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1000pt tournament list advice(khorne bloodbound)

Warchief Varard

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Going to a local tournament this weekend 2 day event, super excited to take my bloodbound.

Narrative campaign with quest rewards/quest objectives undisclosed until day.

Some matches are 1v1 some 2v2 and some 1v1v1v1

But having trouble squeezing all my toys in at 1000pts.


This is what ive come up with;


- Aspiring deathbringer (general)

- bloodsecrator 


- khorgorath 

- 20 bloodletters 

- khorgorath 

- 5 wrathmongers 

- 40 bloodreavers 

= 980/1000

What i own?

Above +

- mightylord of khorne 

- bloodstoker 

- slaughter priest 

- khorgorath 

- 10 warhounds

- warshrine


I know there will be beastclaw raiders, iron jaws, ghoulcourts, trees and 4 SCE........ :(

Any changes or advice to be had by this knowledgeable community?

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I'd switch out one of the two khorgoraths for the bloodstoker.  You're going to struggle when it comes to getting your army across the board, likely loosing most of your bloodreavers.  Being able to add 3" to the run or charge should help get into combat that bit quicker.

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My list is by no means tournament approved, but here's what I had come up for in regards to 1k Bloodbound:


Aspiring Deathbringer - General +1 to Attack for Reavers

Skull Grinder (but in your case, you could substitute the Bloodstoker in for him, as I had planned to do in non-tournament play). Potentially doubling the wounds of Reaver attacks. Bloodstoker would helps on the charge and wounding, of course. 

Bloodsecrator +2 to attacks for Reavers, +1 to everyone else. 

Slaughter Priest Only ranged damage or disrupts enemy lines. 


Blood Reavers (20)

Blood Reavers (20) 


Wrathmongers (5) +1 Attack to Everyone

Chaos Warshrine Re-roll hits (3+) and 6+ "FNP"


Are your Reavers equipped with reaver blades? If so, the Chaos Warshrine might not be the best take aside from providing the redundant "Totem" in case your Bloodsecrator falls. War Hounds would give you good chaff and could help control where your enemy goes and how long it takes him to get there. (If using my list as a basis...) Replacing the Warshrine with the Bloodletters and maybe the Bloodstoker with Warhounds could boost your control and survivability without impacting the total lethality of the Blood Reavers that much. 



Aspiring Deathbringer - General


Slaughter Priest


Blood Reavers (20)

Blood Reavers (20)


Wrathmongers (5)

Bloodletters (20)

Warhounds (10)


10 Blood Reavers could, if in range and with the dice gods favor, pump out 60 attacks (re-rolls of 1 to hit with reaver blades if you have them). Thus, if all 40 are feeling choppy and in range, you have a hypothetical 240 attacks to work with. Meanwhile Bloodletters hunt for hero's and Warhounds go where you need them most (Summon heavy opponent? Put them in that hole in your line to prevent something from popping up where you don't want it. Fast and charge-y enemy? Send them on intercept to buy you some time. Skarbrand wants to grind his axes on your men's heads? Tie him up for a turn with dog fur and prevent him from getting his supercharged rage mode from not being in combat). 

Make sure your army is synergistic with each other, especially the Reavers of course. 

This, sadly, is all untested theory and mostly mathhammer though. Just trying to inspire. 

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