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Heya from Leicester!


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Hi There :)

I'm Jess but you may know me as Phil, I have a youtube channel which is mostly focussed on Age of Sigmar stuff, which I upload to now and then when I actually have anything I want to show off or review. You may also have seen my instagram @jewelknightjess

I've been playing AoS since day one, having always been put off by the sheer amount of rules in WHFB, but I've been collecting and painting since the mid 90s. My favourite armies are Wood Elves for classic Warhammer, and Sylvaneth in AoS but I also have a few other AoS forces built over the last year or so including Nurgle and Stormcast. I play at Warhammer Leicester and Tabletop Tyrant/Gifts for Geeks, mostly with my beloved Treefolk.

My biggest part of the hobby is still painting, and I love to share my work and see what other people are painting or modelling, I think it's really exciting and a lot of fun to share tips and experiences. Feel free to chat to me about any aspect of the hobby.

I just found this place after listening to the Heelanhammer Podcast which I had fallen a little behind on, but I'm really glad to see a thriving community and couldn't resist joining up.

Outside of the hobby I like videogame RPGs, chocolate and Red Dwarf :P I eat too much chocolate though, and am currently trying to fix my diet and lose some weight!!

I'm in the earliest stages of gender transition male to female, currently mostly living as Phil but awaiting my first gender clinic appt. So if you see me around, it'll probably be as Phil for now. But feel free to say hi if you see me at my local haunts with my Sylvaneth!

Lastly I'll leave you with my rendition of Alarielle from the gorgeous new Sylvaneth release. I actually struggled to paint her, it was the biggest model by far I'd ever attempted and I don't think I was mentally prepared for the challenge!


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