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Large infantry blocks


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Looking at building 3 units of either 30 or 40 skellies for my army.

i am yet to play AOS but does it take to long to move large infantry blocks now that there are no movement trays and ranks ?

love the look of large infantry blocks but will it annoy me game wise or are there tricks for the movement phase?

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Moving lots of infantry is the slowest thing in the world -- at first. Once you have practice with it you'll speed up, and if your opponents are veterans as well they won't mind a bit of movement flubbing in the interests of speed.

Having played Imperial Guard for a decade, I find most people will be cool as long as the front row of models doesn't move too far.

Movement trays can still be a thing if you like! I literally made a half dozen yesterday to move my skellies and zombies around on, I just made them smaller so there are multiple trays for one big unit; three for a unit of 40 skellies, for example. 

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Do you mean three units each comprising thirty or forty models?  If so, that seems like rather a high number to me, depending on the size of the game you're playing.  I found units of twenty to be sufficient, or would have been had I not messed up my battle plan.  I suppose pushing unit sizes to thirty would be okay, but forty strikes me as too many.

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I've played at a tournament with a 40 block of skeletons... It sucked moving them, maybe I need practice, ended up just pushing them in a blob across the table and fixing them upright while my opponent was doing his turns, wasn't very cinematic, but it was really good in combat. Can't think of anything scarier then being charged by 40 skeletons with a Wight King buff, and dance mccabra.

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