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Transitioning paint systems.


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Hi all,

So, if y'all recall, at around the same time GW overhauled WFB into AoS, they also overhauled their paint system.  I sat down the other day to finish up a Bret knight that had been sitting half done for ages, and cracked open my newly purchased tub of Caliban Green to do it - having been assured CB was the "new version" of the old Dark Angels green.

It isn't.  It's darker, bluer, less transparent, and doesn't mix in the same way that Dark Angels green did.

This is obviously something of a first world problem, but it's a problem none the less (in part, it means half my orks are going to look different than the other half).  Any tips on how people manged the transition from one set of colours to another, and / or where to find actual substitutes for the old colours?


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You'll not want to hear this but when they brought in the new system I restarted my Space Wolves entirely.  Bloodbound were easy as I didn't start painting anything until May so had plenty of the new ones.  You could look at Vallejo Game Color for specific colours (personally I've found the finishes to be a little hit and miss though).

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