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2000 competitive Skryre


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On 29/09/2016 at 0:38 AM, Terry Pike said:

Clan Skryre Stormfiend Warpfire spam has been knocking around the UK scene for a few months now. It hasn't won anything or even come in the top 10 from what I can remember. Its not competitive by any means as it will only really ever win 4/6 games at an event, which is not really enough to place anywhere what I'd call 'competitive'. It has some terrible matchups and suffers in some of the scenarios. Sure you'll wreck games and table opponents, but you'll score 0 on sports if the event you're pushing this list at has any sort of soft scores involved.

I can see the clan Skryre formation being comped out pretty soon over here anyways so its something people probably won't have to suffer for much longer.

I'm sorry but I find this post a bit confusing.

On the one hand you're saying Clan Skryre is 'not competitive' (it hasn't won top 10, has terrible matchups and suffers in some scenarios) but then you say it would score 0 for sports and will 'probably be comped out' so that people won't have to 'suffer for much longer'. 

Some legitimate questions:

If its not competitive, why would it be comped out? 

What won't people suffer much longer? Do you mean they won't have to suffer having an easy win against a non-competitive list?

There genuinely seems to be a lack of congruence in what you're saying. 

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52 minutes ago, Dorash182 said:

I'm sorry but I find this post a bit confusing.

I'll break it down for you may have misread or not understood what I was saying as you mentioned before English is not your primary language.

44 minutes ago, Dorash182 said:

If its not competitive, why would it be comped out? 

Because in general people on the tournament scene are having no fun in playing with or against this list.

45 minutes ago, Dorash182 said:

What won't people suffer much longer? Do you mean they won't have to suffer having an easy win against a non-competitive list?

People don't want to play games with zero player interaction where in some scenarios the formation can be used to auto win.

46 minutes ago, Dorash182 said:

There genuinely seems to be a lack of congruence in what you're saying. 

Things don't have to be competitive in order for them to be comped out. This is one of the first real netlists created for AoS that multiple people are copying. Getting 0 points for sports comes from it being a non-game, a pointless game and quite often a game that is over in under 20 minutes. It happened at the FaceHammer GT this weekend and it resulted in both people not having a good game.

Are you using it to smash club gamers or actually running it at any tournaments?


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12 hours ago, Dorash182 said:

I'm sorry but I find this post a bit confusing.

On the one hand you're saying Clan Skryre is 'not competitive' (it hasn't won top 10, has terrible matchups and suffers in some scenarios) but then you say it would score 0 for sports and will 'probably be comped out' so that people won't have to 'suffer for much longer'. 

Some legitimate questions:

If its not competitive, why would it be comped out? 

What won't people suffer much longer? Do you mean they won't have to suffer having an easy win against a non-competitive list?

There genuinely seems to be a lack of congruence in what you're saying. 

Dude, please mind your language and tone. I find the topic of this thread interesting but you do come of as having a really bad attitude and you´re more then a bit rude. Please keep to the positive spirit of this forum.

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42 minutes ago, Ratatatata said:

Dude, please mind your language and tone. I find the topic of this thread interesting but you do come of as having a really bad attitude and you´re more then a bit rude. Please keep to the positive spirit of this forum.

I was going to say the exact thing in my follow up post.

The original poster has posted a netlist and is asking for lists that can beat it. Multiple options have been presented and work, yet they have been met with rude "my army is awesome it will beat everything" responses.

Bloodbound, Fyreslayers, Nurgle, Skaven, Bonesplittaz all beat this list. Basically any horde army and more importantly any horde army that has mortal wound saves.

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Why is a negative tone being inferred?  I am asking legitimate questions in the spirit of free inquiry,  and told that  its somehow offensive. Are people not used to direct questions? I cannot find where the negative "attitude" is being picked up from. Perhaps most people are just used to abject nastiness on the net and so this is being applied to what I am saying? I plainly gave reasons and asked questions, I haven't used any insults or name calling whatsoever. Why the opposition to free inquiry?


More legitimate questions, and please keep your imaginations contained and don't infer a negative or salty attitude, but merely open and straight forward questions:

What do you mean I posted a netlist? Not being amongst the net crowd until now I haven't ever seen this list. This is simply my own list that I constructed using the Generals Handbook and my Chaos Grand Alliance Battletome. Ive then posted it and asked for actual feedback on what can beat it. Ive refuted a suggestion (ironjawz) that was admitted by the poster that it was a baseless proposition. Then Ive asked you to explain your "straight up wreck" comments further than your reliance on passing every 50% chance roll. Somehow I have attitude because Ive asked for explanation? Who are you, guy? I don't know you from a bar of soap. Am i to assume because you said it will 'straight up wreck' it that this is based in a deep fountain of knowledge? How do I know you're not basing it on whims and desires? I don't. Therefore I ask. Then im accused of attitude in a toneless environement.


