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Field of Blood, 6 Armies


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Here is my first mini battle report in the Realmgate War section. Hope you enjoy (and pardon my English).

The match took place at SteamWhale Miniature Game, a small local store in Bangkok, Thailand, with 6 participants.

House rules -> Measure from Bases. Aside from the instruction of Multiplayer Rules, we used Match Play in conjunction with standard rules.


Multiplayer Play - Triumph & Treachery: Field of Blood

6 Players, 1000pt Game

“Several armies converge on the same battlefield, each one determined to control the area by cutting down their enemies and holding the centre ground. Within moments, a bloody conflict erupts on all sides.”

The area of the centre ground is placed with a holy relic, of which the power unimaginable; the relic of holy spirit that one who possess shall rule an empire.

There are 5 armies converged on this battlefield in front of a mighty city of The Empire (like the Pellennor Field) and near a small village of the old Duardin.


Upon hearing of a potential threat to the Duardin, Lady-Celestant Hoshiko "Starfang" command her elite troops from the Warrior Chamber along with her Dracothian Guards to deepstrike lightning strike in between the Skaven army and the Dwarves, hoping to protect them and help out the empire.

The 6 armies in this battle are:

  • Stormcast Eternals - Hammer of Sigmar
  • Old-world Duardin
  • The Empire
  • Orruks - Ironjawz
  • Vampire Counts
  • Skaven

In the South-west lies the Duardin Village, which the Hammer of Sigmar soon to strike down.
In the North stood The Empire led by the mighty General on Pegasus, ready to drive back the Ironjaws and their leader Gordrakk.
The Skaven army rushed to take control of the centre field where they can absorb power of the relic.
The cunning Vampire Counts led by Mannfred stood still and wait.


Situation Report from the Southwestern Battlefield

Reported by Lady-Celestant Hoshiko "Starfang"

The first turn that Stormcast Eternals struck down in front of the Duardin Village, they got volleyed by the angry Dwarves. Hoshiko did not know why but turned her army back to 'negotiate' with the Dwarves. But amid anger and fury, the Dwarves led the charge into the battleline of Stormcast. In hope of defencing her men, Lady Hoshiko led her guards to charge back crushing the dwarves.


"What the **** is going wrong here ... We're supposed to drive back the Chaos!"

The Dracothian Guards wiped out the dwarves warriors easily and hurried too deep and charged the centre of the dwarves crossbowmen.

But the cannon is now loaded and ready to fire.


Liberators who survived the fury of dwarves tried to rush back to take out the cannon, which was aiming at their Lady and her guards, but it's too late. With a single shot, the dwarf cannon took down all of the Dracothian Guards.


Hoshiko desperately charged Thane, the leader of the insane dwarves, hoping to end the nonsense battle once and for all.

While Lord-Relictor is praying behind the battleline, he was ambushed by hordes of Clan Rats.
And while his hammer knocking down the rat one by one, Stormfiend fired all of their weapons to the poor lord, sending him back to heaven.


The battle in the South-west ended tragically with all of the Stormcast Eternals including Lady Hoshiko herself went back to heaven, and swear an oath not to trust the Duardin ever again! (She doubt this might be Chaos Dwarf rather than a good one. But he never heard of it in the old world. Or maybe this is the beginning of Chaos Dwarf in 40k?) The Duardin Village, however, was left unharmed, though there were only 2 heroes and a cannon left.



Situation Report from the Northern Battlefield

Reported by Lord Garrant, The Tiger Wing

It begun when the freepeople got a message from their spies deployed around their mighty city. They braced for Ironjawz army led by Gordrakk, the Fist of Gork and a few 'Ardboyz, little green monsters with heavy armour. The Orruks army was slowly moving toward their city to destroy it all. Lord Garrant, the Tiger Wing, Leader of the freepeople rode the mighty pegasus led the elite troops of the Silver Blot along with the Greatsword units and swordsmen battlelines to form the defence.


The grand armies are about to clash with might. The giant maw and orruks whose bodies was 5 time bigger than men charged madly through the centre of defence line. Amid the sound of battle drum echoed in the battlefield, Lord Gallant commanded their swordsmen to brace for the charge. But before the armour and steel clashing, the sky darkened. Orruks looked into the sky before seeing the rain of arrows showered down upon them and struck through the gap of their armour. The Greatswords did not hesitate and jump to slay their enemies. In just a few seconds, the 'Ardboyz became corpse under the courage of freepeople.


"Aim .... FIRE!!"

But just as they shouted gladly, the hugh dragon came into prey and tear all of the swordsmen in pieces. The lord gave his command again and the rain of arrow, 80,000 of them (in fact, only 80, but that's a lot of arrow anyway) accurately (2+Hit, 3+Wound) pierced and struck all available skin of Gordrakk, transforming him into a big porcupine.

With a lot of firepower and momentum, now the Army of Tiger Wing is now ready to hunt down the Death and reckless Rats.


Situation Report from the Centre Battlefield

Reported by Thane David of the Duardin Village

Mannfred, the Lord of the Dark who stood still since the start of the battle saw the great opportunities when Skaven send Stormfiend and Clan Rats to ambush Lord-Relictor. He sent Terrorgheist to nag the rat army and the crossbow line of the Empire, hoping to buy some time so that they can take control the centre ground. Too unfortunate, Terrorgheist accidentally flew through the rain of silver arrow and turned into flying porcupine (i.e. they fired countercharge with reload).


As the rats and the death were now learned the fearsome of the freepeople, they are now unwillingly formed a temporary alliance to take hold of the centre and north ground.

But the force of Tiger Wing do not stand still, they advanced their Silver Arrow line and hunt down Mannfred mercilessly. Mannfred had to hurried back to his castle. (i.e. he's shot dead. But fluff-wise, he cannot be dead, right?)


Now Thanqual on the Boneripper and his Stormvermin who took control of the centre ground had no choice but to swiftly advanced in and rain down the mortal wound to the Silver Arrows.

2 turn passed, Thanqual with his Boneripper turned into another porcupine and Skaven were in the edge of wiping out.


But Skaven had taken control of the relic of the power since the beginning and never let go. They gathered power of spirits enough to begin their plan to rule the realm.

Skaven won the battle. The city and village were left unscratched though, and the hope of the mankind was still exist.

The next battle is going to be tough ...


In short:

  • Stormcast Eternals and Dwarves killed each other without a good reason and did not pay attention to the battle around them.
  • The Empire army is pure lethal, taking down 3 armies, Chaos, Death and Destruction, single-handedly.
  • Skaven won the battle by only 2 points from the advantage of holding the battleground. While Empire got most of the points slaying generals and heroes and incurred the most wound.

This was an exciting and intense fight. I look forward to the battle of this scale soon.


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