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Dryads at 1000 points


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Starting to collect a Sylvaneth army, aiming for a 1k build to start off with. Just wondering if its worth any dryads at 1000 points? Seeming you can summon them with a branchwraith, i was going to field 2 units of 5 Tree revenants as my battleline instead, then summon dryads.

i Have this list in mind.


Treelord (General with ignores -1 rend trait and Oaken Armour Artefact

5 Tree revenants

5 Tree revenants

3 Kurnoth Hunters - bows or scythes

3 Kurnoth Hunters - bows or scythes


Any pointers?

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If this is your list buddy then unfortunately you can't summon in Dryads:

Branchwych (100)

Tree-Revenants x 10 (200)
Kurnoth Hunters x 3 (180)
- Scythes
Kurnoth Hunters x 3 (180)
- Scythes

Treelord (260)

War Machines


Total: 920/2000

Anything you summon you have to leave a gap for in your points. So if you ditched a unit of Kurnoth Hunters, you'll have a total of 260 points available for reinforcements. 

They could be dryads or anything else that will fit in that gap. Summoning is mainly useful for deploying units in key locations. But since you run the risk of your wizard being killed before summoning and since your units can appear from any forest, you're much safer just deploying the dryads as part of your list and having them appear from a Wyldwood. 

In my experience, Dryads are excellent when kept in a wood but still delicate. Make sure you remember that they are -1 to hit. Add in the Treelord with his stomp ability for a total of -2 to hit. They can cause some real problems. 

What you could do with your list is roll the Revenants into a single unit of 10. Quite often 5 dont do enough damage to kill off warmachines or heros which is what they should be great at.

Also ditch a unit of hunters for 2 units of dryads. As the dryads will be able to score objectives better than the hunters due to their large numbers. 

Also with the Treelord, Branchwych and Revenants you can buy the Household battalion. This allows you to equip an additional magical artefact so consider swapping the branchwraith for a wych. The wych's spell combined with Throne of Vines and The Silverwood Circlet artefact can do horrendous damage when she's sat inside a forest with a Dryad Bodyguard around her. 

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Another thing I've noticed too is that it's better to defend a forest than charge through it. I place my forests in charging lanes and camp within them or just outside. That way if an opponent wants to charge me he has a chance to lose models on a roll of a 1. Against Hordes this isn't super scary for your opponent. But for Stormcast or Ogre players it can be. 

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It's also worth noting that although you can make the Treelord the General he isn't a leader so cannot take an Artefact. You can give him a Trait though. In this instance, you're wasting an artefact by having a battalion and only 1 leader (BranchWych)

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Taking your advice, here's a revised list:



20 drayds

10 tree revanants

3 kurnoth hunters with scythes.

i actually feel more comfortable with this as dryads have that big mob and the tee revenants can spirit walk closer to artillery etc and have enough models to sustain some wounds along the way. 


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Just the Branchwych unfortunately! As @Bowlzee pointed out that the Treelord isn't a LEADER or a HERO. 

But wider than that, Branchwraiths, Branchwyches, Treelord Ancients and Spirit of Durthu can take them. 

Alarielle and Drycha can't as named characters are unable to take command traits and artefacts. 

But you are on the money with Gnarled Warrior and Briarsheath. It makes the Treelord Ancient almost un-killable aside from Mortal Wounds. 

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I'm not too sure about traits bud, because I usually do what you were planning on doing with Gnarled Warrior. 

But I always give my Branchwych the Silverwood Circlet and Throne of Vines. Throne of Vines to get her adding an extra D3 to her casting and unbinding rolls, and Silverwood Circlet to make her Area of Effect spell affect all models within 15" rather than 9"

It's also handy for a 24" Arcane Bolt too. 

For traits, maybe the Gift of Ghyran, so she heals d3 wounds each turn. It could be useful since she really ought to be inside a Wyldwood with a body guard around her. 

Unfortunately because she has to cast Throne of vines one turn, and then can start doing some serious damage the next turn she works a lot better as part of the Gnarlroot Wargrove which enables her, the Treelord Ancient and the branchwraith to cast two spells a turn. 

At 2000 points this is what I run:

Treelord Ancient (300) - The Reaping
- General
- Trait: Gnarled Warrior 
- Artefact: Briarsheath 
Branchwych (100) - Throne of Vines
- Artefact: The Silverwood Circlet 
Branchwraith (100) - Regrowth
- Artefact: Moonstone of the Hidden Ways 
Battlemage (100)

Dryads x 20 (240)
Dryads x 10 (120)
Kurnoth Hunters x 3 (180)
- Scythes
Kurnoth Hunters x 3 (180)
- Scythes
Kurnoth Hunters x 3 (180)
- Greatbows
Kurnoth Hunters x 3 (180)
- Greatbows
Tree-Revenants x 10 (200)


War Machines

Gnarlroot Wargrove (80)
Household (20)

Total: 1980/2000

The order wizard can be taken as part of the Gnarlroot Wargrove and he has a great list of spells that you can choose when you deploy him. Usually I go for Lifesurge which gives me an extra D3 heal in my list as well as a 6+ save against wounds. But he also has the option of granting +1 to wound in combat to a unit or to make an enemy unit -1 to hit. Which with the dryads -1 and the Treelord Ancients -1 and potential -2 in combat is a real help in the army. 

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18 hours ago, RossMHoward said:

Sylvaneth are a nightmare at 1000 points. You're either 60 points over or 80 points under haha

Here's some Ideas :)

1x Durthu (400)

2x10 Dryads (240)

1x Branchwych (100)

1x Treelord (260)


1x Treelord Ancient (300)

1x Branchwych (100)

2x10 Dryads (240)

2x3 Kurnoth hunters (360)


1x Treelord Ancient (300)

1x Drycha (280)

1x3 Kurnoth Hunters (180)

2x10 Dryads (240)


The first list is really easily built with the start collecting box, plus an extra treelord box. it's the frist Army I had, and the 2 big dudes (especially Durthu) are a blast to play.

the second list, is probably the most competitive one at a thousand point (at least that I've come across so far)

the third is just about the drycha love. thinking about taking hunters with bows, to have a really strong ranged, with both them, drycha and ancient.

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