Why is this forum so immediately toxic?


Time to eat some humble pie mate and accept that you've been giving me undeserved attitude for no good reason.


If you disagree, quote me where I said "my army is awesome it will beat everything". You claim several of these "rude responses". Ill settle for you quoting one. 


And to the other guy what do you mean mind my language? What language did I use? I didn't swear. Is it just directness and genuine questioning that triggers these responses? Never seen a forum or met anyone in real life who cannot be asked direct questions.


What a bizarre experience this forum has been. 

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I'll just add in case I'm silenced because of plainly speaking that its an unfortunate and intellectually-destructive notion to promulgate the virtues of groupthink and self perpetuating reinforcement of your own views by others within the in-crowd of your own bubble.


It seems that you give each other upvotes and the upvotes give you a sense of righteousness, which however unfounded leads to more likes from an Emperors New Clothes style fear of exclusion. I wonder if this is the case?


Try opening your mind to the possibility that Im not in the 0.0000001% of AoS worldwide gamers clique that you're aware of. Open yourself to the possibility that there is many people of all walks of life and that your limited (on a worldwide scale) experience may not be absolute and omniscient. It may not apply to me at all. Open your mind to the possibility that yes I did indeed create my own list, Ive tested it a little and would like to see reasonable arguements as to its pitfalls. 

Now realise that when you look at my posts there is a distinct lack of that which you accuse.

And if you want to be intellectually honest you could apply the following test: are each of my questions actually asking for some sort of answer? You'll find that they are and that you really jumped the gun by making assumptions of my intent, without knowing a thing about me. 


Again, perhaps you're Popularguy#9374 on forum XYZ and this is more important to you than being intellectually honest with yourself or others. But I dare you, try it, its refreshing to admit a mistake. 

If this level of maturity is too much to be expected from this forum's frequent posters then I guess i'll say adieu

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On 23/09/2016 at 0:57 PM, Dorash182 said:

So, basically, theres nothing that my list can't deal with. It seems (ive only proxied it once) that i cripple my opponent after the first turn of shooting but if i win priority its game over for sure

You have no experience with this list other than a proxy game yet tell everyone who gives you actual real game answers about how this list actually plays on the table somewhat sarcastic answers.

On 24/09/2016 at 5:52 AM, Dorash182 said:

I see. I would give you first turn. Then id kill all of your special stuff, if i win priority id kill your chaff too, if i lose priority ill kill a few of your chaff, then in my turn i kill the rest. Can you tell me what in particular would prevent this? Have a look at the Clan skryre warscroll battalion too

As above you have no knowledge of how this list works on the table top, you are not considering terrain, your opponents army, who your opponent actually is and what sort of tournament environment this list is being played in.

On 24/09/2016 at 9:19 AM, Dorash182 said:

Im not proud of the Skryre list, but it does seem fairly unbeatable. I posted here because i was curious if there was some major flaw or way to beat it that I havent thought of, it turns out there isnt.

The list is fairly easily beaten by larger model count armies, something which multiple people in this thread have pointed out to you. Again which you have either answered back in what comes across in a rude manor or just flat out ignored what information they have provided you.

On 25/09/2016 at 3:58 AM, Dorash182 said:

Ah so just a typical biased explanation. Of course you'd pass every single save because its 4+. 

You're entire threads worth of messages are biased towards this list you are wanting to play with.

On 25/09/2016 at 11:57 PM, Dorash182 said:

I think this is the issue, I don't see why you're so assuming of victory considering this. 

You haven't played a single competitive game with this list as stated on page 1 (only 1 proxy game) and are assuming victory in every argument people have presented.

So in summary: This list is not competitive, it is not fun to play against on the table and it can be countered by a great selection of armies, which have been mentioned multiple times, they are: Bonesplittaz, Stonehorn heavy Beastclaw Raiders with 4+ mortal saves, Nurgle armies, Skaven chaff armies, Bloodbound armies, Death chaff armies, Moonclan and probably a lot more I'm not thinking about right now.

10 minutes ago, Dorash182 said:

It seems that you give each other likes and the likes give you a sense of righteousness,

I only like content which is a) relevant b) actually adds something to the conversation c) makes me laugh (in a positive way)
If you put across a good argument I'm sure you'd be getting liked content as well.

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5 hours ago, Bowlzee said:

@Dorash182 you have a point, didn't find any of your comments had attitude.

I'd ask everyone to keep to the topic at hand. If you have an issue with a comment to report it to a mod who will review it. Leave replies about the actual topic.

Im actually just curious to find answers to my questions, its proving a little frustrating how many assumptions are being made of my intent simply because I've chosen to post on an internet forum.

I guess thats the thread. Thanks for any genuine responses!

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