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Nurgle Flavoured Chaos


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Hi guys,


I'm building up a Chaos force for an escalation league, after initially deciding on Tzeentch I've backtracked, repainted and gone for Nurgle as I feel the models are cooler, the synergy is a bit more exciting and painting the models is more enjoyable. 


So far we're only up to 700 points, which for me looks like this:


Sorcerer Lord - 140 points


10x Chaos Warriors w/ hand weapons and shields - 180 points

10x Plaguebearers - 100 points

5x Chaos Knights w/ glaives - 200 points

The plan is to have a healthy mix of daemons and mortals to where the list looks a bit like this (see attached).


The Daemon Prince will support the daemons allowing them to trigger their 'hero within 7"' abilities. 

The herald will do the same job (why is there no herald on plague drone?) and just act as a reasonably tanky hero for objectives.

The knights will be pointed at squishy units and with DE from the sorcerer hopefully wipe them off reasonably quickly allowing them to then charge again early on to utilise the benefits of glaives on the charge.

I feel like Chaos Warriors are a really strong battleline, and I like the idea of giving them rending weapons, but can't really justify any more points on them for more numbers. The plaguebearers at 20 strong is still a pretty small unit but again I'm not sure I can justifying the points necessary to bolster them. I figure the plaguebearers will be for objectives primarily whilst the CW's will try to get work done. 

The plague drones, other than just looking bombass, will be the fast movers that can hopefully snipe weaker characters/objectives.

I'm umming and ahhing on the Harbinger and Rotbringer sorcerer, the RS is my mystic shield provider, whilst also being cheap enough and tanky enough to be left in deployment on objectives if need be. The Harbinger seems to be a reasonable choice for general, the command ability is quite nice for the mortals, and he's reasonably mobile. 

At the moment I've doubled up on a unit of Blight Kings, though I've seen mixed reviews on them, because a) rule of cool & b) whilst they might not have huge damage output they can do a decent number of wounds, tank some hits and just generally distract from some of the weaker but potentially more useful units that will be going for objectives.

What do you guys think? I'm a bit disappointed in the Nurgle daemon range, especially since I can't bloody stand any of the GUO models available (it's taken me long enough to warm to the Daemon Prince). But although this list was never made to be hugely competitive I feel like I'm ticking enough boxes at the moment. Does anyone have any suggestions for more useful/fun to play units to swap in? 

I do own a Plagueclaw, which if I painted up could replace 5 Blightkings, but I'm so loathe to add just one unit of Skaven seemingly from nowhere (even if the models are switched for Nurglings the keyword stays the same).



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Why is there no herald on drone?!

Lead the army with the Harbinger,

I'd personally drop the dp and the rotbringer sorcerer for a maggoth lord.

If not id still drop the rotbringer sorcerer anyway for a block of 30 plaguebearers , then you've a large block with 10 wounds worth of losses before you start reducing bonuses. very tanky

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56 minutes ago, Arkiham said:

Why is there no herald on drone?!

Lead the army with the Harbinger,

I'd personally drop the dp and the rotbringer sorcerer for a maggoth lord.

If not id still drop the rotbringer sorcerer anyway for a block of 30 plaguebearers , then you've a large block with 10 wounds worth of losses before you start reducing bonuses. very tanky

I am a bit surprised there isn't one, it makes perfect sense, wouldn't require much effort to put together given the models all already exist etc...

i had considered that, I have a bit of an aversion to named characters. My only qualm with dropping the Rotbringer Sorceror for more plaguebearers is I then have no one to cast mystic shield, the Sorceror Lord will always be casting DE and there are no other wizards, perhaps that might be an acceptable loss for the increased tabkiness of the plaguebearers but it means if I lose the unit early on all the others are still lacking the +1 save and I don't have anything to make up for it.

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