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weapon kitbashing


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Hi all. I decided to pick up a box of plague monks the other day, and also the battletome book for them. First off, really am enjoying the battletome and all the fluff that they have in this new age, shame they don't have the general abilities and items like the beastclaw raiders, but hey, maybes in time they will get back to the battletomes and give them mini updates. fingers, toes, whiskers and tails crossed that they do xD

But yeah I'm looking for a little advice. I'm wanting to do some weapon swaps on the plague monks, i saw some of the artist pictures for the different clans and colours and they were armed with little maces and clubs. I think that's a pretty fun look to the plague monks, less of the blades being poisoned for the extra abilities and more like a frenzied panicking swing that strikes hard. staffs are staffs but i can probably add a little bit to them as well.

But as for the hand weapon parts, i'm just asking if you know any kits that would be good to kitbash for the weapons. I have some spare flagellant weapons, such as clubs, and a couple of cat-o-nine tails (like a small multiple whip), but i'm wondering what other weapons would be a good size for them. I thought i best ask here where everyone comes so hopefully i can get a variety from different armies ^^ 


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5 hours ago, Mohojoe said:

What about the old empire peasants kit (Militia or free people or something?)? they had things like pitchforks and maces if memory serves

No pitchforks in the Free Company kit, try zombies (who incidentally have some rather good scythes and crude knives for plague monks). Give chaos marauders, ghouls (for creepy hands and bits of bone), plaguebearers and possibly blightkings (for champions and characters? their gear is rather boutique) a go! :) 

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25 minutes ago, Double Misfire said:

No pitchforks in the Free Company kit, try zombies (who incidentally have some rather good scythes and crude knives for plague monks). Give chaos marauders, ghouls (for creepy hands and bits of bone), plaguebearers and possibly blightkings (for champions and characters? their gear is rather boutique) a go! :) 

Good call!


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sadly getting the parts from the free company kits is a little hard now that they have been discontinued ^^:;;

the flagellant kit seems like a good choice, lots of little bits like scrolls and tomes, maybes the clanrat kit as well for some of the hand weapons. getting the bits is a little tricky right now, lot of bit shops not stocking what i wantxD

i'm slowly working on the colour scheme as well. i'm going to go for brown robes, and a second colour. not sure what yet, either a brighter green. the scheme would be robes would be brown and the hood the other colour, and then reverse it for units with the same weapons. i'm guessing since i'm going to need a lot of models it might help to be able to tell them apart. 


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