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Konfused over Allegiance and Battleline


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This came up today at my tournament and I keep seeing this on battle reports etc. Also there doesn't seem to be anything in the FAQ's regarding this specifically.

If I pick Ironjawz allegience I can then take Ardboyz, Brutes and Gruntas as Battleline. Now it specifically states in the Generals Handbook that If I qualify for 2 allegiances I have to pick one. Therefore if I want to have the Allegiance Destruction battle traits, command traits and artefacts I HAVE to restrict my battleline to Orruks or Grots etc... (from another Destruction table).

I never see it played this but it seems black and white in the handbook. I find the same issue with Flesh Eater Courts except we are double restricted as we have to make a general out of our courtiers, and the Allegience Death stuff is far too good to pass up.

Is this the case? am I right?, looks like another legacy hangover.


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