.  I feel like they work better in a skink heavy force that is already fast but needs a hard hitting combat unit.

Regardless of what you choose I suggest using them in the Shadowstrike Starhost Battalion.  I love my skinks and I find this battalion is to be incredibly flexible and not very hard to field.  1 Star Priest/Skink Priest, 2 units of 5 Cham. Skinks, and a unit of Terradons/ Rippers and you're good to go.  


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Terradons would fly rings around Ironjawz (minus the Mawkrusha) so they would definitely have a niche to fill.  Especially if you are already winning melee I think the Rippers would be unnecessary.  Terradons could be useful for flanking and grabbing objectives.  Also chasing down that Weirdnob Shaman! :D

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