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Hey guys! Just wanted to throw it out for those wondering that there is support for AoS in Southern California! Our club The Chupacabrahs has several players who are all in on AoS and are looking for other players to interact with. Hope to see some people coming out of hiding soon so we can enjoy this awesome game. 

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Hi Austin,

Good to hear AOS is not totally dead in Socal.  Think we met briefly before at a warhammer gathering Jason invited me along to in culver city about a year or two ago.  I was the Brit wondering around watching the games and looking out of place :P

I'm a warhammer player from a long time back but got back in during the End Times and now excited for the hobby/fluff side AOS but not really played much yet.  Also the past few years have been crazy with work and life so have a lot of painting to catch up on.  Slowly finding time get more painting in. 

Would be interested to hear what your club is upto and maybe get involved.


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Really want to get into playing some AOS more regularly.  Unfortunately San Diego is a little far for me to travel (I'm Santa Monica based) due to Family commitments, especially on a Monday.  But I will join the facebook group in case anyone wants to play closer to home.



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