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Combining Destruction and Bonesplitterz abilities


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I am not sure if this was posted before but couldn't find the answer so here goes:

I am planning to use 2 units of savage orruks for battleline in destruction army. It will be in Kunnin Rukk battalion (I think I am allowed to do that, no?) so I can get an extra magic item for heroes (later on I plan to add Teef Rukk - because it is also quite easy to build and paint for another item).

The main question is: can I combine abbilities from Kunnin Rukk and Destruction? Kunnin Rukk alows me to move(shoot, pile in) in the hero phase, and so does Rampaging Destroyers. Can I use those 2 together? So for example I could maximize my movement to d6"(rampaging Destroyers)+2"(Ravager)+movement"(kunnin rukk) and all in the hero phase. Is this correct?

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Yep, you just get the Destruction allegiance abilities, not the Bonesplitterz ones.

Until I paint those hundreds of Savages I have to deal with Destruction Alliance... I have 3 armies started:

Moonies waiting for the book..

Fimirs waiting for Dirach warscroll..

Savages waiting..to be painted.

Have to develop all of them in small pieces

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