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New member from Tampa, FL


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Hi everyone new here, I last played Warhammer like 15 years ago (40k) and Fantasy probably around 18 years ago or so (5th edition).  I recently picked up Age of Sigmar after reading some backstory on the Flesh-Eater Courts and having the General's Handbook come out, and I've only played two games thus far but it's not that bad and I'm slowly starting to enjoy it more  I'm a ridiculous nerd who enjoys really reading about the fluff, listening to podcasts about games I play and staying with the "spirit of the game" which I fondly recall from the days of yore, but I also have that competitive bent and want to show what I can do.  AOS is still growing in my area, we have a few people at our local GW but no more that I'm aware of (it's mostly a 40k bastion).

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Sounds like we have a lot in common in terms of gaming philosophy.


What shop are you hitting up?  I'm down in the Parrish area myself and am looking to expand my own AoS circle.  Unfortunately, the only shop in Sarasota is a joke and the closest Tampa shop might as well have put wards up against AoS, the way the Kings of War converts talk about the game.

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I mostly go to the GW in Wesley Chapel (so not quite Tampa for it, and that's about an hour or so from your area), because I'm not aware of any other shops here that have AOS going on.  I heard that Critical Hit Games in St. Pete has it, but that's a bit of a drive for me, and there's a Hobbytown USA by me that has tables but I never see any gaming going on so I have no idea if they do anything, and if I'm right about the Tampa shop you're talking about (Armada?), I very rarely see Warhammer going on there either but I mostly went there for Warmachine.

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I am talking about Armada.  Great shop.  But GW as a whole seems to be regarded almost as a cheating ex.  Good War Machine and Kings of War crowds, though.

Critical Hit is a good shop, but if there is actually an AoS community there, I somehow always miss them.  And Serenity Games is also a nice shop, but no AoS presence.

And nothing in Sarasota worth talking about at all.

Does the shop up in Wesley Chapel have enough activity for me to justify the drive?  Or do they host events at all?

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17 minutes ago, Criti said:

I am talking about Armada.  Great shop.  But GW as a whole seems to be regarded almost as a cheating ex.  Good War Machine and Kings of War crowds, though.

Critical Hit is a good shop, but if there is actually an AoS community there, I somehow always miss them.  And Serenity Games is also a nice shop, but no AoS presence.

And nothing in Sarasota worth talking about at all.

Does the shop up in Wesley Chapel have enough activity for me to justify the drive?  Or do they host events at all?

They have people there every weekend it seems (they're closed Monday and Tuesday and generally open until 7pm other days), but I don't go every weekend to know for sure.  They are a nice bunch but seems to be mainly 40k, although there are a few AOS people including myself (as with all recent GW stores though, not a ton of room but 3 tables).  Jonathan, the store manager, is a great guy.  We have a Facebook group that people frequently use to coordinate, but events are few and far between.  This weekend is the store's 1 year anniversary and there are going to be small games of AOS and 40k (Kill Team for 40k and I have no idea, some AOS-ized Kill Team I guess) all day long.

I can't speak to if it's worth the drive or not for you (I'd say at least once though, like oh say this weekend the 1st :)), it's not a bad little shop by any means, suffers from the same small one-man location like any other GW store though.  It does really suck that AOS isn't that popular in this area, because it seems like its loads more fun than 40k, but as you are aware not many of the stores here seem to do anything but 40k, which I am getting into also but I am feeling AOS seems more fun and balanced right now.

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Can't make this Saturdau.  Daddy Day Care while Mommy peddles her wares at the farmer's market.  Do keep me in mind and let me know when the next event is, though.


I will say this too...I just picked up the 40k Kill team boxed set... actially looks to be a lot of fun.

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4 minutes ago, Criti said:

Can't make this Saturdau.  Daddy Day Care while Mommy peddles her wares at the farmer's market.  Do keep me in mind and let me know when the next event is, though.


I will say this too...I just picked up the 40k Kill team boxed set... actially looks to be a lot of fun.

Will do :) I know the store wants to have events and such, just it's one of those things to try and get the community behind them, since a lot of it is 40k players who want to pretend they're hardcore competitive.  If I mainly decide to focus on AOS (I tend to be very wishy-washy about what I want to do and when) I'm going to try and pitch more organized events and campaigns and such, I'll also keep an eye out if any of the generic game FB groups I'm part of mentions anything about AOS elsewhere.

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